This was posted 8 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price Mother Earth Peanut Butter 380g $2.50 @ Woolworths 11th Jan


½ Price Mother Earth Peanut Butter 380g $2.50 @ Woolworths Starts 11th January

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closed Comments

  • +24

    I make the best chicken satay sauce with this peanut butter
    6 table spoons of this, maple syrup and soy sauce
    bit of ginger, basil and sweet chilli sauce

    over the saucepan and mix until it's mixed together.


    • +12

      Sounds good, mine is

      Cook crushed garlic and onion in some peanut oil
      Whack in some coconut cream ( 1 tin)
      3 tablespoons PB, mix through for 5 mins then add

      Soy sauce and fish sauce to taste
      A bit of sugar to finish off….
      I whack some chopped up chili in for the grown ups and serve on some green beans, julienne carrots,rice and deep fried tofu.

      Yum`o Gado!!

    • +8

      'OzBargain Cookbook' say what…

      • "The Niggard's Fare"

  • +1

    Another peanut butter to try. I mean to try all in the market, when they are on special - in the past, just stuck with kraft and sanitarium. But some OzBers have said some of these other ones are better.

    • +2

      You have got to try Mayver's. Nothing but peanuts and a little bit of salt. I eat it by the spoonful.

    • +1

      This one is decent, though a little drier than I like. My personal fave supermarket peanut butter is Pic's, which is ridiculously delicious and oh so easy to finish a tub of. NZ-based that uses Australian Kingaroy peanuts (hi-oleic). Expensive though, at $7.50/380g and generally only ever up to 20% off at coles/woolies ime, but worth it.

      • Well, will wait for the 50% discount. And if none comes after a while, maybe I will fork out even at 20% discount :-), just to try and compare. Thanks.

  • +4

    This was at NQR in September for $1ea and I bought 5 - still a great deal for $2.50 and would recommend!

    • +4

      Still awaiting NQR in NSW …

      • +2

        Fingers crossed for you mate. Saves me so much and while the jaw dropping bargains of yesteryear are gone with NQR, there's still a few diamonds in the rough.

  • +2

    Major thanks will be stocking up. Hopefully exp date well in the future and not old stock!! 😅

    • +2

      Use by 28/9/17

      • +1

        Excellent 😁

  • +1

    I sometimes buy mayvers roasted peanut butter (90-something% peanuts, with a little salt), can anyone compare the two in terms of flavour?

    • +1

      The jar in my cupboard says 99.5% nuts

      • +1

        That's nuts.

    • Mayvers has less natural sugar compared to this one. 4.1g/100g vs 5.5g.

      Why? I have no idea.

      • They use different peanuts I suspect.

      • +1

        Possibly because Mother Earth peanut butter spreads are made with hi-oleic peanuts, which has supposedly better for you as they have a higher monosaturated fat content, whereas Mayvers uses just normal peanuts?

    • I use both interchangeably, but Mayvers is 100x nicer IMO. Flavour is better with the Mayvers but Mother Earth version spreads a little easier.

      Mother Earth Is made in New Zealand with imported peanuts (possibly China) whereas Mayvers uses Australian peanuts.

      Holding out for Coles 1/2 price Mayvers deal (as per Jan 2016) again!

      • +1

        The attached picture in the catalogue says it's made with Australian peanuts.

        When I last checked a few months ago, it said it was made from imported peanuts, which was a deal breaker for me, as who knows where it's imported from.

        I will definitely buy this as an alternative to Mavyers, especially at 50% off.

        • Thanks for mentioning the Aus peanut origin, I was baulking when I saw the imported peanuts (possibly China) comment. Will check anyway.

      • I bulk-bought the Mayvers last time, sorted for a while yet :-)

  • +1

    Again! Sweet - only got a couple left of the dozen I bought last time

  • Mother earth brand, MUST be good for you. How much RDI % salt is in it? :P Anyway, will prob buy.

  • Will the chia one be on special too?

  • +1

    My dog will love this haha

    • +2

      It's not cheating, cause it's your dog.

  • +2

    I noticed that the content dries up towards the last bits prior to finishing the bottle. I would suggest mixing the oils (usually accumulates at the top of the jar) into the peanut butter every time to prevent using up the oils that keeps it moist.

    • +1

      Yes I noticed that too compared to my favorite natural peanut butter Sanitarium.

      But for $2.50 I will buy a bunch. Still good. Crappy jar though, worst of all the brands.

    • +1

      or store the jar upside down

      • This is a terrible container, no way would I store it upside down.

  • Just finishing up my stash from the last sale, time to stock up, thanks OP! :)

  • +1

    If that's a glass jar, then it's a super bargain!

    • +1

      Nup it's not

    • Do you make your own jams?

      I try to get glass jars if economically possible :)

  • I normally get Aldi Bramwell PB jar which i think are around $2.50 each, might give mother earth a try this week as well.

    • +1

      That is not a natural peanut butter, it contains vegetable oil of who knows what type and sugar. Its junk food.

      Aldi, of course, does not sell a natural peanut butter.

      This is just peanuts and salt (which I would prefer was not added)

      • +1

        I did notice that it contains vegatable fat along with salt, sugar and 90% peanuts. I didn't think vegatable fat would be such a big deal to be honest

      • This. But really, peanuts are the worst of the nuts for your health, but can't stay away because it's so yummy. Almond butter is much better, but who can afford that :/

        • All in moderation my child.

      • +1

        if something exists, then it is natural by definition: "Natural" is the worst of the marketing tricks/scams on food labelling.
        Also peanut butters are from roasted peanuts and some (5%) added vegetable oil would just make it better for the arteries.

        • +1

          You are mistaken.

          "Natural" in peanut butter means just peanuts and maybe a little salt. It does not contain other oils.

          Normal peanut butter not only contain vegetable oil of unknown type, which means it is the cheapest nastiest available at the time. The added oil is HYDROGENATED.

          Hydrogenated oil is not heart healthy. Normal Peanut butter is junk food. Natural peanut butter is a health food.

        • +1

          Gotta love all those "natural" cars I see each day, existing on the roads as they do…

        • Natural means there's no add melamine.

        • +1

          "if something exists, then it is natural by definition"
          Well. Kim Kardashian exists, but …

        • +1

          @SamR: Settle down. No need to go nuts!

  • Good product I buy this on special all the time. It's new Zealand made

  • Throw in a tablespoon of this in my shake. Good stuff

  • -2

    What about that guys:is there mouse fur in your peanut butter? Insect parts? Could be. The FDA says peanut butter can have no more than an average of one rodent hair per 100 grams.…

    • There's always one

      • I've never found the rodent hair, you've always found one?

        • if you find it you would be the winner!

        • +1

          @Ciccillo: F'yeh! Golden Ticket

    • Not to worry. That peanut butter with mouse fur is saved for the USA where the FDA rules apply.

  • +5

    Mayvers leaves this for dead, IMHO. Especially the Mayvers dark.

    • Mayvers was $2.50 a month ago too. Regular special.

  • +1

    That's nuts!

    Thanks OP

  • +1

    I like the Mayvers brand, its nice too and all natural!

  • Serious question. Been having Kraft ones all my life. What am I missing out?

    • The massive investment to experiment is worth it.

    • Way better tasting peanut butter, once you get over the big difference in sweetness..

      Though once you do, you won't want to eat kraft any more as it just tastes like someone put too much sugar in your peanut butter

  • If you have not tried this one its the best peanut butter in the world, and I have tried many brands
    Its called JIF, It comes in smooth or crunchie, its not cheap though.

    You can buy it from ( in Moorabbin.

    At the moment its only available in crunchie for a 28oz jar, there stocks change all the time.

    This shop is a proper supermarket that has heaps of other American products.

    • +1

      The one you linked to contains


      I am not saying it does nto taste nice, if you like that sort of thing, but it is not the same thing as the Mother Earth product which contains nothing but peanuts and salt.

      Also if you are trying to infer in any way, any way at all, that American products are a leader in healthy products I say LOL.

  • Bought the chia seed ones from the last sale, but didn't like the texture at all. Too gluggy and sticks to your tongue and inner mouth walls. Very hard to swallow.

  • +3

    Here's my haul from last time:

    • Is there a reason behind storing them upside down?

      • oil floats to top (which means bottom of the jar)
        easier to mix up and not end up with dried out peanut butter towards the end of the jar

        • Interesting. I have the Kraft peanut butter and I leave it upright - there's no visible oil layer on the top though.

        • @tastycheeks:

          That's because kraft peanut butter isn't just peanuts..

  • -3

    Let's get fat !!!

  • +1

    You can take a jar or any container into a shop here called Natures Works (natural food shop) and make your own peanut butter (crunchy or smooth) - it's pure ground up peanuts. It's surprising just how much natural oil is in peanuts. Price comparison is on par with a supermarket peanut butter on a half price special. Look out for this facility at any good health food shops :)

  • Shopped this morning and surprise there was no stock. Thankful for the rain check x1 jar that they gave me after getting a supervisor to see if I could have one. Hopefully others have had better luck

    • Which store

      • Wetherill Park NSW

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