How much data does gaming online with an xbox one use per hour?
Can you game using wireless home broadband (Vivid / Optus)
Will 200gb be enough and is unlimited worth $29 more?
Hi all,
With all the Xbox deals currently I'm curious to know how much data you use per month playing xbox / the amount of hours you play online to go with this (probably excluding big game dls).
I'll probably end up playing maybe 4hrs online per week.
I'm looking to change to wireless home broadband in the future…
Vivid Unlimited $89
Optus 200gb $60 (Bundled)
Will 200gb be enough and do you think 12/1 mpbs or 10/1 mpbs speeds can handle playing online? (i'm assuming i will get full speeds as i live 300m from a 2300mhz enabled tower). - from everything i have heard ping should not be a problem.
I'm currently using 50-60gb per month on a 3 mpbs down for everything else (yes this is my current speed…kinda scared usage will go up with increase in speed).
Gaming doesn't require much data. It's the game updates and downloadable content that might kill your quota.
Another thing that you will have to live with is high packet loss and high pings. This makes most FPS games unplayable.