Opening same webpage multiple times

Any ready tool / website to open same webpage multiple times (lets say 200times)?

Tried and but doesnt work as expected.


  • +1

    on some mice if you push the scroll button then it opens a new window. - push button 200 times?

  • Autoit

  • +1

    Why would you need to open the same webpage 200 times?
    If its for a load test then you will have to use a web load testing tool.

    • +4

      pfft, just post a 20% off ebay deal with the link going to his site and he'll get the 200 clicks pretty quick.

  • +8

    On Linux

    $ url=
    $ for i in {1..200}; do firefox $url; done

    Or on Windows with PowerShell

    PS> for ($i=1; $i -le 200; $i ++) {
          & 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox' ''

    Make sure you have enough memory before you try it :)

    • +1

      Put an & after the $url to run concurrently…. Beware this will flog your system

    • thanks

  • Is this to get more views on your posts?

    • +1

      no bro. some uni related subtask.

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