PlayStation 4 500GB Slim + 3 Months Stan $329 before code EXPIRED
PlayStation 4 Pro $559 before code
Experience a sleeker, smaller PS4, delivering awesome gaming power that’s always for the players.
PlayStation 4 500GB Slim + 3 Months Stan $329 before code EXPIRED
PlayStation 4 Pro $559 before code
Experience a sleeker, smaller PS4, delivering awesome gaming power that’s always for the players.
Well, it is from Target…
Sega needs to make a new system, so we can get more bargains in here for different systems.
Sega will not be making any more console systems, they do graphics and games now.
I think Dreamcast hit Sega too hard…So hard that they got paranoid at ever getting into console market.
you have no idea what you're talking about unfortunately songford.
Game Gear, Sega CD, 32x, Saturn all came just before the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast failed in the Western world because of marketing it poorly and the bad timing of release with another major console that crushed it and the market but thrived in Japan where games are still being sold on shop shelves for the system in a lot of stores around towns.
SEGA have a successful arcade game business. SEGA are releasing licensing deals at the moment for TecToy a Brazillian company to release a fully fledged mini Megadrive that even plays downloaded roms or full cartridges.
they have recently begun work on porting all the rest of the Yakuza series to the English markets, Shenmue one and two are being done in 1080p for re-release on all major new consoles ahead of this years Shenmue 3. They are coming back this year stronger than ever before.
But no, the Dreamcast did not kill SEGA. The fact they released 5 real flop consoles in a row might have something to do with it though.
Did I touch a nerve?
If you watched closely, I said Sega is paranoid about getting into console market. Did I say Dreamcast kill Sega completely as a whole? No. I acknowledge they still have a functioning games/arcade sector. What's your point?
…but thrived in Japan…
Thrive how?
If you do a bit of googling, you'll easily see Sony sold 21 million PS2 just in Japan, whereas the figure for Dreamcast is 2.32 million in Japan and 9.1 million worldwide? How is a console thriving when its competitor outsold it by ten times? Please enlighten me. Also, …games are still being sold on shop shelves… is really a lousy argument. PS2 games are sold in a LOT of stores too. They sell fking Wonderswan and Nokia N-GAGE as well. Again, what's your point?
And what exactly is SEGA doing recently has anything to do about they got paranoid in ever doing console business?
Finally, you admit Dreamcast is a flop console as well I gather, since you listed 4 other consoles and said "5 flop consoles"? What exactly is your point?
megadrive was my (profanity) jam. Shane Warne cricket, tiny toons adventures: acme allstars, streets of rage, HNNNNNNGGG.
My dad sold our sega and all games for like a few dollars just to get rid of it.
Are you be able to feel/see a noticeable difference between the two models? Besides, of course, 1080p vs 4K if you have a 4K TV.
There definitely is since the Pro has significantly better graphics power than the standard/slim. This shows in a number of games such as Last Guardian where the FPS drops to 20 or so on the standard/slim but is a solid 30 on the Pro at 1080p.
in 2017 still a joke for the specs of ps4
Yeah if it had 60 fps on the Pro, I would strongly consider getting one. Team ICO were never strong on optimisation though. I heard SotC was a laggy mess when it first came out on PS2.
i do have a pro and this game (which i love)
but i didnt know it run at 60 fps, i thought it was 30…
@chingy213: It is 30 fps and I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I said 'IF it had 60 fps on the Pro'.
@ChillBro: Currently playing TLG on the Pro, can confirm 60FPS is the upper limit - albiet not always constant.
@Orpheon: That goes against what I've been reading actually. See this video:
Basically PS4 standard 1080p: 20-30 fps, PS4 Pro 1080p: 30 fps and PS4 Pro 4k: ~27 fps.
How can you confirm that you are seeing 60 fps?
@ChillBro: We decided to hold out on the pro until such a day arrives, then take advantage of added value on trade ins EB usually does on newish console when a new one comes out. I saw the 4K graphics, and the difference between them and the way my Bravia upscales to 4k is minimal, so its not worth it for 4k either.
@ChillBro: When it first came out? Not like they could issue an update… The good old days where there was no patches but when QA was "somehow" a million times better.
@ChillBro: You're probably right - I didn't notice any significant performance difference between 60fps games on my PC and TLG on Pro, which led me to think 60fps couldn't be that difficult. After reading all the articles however, it seems they have measured it and at best TLG is 30fps.
Fair enough, for a game 8 years in the making, I feel they initially developed it for the PS3, then when the PS4 SKU was made available, they immediately halted development and optimised for the more powerful console. This would have left no resources to again re-optimise for the PS4 Pro, they must have just benefited from the extra RAM, faster GPU and clock speeds.
anyway the discount works for me
minimum spend is 100 dollars
i think its anything on ebay over 100 dollars? correct me if im wrong…
discount is not as good as when ebay did the 20% of sale. alot of us here got the ps4 pro for around 479 delivered.
I guess now we'll get a few dozen of these deals I'm not eligible for… :(
Sign up for a new account and try your luck?
Tried, not working.
I think the code is only applicable for accounts that made a purchase on eBay in November or December of last year.
@cjmoore: On my main account I made tons and tons of purchases. I guess they are rewarding existing users who don't purchase much.
Damn, pulled the trigger on the 500gB boxing day for $328.
It's OK stormii. I'm sure you can easily save the $29 somewhere e.g. a bigger purchase for a TV, not eating out for a week :)
You are right, i think I saved that on the gigantic turkey i bought today, but bargainhunting is my main game, and I hate losing.
The PS Pro is full retail price, isn't it? Or is it like a few dollars and change off? Haven't been tracking price of the slim due to no interest…however I don't see the point of this post, where's the deal on the PS4 pro?
The PS4 Pro is only $10 less that the standard Big W price, but still the cheapest around.
I believe the coupon code is targeted.