I've made a decision for the new year to get an exercise bike and get in shape. This website and whirlpool are my primary forms of information on purchasing/bargains & both are lacking info on deals & reputable sellers that are out there.
I have considered gumtree and trading post but have had negative experiences with both and would prefer to buy new and have it for 3+ years. Would like your thoughts regardless!
I personally am after something that is quiet and comfortable with a heart monitor.
My wife purchased hers from Hart about 3 years ago and she has been very happy with it. I can't recall price or model, but this looks the same.
It was bought whilst still teaching Les Mills cycle classes enabling her to practice without going to work.
It doesn't have heart monitoring.
Well built, and easily adjusted.
It is still used regularly without any noticeable wear, and nothing has broken.
this model is cheaper, but no idea what the differences mean
Have you considered rowing machines? A bit more of an all over body workout.