This was posted 8 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 M&M's Bucket 710g @ Myer


$5 M&M bucket 710g @ Myer Bondi NSW
Don't know about other stores From comments it appears that it's available at other stores also.

$10ea in coles, woolies, target and kmart

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closed Comments

  • +7

    These are also $5 at the Reject Shop nationwide if they have any stock left.

  • +4

    Giving credit where due to scoreed who listed this in the Reject Shop deal, nearly 24hrs before this was posted.

    "scoreed 23 hours 55 min ago
    Same price at Myer Melbourne Bourke St too."

    • +3

      Op could've just found out themselves and not seen that deal so credit may not be due

      • -3

        How does the time OP found out about the deal have any relation to the credit for somebody who clearly posted the same deal first? Hint: it doesn't.

        • +4

          What are you smoking? I just said that OP may have spotted this deal walking into work today and that there is no need to give credit to some other comment on another post. Bibekl might not have known that deal was posted and its not like this is plagiarizing someone else's work without referencing, its ozbargain

  • Also in Myers Charlestown

  • +1

    Also in Myer Chadstone

  • +1

    Also at Myer Macquarie Centre

  • +1

    Also at Myer Karrinyup

  • Also Myer blacktown has heaps in stock

  • +2

    Nice Garry!

    • I know what you did there master wade….

  • -6

    sadly im on my leaning cycle, so have to give this a miss

    • Permabulk life.

  • Better to go to the Reject Shop for these so you can look for other bargains.

  • +7

    Q: Can I get a calorie count please? I am watching my figure!

    A: I can assure you that watching your figure and buying a ~1kg bucket of M&Ms are two entirely exclusive lifestyles.

    • 710g bucket.

    • Lol

    • did you steal this from the 20lbs marshmallow Q&A XD

  • Btw Myer Northland VIC is having a 60% mark down on quite a few confectioneries and other food items. There are some pretty good deal on the more exotic (i.e. non-supermarket) lindt boxes. All Xmas hampers at 60% off too, original price is $100-ish. Most of them are NOT short expiry items.

    Not sure if nationwide though.

  • Also Myer Melb city, lots of stock too

  • Heaps Myer karrinyup too. Was going to post this yesterday but it was already an existing deal at the reject shop and only got 21 likes

  • Dentist loves this deal

  • My Reject Shop post has gone up to 25 votes!

  • Just like cheesesticks said, i walked into this deal this morning and just posted it. My bad i didnot look at old deals. Didnot realize that would offend someone.

  • +1

    Myer Sydney store has heaps, Level 6.

  • These were $3 last week in Coles Caulfield (VIC), however there were only about 5 or 6 left.

  • How about Brisbane stores ?

  • +1

    Just to let ya'll know all those Christmas food… Lindt chocolates etc… Is going to be 75% real soon. Not telling you which day… Just watch out!!! ;)

    • Its tomorrow.

  • Lots in Myer Parramatta

  • bought few today from Myer, bourke St

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