Upgrading meter board - Pricing

I want to get my meter board upgraded because currently I have no RCD protection in my house. It's a super old meterboard with around 6 circuits, all the old fuse types that have been repaced with the plug in CBs, and two meters. Just seeing if anyone has got similar work done and how much it cost them.

Also not sure if I'll have to replace my meters as well when I do this.


  • I did get a quotes varied from 400 - 900

    • Yes I got similar quote. I think it was $600?

      • For whole board to be upgraded

  • Be sure to have it in writing what brand of circuit breakers, RCDs or RCBOs ( combined units) are going to be installed. Big differences in quality between the brands, the cheap import ones can fail quite spectacularly. Circuit protection, and personal safety aren't things to skimp on.

    • the cheap import ones can fail quite spectacularly

      It's illegal to fit devices that do not meet a standard in Australia so you tale sounds made up.

  • Also may have issues if the old board is made of asbestos

  • Every situation is different, you need to get a few sparkys in and get a few quotes. Eg, my unit has 5 RCDs and next door only has two. Are the meters ok to reuse, current load requirements, future upgrades space, box type and location, current laws against old when existing box laws, so may variations to consider.

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