100hz FullHd Smart tv
Panasonic 50inch
Expire 9/1/2017
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About 10left in Costco Auburn
Panasonic 50inch FHD Smart TV $589.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)

Last edited 08/01/2017 - 16:33 by 1 other user
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Samsung 554k ku6000$979.99
why don't you put those deals in the first op?
A premium quality FHD TV with better contrast, color and motion handling will blow a entry level UHD TV out of the water for anything other than 4K content.
As someone who owns a good HD Plasma, and a Hisense M7000 4k TV, i have to say this is not entirely true (though for the most real world use cases today i agree). There is quite a bit of 1080p content that upscales on my Hisense to 4K and looks better than on the Plasma. Of course, it needs to be a good quality source with decent bitrate. HOWEVER otherwise yes source quality below that does look better on the Plasma, and also sports i reckon the Plasma still has the edge. Unfortunately mine is dying (panel was replaced 3 times, grrrr) hence why i bought the Hisense.
Haha i get neged for truth speak. Weaklings.
Yeah, I gotta agree. The jump from DVD quality content to blu ray is so much more noticeable compared to the jump from blu ray to 4k blu ray. I'd take a 1080 panel that can display better quality image from a 1080 panel anyday
For around 500 bucks I doubt this tv is premium tv
especially when quality 4K TVs are a couple hundred $ more and better brand and better.. everything i.e SONY 4K 8000d
I would take panasonic anyday over sony
I wouldnt. Not these days when they don't even produce their own panels. You don't know what your buying.
Panasonic TH50DS610U.
Lol you're popular
Lol and you negged me haha…
Yep and me too lol.
Is all good Habib, the Costco fanbois are thick and fast in this thread in trolling ans shilling anyone that dares speak a bad word against their beloved.
Absolute psycho's IMO, that deserve to get ripped off.
Or $593 at Videopro including free delivery to most areas (https://www.videopro.com.au/p-9595-panasonic-viera-50-th50ds…)
Anyone actually got this TV that can comment on it?
Yep, crappy menu but good sound and PQ. For the money a steal.
I'd rather steal it then =p
How is the smart tv/internet browser? It's a big concern for me because for whatever reason even when you buy a 2k+ tv at times they chuck in like a $5 processor making it a lot laggier than you expect. Hopefully they are getting better at it nowadays
I'm thinking of getting this for my parents, and those two are the top priorities for them
That would be good for those who don't have a Costco nearby, that means most of Australia.
Any idea what VideoPro are like for after sales service?
Too bad Panasonic stopped making their own tv panels
Who do they use?
LG and others, they still make the "smarts" of the TV themselves i.e. image processing etc
Is Costco actually worth it? I tried waking in to one today and got kicked out cause I was a non member! (Load of crap, I want to see the prices and range/quality/brands before I pay for a membership!)
Pick up the catalogue? I would say if you like buying in bulk, or like buying big ass portions of things (like a massive amount of cheese, or meat, or big ass cakes, anything really), then yes. Otherwise, no.
Catalogue doesn't accurately represent their bloated Australian pricing.
Bulk buying isn't that cheap either btw.
When did you go? normally they do not check member card on weekend or you can just walk in with a group on people.
You can pay for membership and refund imediately
Np you can not!
Tried, failed, they stated my reason "inferior range and pricing compared to their parent company" was unacceptable.
American manager even had the gall to openly laughed and mock me.
They ARE absolute scum and to further validate that, I decided to give them a second chance, as I desired to buy something as xmas gifts from them, they refused to sign me up, as I have no fixed address.
There's only one form of marketing that insists upon your personal details, one that plans to resell it !NFA? Make one up… you get a card on the spot and they only communicate (monthly specials) via email.
I thought this silly anti-Costco talk had gone away 4 years ago… I go there at least once a month and save at least the $60 annual fee on groceries and petrol each time I go.
Oh …and most stuff has a lifetime warranty, just return it for a refund… you just have to remain a member, which ensures your buying history is stored. They refunded/replaced recently a set of faulty jumper leads I bought 3 years ago.
and when they seek proof of your address?
Do I just make up I.D on the spot as well?Calling it silly is nothing more than a deliberate dismissive attempt to negate inconvenient truths.
Lifetime warranty, for only $60 a year, and you're not able to see the problem with that?
Good luck to you.
Pay your membership, if your not a fan, then get a full refund
Yes - petrol alone makes it worthwhile (for me at least, in Canberra where it's not too much of a hassle to get there)
Really not worth it unless u have a big family, buying for a business. Those that buy everything there aren't really saving that much in the long run as they tend to over purchase, consume and throw out / waste on perishable, consumable or food that goes bad or exceeds use by dates which happens when u buy in bulk. Whilst its good to be able to shop there once or twice a year to stock up on stuff u cant get or happen to be cheaper than normal retail its not worth the $60 for the 1 or 2 visits a year. In that case find a friend and go with them as a visitor to get ur fix.
To be honest, I dont even know why they have a guy at the door, its not like you can buy anything without a membership card. If you got one you show it, if you dont, you tell them you're interested in signing up. I really think the guy at the door could be put to better use like maybe manning another register?
One thing that sucks about Costco to the uninitiated, is the queue times are abhorrent and downright unacceptable. You pay $60 for the right to shop there, then you're expected to wait a while ¬20-30mins to actually buy anything in there. Aldi had this issue and they're working on it, its better then its been. You dont need to pay for the privilege to shop at Aldi, you do at Costco. Costco need to close this gap as I cant hate queuing to buy anything there.
Dont even get me started on the parking situation….
As for this deal, plenty of competition in this space, surprised Costco hasn't offered a UHD panel in this price range.
guy at the door to stop ppl who coming in, spending their time shopping and realise they can't actually pay for it at the check out and waste other people time.
if you hate queuing, just shop somewhere else. it always get busy during festive seasons but otherwise average queue time, I dont mind. The only reasons ppl buying things there is to save money and many people do.Whether u save or not depends on what you buy (don't buy). There's heaps of stuff that's cheap (mainly American stuff) and you will save and then there's a lot of stuff that is not cheaper at all (i.e. Local stuff and fruit veggies). All perception of value is lost when members are inclined to spend up because they are committed to a membership. It's a great business model they have going.
@Gavman: not really, no one forces you to buy things that are cheaper else where. NOT everything is cheaper of course, it is up to you, you're the shopper.
It's a great business model because it works.
I'm not inclined to spend because I have membership & I'm not stupid to buy things that I know I can get cheaper at Coles (nothing to do with local stuff or American stuff, I really dont know how you come up with that comparision.@mcp2kpro: many don't and arnt stupid but believe me that many do though because your there already and the fact that u pay to shop there puts many in that mind frame that "well I pay to shop here Midas well get it here" even if shopping around would be a cheaper option. It's human nature to justify ones decision for being a member in the first place that they actually got value out of it where by using ur membership (spending money) increases ones justification. Many ppl I know sign up to costco and the next thing you know they've spent $600 in one hit on stuff they wouldn't normal sought out because the opportunity to buy things readily available and can be so enticing to those that have a shopping bug and the fact that shopping and using their membership justifies becoming a member in the first place. Again not everyone falls in this catergory but I know many do and it's every bit the reason why it works for Costco
@Gavman: It's not Costco fault human nature like to shop and many don't make a right decision. To put things in perspective, any retailers out there will marketting to get your money one way or another.
At the end of the day, costco will refund you anything you purchase there if you're not happy, regardless of its condition, even including membership. It's a win win.
For other people just buy thing just cos they are inclined to, I have no comment. I don't blame Costco however.@mcp2kpro: who's blaming Costco. If anything I'm praising their business model but at the same time commenting on a their marketing strategy that is every bit deliberate in driving sales and has been so successful all over the world. Take it for what it is. The cluey will be in tune to these signals but it also ensures for their sake that many of their members have already made an involved decision to spend up big in a shop before they even enter it.
Time for bed at first glance I read what you wrote it said you tried wanking, realising thats not right i re-read it this time it said whacking oh well zzzz :P
same price at Harvey normal!
factor in the membership its a crap buy
Harvey Norman actually $5 more.
membership is refundable.Tried refunding it?
All I'm going to say, is good luck with that!Dont assume things you know nothing about. I have refunded many things, including food that i opened the package and ate, no problems. Membership I havent, cos Im enjoying the member benefits.
Oh, so your comment is irrelevant to mine, as you're yet to actually successfully refund a membership?
Oh dear, you're wasting your, mine and everyone else's time, once again!
Congratulations.@086: hmmm it looks like you're wasting everyone else time with all your comments. But whatever, congrats to you too.
Hmm, you've got nothing to backup your claims sir..
And how are they a pyramid scheme?
Costco is not cheap for a lot of things. I would not do my weekly shopping there. I only buy things with the yellow highlighted discounts or if the price ends in 97 I might consider it, but doesn't necessarily mean it's cheap.
I've seen the uneducated spend up large there for stuff you could find cheaper at the major supermarkets. But they still think they're getting a good deal. Try to limit spending on white ticket items and you'll be fine. I laugh quietly inside whilst at the checkouts when I see people paying more for basics that are cheaper elsewhere…
Personal experience to back it up.
Please note that I stated akin to a pyramid scheme, not a pyramid scheme.
Before down-voting, it might be an idea to actually fully comprehend what's being asserted ;)I agree in regards to fools being separated from their hard earned, thinking the Australian model is equivalent to the parent model, whereas, we pay more because, well, Australia tax suckers, you will pay us>
My experiences with Costco are nothing but abysmal, both pricing, actual customer service and management resolutions of issues.
They simply don't give a (profanity)!Oh well, I've given the bargain savvy a heads up, if they choose to be ignorant and down-vote me for my efforts, more the shame upon them than I :)
Anyone have any idea as to whether I should go for this panasonic or this hisense? They are roughly the same price
I could easily pick up the two so postage isn't an issue. I'm kinda leaning towards the hisense because of the 3 year warranty but isn't sure about the picture quality.
For Hisense you want either k3300 or m7000. Best get during sales. I own an m7000 and got the k3300 for gf its picture is surprisingly good. During sales the 55" is about $800 for the k3300.
I'd love to but $600 is already pushing it for our budget unfortunately.
It looks like bing lee increased the price from 600 though =/
Hisense or Sony
Chinese or well known japan brand? I choose Jap every time.
When you buy a TV from costco.
Do you have to take it home yourself or do they offer shipping?
If so how much? I live 2 minutes from Costco, but a TV wouldnt fit in my car.Costco doesn't offer shipping.
At that price.its better than buying a Soniq
55inch pana fullhd$699.99