Ok i am a dog trainer who deals with dangerous dogs on a daily basis I carry / use pet deterrent spray ( similar to pepper spray great for your better halfs safety) and a stainless steel slip collar and a ( large knife last defence) which is in my vehicle until I need it. I have been asked many times what to do if if a dog fight breaks out at the doggie park or what if I Am personally are attacked. I would really appreciate your feedback what you think you would do in both situations. This is going to be used in our next seminar. No jokes please.
Thankyou for all your responses keep them coming I will answer them as I am able.
Both my wife and I are positive dog trainers we are working to provide education to the general public on how to deal with dog attacks both in the doggie park and on the street. We believe that dogs should not cause harm to people yet this happens time and time again.
Thank you OZ folks I now realise that so many people do not know how to deal with a dog attack.
Please read the following and understand that it is all about your reactions not the dogs. Hope this info keeps you and your family safe.
Ah, so the reply to That's not a knife, this is a knife should be That's not a dog, here is a dog.