I had a situation whereby my home alarm was going off as soon as it was armed as it thought it was being tampered with. I contacted the vendor who sent a technician to service the alarm but when he arrived he claimed he could not access the alarm (on the roof gable) as he had forgotten to bring his safety harness, so he simply disabled the tampering sensor remotely on his iPad.
So as far as the vendor is concerned it's job done, but to me this doesn't really fix the problem as the fault is still there, it's just been covered up. I have phoned the vendor on a number of occasions insisting that the unit be serviced properly.
The last contact I had with them they basically refused to return and quoted OH&S law, i.e.: the unit is more that 3 meters above ground level so it is "illegal" for them to attend to it. They advised that I should arrange for the unit to be moved to a more "acceptable" location (at my own expense) before they'll service it. I thought that it was joke but they were serious.
Has anyone had any similar experiences or thoughts about this? Now I'm all for workplace safety but this sounds like BS to me .. I have had many tradies attend my place to carry out work on the roof (air con, tiling) and within the roofspace and this is the first time I have heard anything like this.
I'm considering submitting a formal complaint to consumer protection as it seems they're just trying it on to get out of their obligations.
btw … it's the same company that installed the unit almost 20 years ago but they're claiming it's not their responsibility as it was a sub-contractor that did this original work
Was it the same vendor who placed the alarm in the inaccessible place in the roof? if not then they might have a point.