• expired

Domino's Pizza 40% off Delivered or Pick up (Excludes Value Range)


40% off code is back, valid until 13/1.

Reminder if you are ordering a traditional pizza and your store charges $13.95 or higher then it's cheaper to use a $7.95 code below, there is also a $5.95 Hawaiian code.

*Conditions apply. Online Only. Excludes Value Range Pizzas. Discount applies off menu price pizzas

Other codes/deals (all expire 15/1/17):

  • 438249 - Hawaiian Pizzas $5.95
  • 416125 - 4 Topping Mogul Pizzas $7.95
  • 213588 - 2 sides for $6
  • 817358 - Traditional Pizzas/Chef's Best $7.95

Edit 12/1: 3 Pizzas + Garlic Bread + 1.25L Drink $23.95 Pickup is a good option for those wanting 3 pizzas and sides.

Edit 13/1: $4.95 Pizzas at Richmond VIC this weekend.

For all codes see: OzBargain Pizza Page

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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closed Comments

  • 40% only valid for 1 day……

    • Better than nothing.

      I'd never pay full price for a tiny domino's pizza, but I've been spoiled with all the 40% off codes lately. Cheers Hamza!

  • Just ordered at Holland Park, Brisbane. Thanks!! :-)

  • New code for today added 977826, expires 10/1/17

  • +1

    New code for today added 279184, expires 11/1/17

  • New code for today added 901118, expires 12/1/17

  • I see that they sell malt thickshakes now for $5.95 but if you accept the two sides for $7, you can modify the order to get two malt thickshakes for $7.

    1 X SUPREME $7.77 5464KJ
    Thin 'n' Crispy
    Add Cherry wood smoked leg ham Add Garlic Sauce Add Sliced Roast Chicken Breast Remove Mushroom Remove Oregano Remove Pineapple
    TOTAL $14.77

    Since the two thickshakes should be $12, it makes the meal cheap

    Just tried the thickshakes, they are both very nice, would recommend.

  • -1

    New 40% off code for today added 845822, expires 13/1/17.

    If you are near Richmond VIC, see this deal for $4.95 pizzas.

  • How can you even contemplate of having a pizza in this heat?!

    • It's not hot in Melbourne

  • Anyone in NSW try 845822 yet?
    Tried in postcodes 2009 and 2760 and it's only coming up as 30% off…

    • same for victoria =(

  • Just tried at my SA Newton store and it was only 30% off.
    I used the $7.95 coupon instead.

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