Grrr: Any experience with Mobile Phone Charging ports and warranties?

I called Motorola about a faulty charging port on my motorola G4 plus2 month old.
and they could not give me a answer where can claim under warranty or not.

Resulting in a gamble.

  1. Send it back and they repair it (at their discretion, considering money at stack whose money would they favour)
  2. Send it back and they retrospectively charge me $75 because they looked at the phone (regardless if i opt to fix it)
  3. Send it back and pay to have it repaired ($250 + $75, i paid $339 for the phone)

anyone ever get their phone charging fixed under warranty?


  • What exactly is the issue with the port? Have you tried alternative cables/plugs?

    • lots and lots of cable no less than 10 from different sources and brands

      Tried compressed air and rag however the cable will not contact correct will only charge 1 in ten attempts
      and on slight angle, the phone socket is intact. I wonder if is is the soldering from the socket to the PCB

      • Sounds like sending it in is your only real option - And then wait to see what the result of that is. As only they will be able to tell whats wrong with the phone and whether it is a warranty issue or not.

        Alternatively as its only a $340 phone you could try one of those kiosks or a proper computer/phone repair shop. Might be unlikely as its only a cheap phone. You would lose the warranty with that but it could be quicker.

        IMO send it to motorola and see

  • +3

    Yeah I had my phone fixed under warranty many times. I walked into the Apple store, told them my phone was faulty, they went out the back, and gave me a new phone 3 minutes later. Fixed.

  • If you are up for it, you can replace the port by yourself. They usually come as a card with a ribbon connector. I replaced the charging port on a Samsung Galaxy a few years ago. If I remember right, it cost me less than $5 including tools on ebay.

    • sadly noone list a charging port for G4 plus, and would cooberate what the lenovo service centre said which is the port is soldered to the full PCB and is irrepairable and must replace enter phone essentially

  • A two month old phone is still under warranty. A faulty charging port should definitely be repaired under warranty for free. If they refuse or try to screw you then this is the risk you take buying a cheapish phone from a brand with no physical store front.

  • Faulty charging port is pretty damn common - I've never had an issue getting a phone fixed with regards to the charging port. I must have done at least 10+ Samsung phones (I work in the IT department in head office)

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