Hi guys :)
I have an electric bicycle which seems to have a problem with the controller on the handelbar…it is like this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/162077879032?_trksid=p2055119.m14…
It must have a loose wire or something 'cos it doesn't turn on most of the time BUT sometimes does :/
Is it easy (for those on the know) to put a new one on or should the present one just be fixed (it is not very old at all)
TIA Barb
Electric Bicycle Info Please

Just a word of caution since you are in Victoria.
Do note that if you have the linked controller attached to your bicycle, Victoria's Law would classify it as a "Motorcycle" instead of a "bicycle". That means that you need to get your "vehicle" registered and you would need a motorcycle license.A motorised bicycle is not classed as a bicycle if the motor is the primary source of power or the motor's power output exceeds 200 watts (whether or not the motor is operating). These are considered to be motorcycles. The rider will be required to hold a motorcycle licence and have the vehicle registered before it can be used on the road network. Motorcycles cannot be ridden on footpaths or bicycle paths. Motorcycle riders must wear an approved motorcycle helmet.
Source: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/cyclis…
and in NSW? - moving soon…
Same for NSW.
Read here: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/roads/safety-rules/stand…
I don't know about VIC, but in NSW, you are also not allowed to used Hoverboards, segways, etc on any roads or sidewalks. It carries a $300+ fine for sidewalks, and $600+ fine for roads.
Read here: http://www.mynrma.com.au/get-involved/advocacy/news/hoverboa…
Look, honestly, the chance of you getting caught isn't very high. It's just a question of how much of a risk you are willing to take.
It would probably be easy to put a new one on, but more likely to be a loose connection if the fault is intermittent. Finding the intermittent fault is really difficult.
I'd start by disconnecting, cleaning and reconnecting any plugs you can see, possibly even one at a time so you might be able to rule out which one has the problem.
Get the bike electrically checked.
I had the same fault via same controller; turned out to be faulty circuit board next to the battery.