• expired

Lenovo ZUK Z2 White USD$165.43 / AUD$227 from Banggood (SD 820, 4GB RAM, 64GB Storage, 5")

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I know some have not even received their Christmas phone, but Banggood has sent out a coupon code that dropped the price again. Code zukz2new gets you 6% off ZUK Z2 and the white one is currently cheaper at USD $165.43 after the discount.

Basic specs:

  • Snapdragon 820
  • 4GB RAM / 64GB Flash / Dual 4G
  • 1.34um-pixel 13MP PDAF Camera
  • Double-faced 2.5D Glass
  • 3500mAh battery

No LTE B28. Comes with Android 6.0 but there's working Lineage OS / CM14.1 image.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    how are lenovo in regards to malware? remember these guys love their china spy chips

    • +2

      Pretty sure this comes with Malware based on past posts.

      • How do you define malware in this instance?

        • -3

          i think the most visible is the forced "pushed" installatons of unwanted apps… usually china gambling porn and pay apps

          xiaomi are pretty famous for it and you can bet the vast majority of china phones have it

        • +1

          @tonyjzx: So it's more adware than malware? Or is there an actual malicious component to it?

        • +1

          @eug: Yep. It's mostly just bloatware for Chinese services and optimisers etc.

        • +10

          @tonyjzx: i could be wrong but as I understand it, it's distributors loading Malware on Xiaomi phones and not Xiaomi themselves.

          I've purchased a Xiaomi phone in the past and was aware of this problem. The first thing I did was load the official Rom and all was good.

        • +2


          Then Google apps are also known as Malwares in China since they don't used any Google apps there?

    • +5

      Which is why I mentioned LineageOS…

      • It's been so long since I've had a phone that actually worked well with LineageOS/CM. There's always some bug, instability, camera not working properly, lack of noise cancellation or hardware optimizations etc that has me going back to the stock rom.

        Thought I'd give it a crack on my Mi Max earlier and yeah….that was a waste of time. Ran beautifully but the camera was unusable in anything but google camera. Need to scan those barcodes in myfitnesspal lol.

  • +2

    Sorry if it seems like I'm invading this post, but if anyone has the Zuk Z2 already, can you download Pokemon Go and tell me if you are able to run it? Pokemon Go has a safetynet check which has blocked some Xiaomi phones, so im just wondering if ZUI is fine. Thanks :)

    • +4

      Yooo I have a Zuk Z2 and can confirm PoGo works 100% on Official Indian ZUI ROM

      • Thank you so much

        • +1

          Blue, red or yellow?

        • +3


          Yellow. Pika pika

        • @lyl: Shame, but you're not red so it's k :)

        • +4


          Whoops i meant I'm team mystic (blue). When you asked blue/red/yellow I somehow thought you were asking about the first gen games lol

        • @Clear: ahaha what's wrong with Valor? :p

        • @lyl: Good on ya buddy haha, so funny reading this. How is the GPS and reception without B28?

      • +3

        Also I want to add, there are also custom roms available if you don't like ZUI. I'm currently on cm13 (unofficial) and love everything about it. Pogo also works on cm13 (:

        • Thanks for the heads up! Does anything not work with CM13?
          Does the bootloader come unlocked?

        • @Fobsessive:

          orderd is there a stable 7.0 nogaut rom thats worth getting ?

        • +2

          @mikezillakind: There's an unofficial CM14 based on Nougat. No official CyanogenMod for the Zuk Z2. There's an active developer/user forum called Zuk Fans EU

        • +2

          I am yet to find anything wrong with cm13. Even tho I am on an older version (the November security patch breaks one of the app I need and it is no longer in development). Everything works well, only issue is the camera app that comes with it isn't good, I'm currently using oppocam which actually gives similar quality as the stock camera

          bootloader comes locked, you will need to unlock it yourself, there are tutorials on zukfans.eu
          The steps are 383738329x easier than unlocking bootloader on xiaomi

        • @CodeXD:
          Sounds good!

          Since there's already a physical home button with Utouch, can you easily remove the on-screen buttons in CM13?

        • @Fobsessive:

          is it stable / good tho CM14 ?

        • @Fobsessive: oh yeah definitely, I think default settings has it off although I can't find the setting to enable it… It's definitely there in gravitybox tho (xposed module)
          There's also a thread on how to set up utouch for cm13 on zukfans.eu

        • @CodeXD:

          also is there a way to hack in extra Cell bands on this one ?

        • @mikezillakind: not that I know of, I'm on Kogan/Vodafone and haven't had a need to unlock any additional bands.

  • +5

    Also no NFC as expected, since Chinese are happy with AliPay, WeChat, JD and Bestpay.

  • I'm thinking buying one of these and pay extra $15 for EMS express post, do you think it is worth it?

    • I would pay for EMS for peace of mind.

    • +1

      I got mine from aliexpress and paid extra for DHL, 100% recommended to spend a bit more for express shipping

  • +5

    $227 for Snapdragon 820 and LPTS screen is great value.

    • +4

      Yep, very good value foe money. Another good SD820 phone is the Leeco Le Max2 at $220USD. Best phone for under $300. Using one right now.

      • +1

        its better in every way isnt it ?

      • +1

        I was wondering bout those phones vs the Xiaomi Redmi Note3 Pro Prime Special Edition (B28) 3GB/32GB SD650 for A$198 as the cheapest I saw it, currently A$225

        • Differences in CPU,GPU and software. I'm happy with the Le Max 2 for my everyday used. Looking forward to the ZUK 2. Might sell the Le Max 2 since I don't really need two phones and preferred a smaller phone.

    • -3

      Yean minus the small screen this is awesome

      • +6

        "Small screen"…

        Really? 5 inch screen, small?

        You must have loved pre-2012.

        • -1

          Sorry I kinda got spoilt on my 10 & 8 inch tabs was kind of a dreaming back there

      • I actually like this screen's size!

        You know what they say about people with small hands

        Small gloves

    • +4.8% cashback from cashrewards

  • +1

    Thinking about buying this phone for my 13yo daughter. Is it good to just turn on and use?

    • +4

      Not really in all honesty…you'd need to flash the Indian ROM to get it to a state where it's usable as you expect.

      • Edit: my mistake - I've replied to the wrong thread. Please ignore.

      • Is it hard to do? I can follow basic instructions, though not really a technical person.

    • Yes it is turn on & use.
      If worried about Malware, run Malware bytes then up to you if you wanted to remove (a bit technical).
      I don't know if its still an issue or the full impact, I just removed it (without root).

  • What Aussie pin chargers would be good for this?

    • +1

      Any charger that can supply 2A will work fine…something with QC will work even faster.

      It has a USB-C port, so you might need to get some USB-C cables (or micro-USB to USB-C adaptors) as well

  • +3

    Definitely would think twice about buying this phone. I just replaced my Lenovo K3 Note which was released to very positive reviews but the device is garbage and a month or two after release everyone started complaining en mass about lag/heating/camera issues. Camera is terrible. The phone is almost unusable with the amount of lag and sometimes experiences ghost touches. Despite the high specs the phone couldn't actually run games well at all. Much laggier than other lower spec phones. Yes I have the updated global ROM. Very widespread it is not just my particular device.

    If you look at forum posts around eg gsm arena similar problems of crashing and bad camera are starting to become common. Buyer beware. Don't just look at the specs. High specs are nothing if the phone doesn't actually work. Lots of people are having problems with the phone crashing while making calls. A phone that you can't use to call haha.

    • Agree on your comment re. K3 note. Absolute rubbish phone.corners cut on every angle :) This is made by Zuk though.

      • +1

        You mean it's made by Lenovo. Zuk is a brand name/model by Lenovo.

      • +1

        Its a Lenovo phone. And this new one is already getting lots of complaints.

      • The K3 was dogged by the MT6752 soc which was clocked too high by Mediate, resulting in overheating and slow downs, which is why the replacement soc (MT6753) was clocked at only around 1-1.2GHz instead. I think it's a bit unfair to put the blame on Lenovo as most phones with the 6752 had similar issues.

        The issues of the K3 don't appear to be directly related to how this phone would performance considering it is a completely different phone with a different platform to start with.

        • Thank you for the explanation, I wasn't aware of this. Either way, the manufacturer of the phone has to take final responsibility for the performance of their phone as they should test the final product before releasing. Blaming the component manufacturers is not acceptable.

          Also the problems were never even acknowledged by Lenovo despite users complaining in the thousands.

          Even after your post I tried to google search the issue and was not easily able to find much on the topic.

          Although this is a different phone with a different platform, there are already complaints on the forums about how the phone hangs while making calls etc. If it is a hardware fault, don't expect any support from Lenovo.

          I am not saying this phone is bad. Just that Lenovo can't be trusted in terms of QC or to provide adequate support for their products if something goes wrong.

    • Love this phone. It feels fast and works well. Not only nil lag, but feels so much faster than my previous 64 bit octacore. Definitely similar to my iPhone 7. Has restarted twice on me in 3 mths use. Havent upgraded ROM. Only miss the extra buttons really.

  • +2

    Bought one a few weeks ago. The phone initially shipped with a custom ROM with no OTA update capability.

    I have since then flashed the firmware for the Lenovo Z2 plus which comes with native Google play service, Google Now launcher as default (without rooting) and reduced number of bloatware.

    Snappy and responsive device. The camera is great outdoors but struggles in low light due to lack of OIS and a rather small aperture at f2.2.

    BTW, the phone supports Qualcomm QC3.0 but the supplied charger doesn't. You may want to get something that support QC3.0 as well.

    Official Indian ROM can be downloaded here:

    Instructions on ROM flashing using WORST can be found here:

    PS: Chinese sources suggest that a Nougat ROM is in the pipeline.

    PS2: The back of this phone scratches easily, make sure you get a case.

  • -1

    ZUK? More like YUK!!!!

    Not touching anything Lenovo after my K3 Note ill-experiences. Bought 5 into the family, all duds and in the bin now. Grrrrrrr………

    • wow really?! was tempted to get the X3 vibe (for the audio DAC) and stereo speakers…then went on and got a PPTV King 7 instead…(still waiting for it)

      • So you admired the Vibe X3 but bought another phone instead? Weird!!

    • Why did you buy 5 of the same phones anyway? We're all the phones died at the same time?

    • +2

      Almost every brand has it's lemons.

      The venerable Samsung had the disastrous Note 7 which had a self-incinerating feature
      LG had bootlooping G4's and even G5's
      HTC had the Desire 610 and 310
      Motorola had the Moto Flipout. Did not last long in the market.
      Sony had the Xperia Play (shudders) and a lot of Xperia Z1/ Z2 flagship phones which automatically crack screens by itself when it got too hot.

  • I've been using mine for just over a week. Previous phone was a Nexus 5X.

    The Zuk has been great, super fast - noticeably quicker than the Nexus I would say. Screen is fine and the battery feels bottomless.

    Downsides are the camera - serviceable in good light but even then nothing to write home about. Also the antennae - I've got dual SIM Telstra and Optus and the Telstra drops out sometimes. I'm not sure if this is a dual SIM issue or not because I haven't tried it solo.

    Overall though great phone for the price and recommended.

    • Out of curiousity where are you located? My biggest worry about Chinese phones is not having band 28. Have you tried using the Telstra SIM by itself ?

      • +1

        It could have just been I was in a blackspot - it would occasionally drop out when I was in Newcastle last week, but it seems to be pretty good in metro Sydney and Adelaide.

  • It's annoying that the black one is $15 extra just for a colour.

    These don't have Gorilla Glass so grab a tempered glass screen protector.

    • I don't have a screen protector (have a generic flexible case) and the thing hasn't got a scratch on it after 2 months of rattling around a backpack with padlocks, keys etc. It clearly has some form of protective glass used, Gorilla or not.

      A screen protector wouldn't hurt, though.

      • Yes, the front has a form of protective glass. However I've heard the back glass gets scratched easily (not the front).
        Which ROM are you running?

        • Official Indian ROM 2.0.133 (OTA updated)

          Runs butter smooth and the battery has insane endurance.

        • @gwenty: What's this I hear about an inability to expand notifications?

  • Sorry to butt in with this, but I'm still looking at the RedMi Pro here:


    (please tell me if it's cheaper elsewhere?) for my daughter. She uses Amaysim in WA, AU. All she needs is for it to make calls & get online, really.

    Is the reason for B28 for the paywave thing? I noticed that the B28 version seemed to be larger & therefore hard to get covers—-

    Is the Redmi Pro a decent phone in general & one thing she wants is a decent camera.

    Can anyone here give a bit of real-world info?

    Thank you for your help!


    *The ZUK has too many bad things said about it

    • +1

      B28 is a new phone frequency band (700mHz for 4G), nothing to do with NFC (for Android Pay).
      You can use manual camera settings to help improve shots.
      The Xiaomi also runs a Mediatek SOC which is restrictive (less custom ROMs I imagine) unlike Zuk Z2's flagship Snapdragon.

  • Any reason I should grab this over the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3?

    • +1

      Zuk Z2 is better with a Snapdragon 820 (2016 flagship) vs midrange Snapdragon 650 on Note 3, 4GB RAM (vs 3GB), 64GB internal (vs 32GB). Both without NFC.
      Z2 has the possibility of one handed use.

  • I told a friend about this & he says it's now more money ($374AUD)— deal might be dead?

    • did you also tell your friend to put in the code?


      • Yes- he did that & it took $22 off of the price?

    • That's a Zuk2 Pro price..

  • Code not working for me, is it dead?

    • use this code KIMOVILZ264 will bring it down to USD $161.81

  • Got mine from Banggood before xmas, great phone when it works. After 2 weeks a quarter of the touch screen was dead and banggood said I would need to return it to them at my cost and they would assess it. So hoping I can get a refund from paypal. As others said, google maps will over heat this phone and the screen will start going weird. You basically cant use google maps for more than 10 mins

    tl;dr - do not buy from banggood

    • I haven't heard anyone have this Google Maps issue before. Why it overheat the phone, does GPS + a bit of data burn it up?
      That means Pokémon Go would kill it too?

  • so whats the ETA on shipping times for this ?

    10th of Jan

    • +1

      5 weeks

      • got mine now to charge it and figure out what software i want and the best way to zap the spyware off of it

        still waiting on theo the other samller items i ordered at the same time - screen protector and Case

    • +1

      Ordered 5th Jan and received today in Sydney.

      • That's really quick

      • Did you go with the free shipping? I paid extra for tracked shipping and my Z2 went to Switzerland and now its seenzoned me since the 15th of Jan…
        (I also ordered 5th Jan…+From WA)

        • +2

          Yes, free shipping, white colour and through cashrewards - like a true ozbargainer. Yes, mine too reached and left Switzerland on 15th Jan, after which, it simply arrived without any further tracking.

          Flashed with Indian ROM and working fine. Got infamous "Sahara error" with QFIL/QPST so used MiFlash. The following was helpful in flashing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iinsQCuZr9Q

        • @Az: Mine arrived today (yayyy!), straight from the 15th of Jan update, I'm surprised that both free+paid shipping use the same services. The case+glass protector I bought with the phone with untracked arrived a couple of weeks back but I guess 1 month shipping is just on the high end of estimated shipping times from China haha. Hopefully the Z2 is good or I'll probably try out a $361 Mi5s haha

  • +1

    Bugger, just came across this phone now and see that I've missed two good deals. Anyone got any leads on anything cheaper than the $184 usd currently at banggood?

    What are my odds of another sale shortly post CNY?

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