• expired

Myrtle Creek Caged Eggs 700g $1/Dozen @ Coles Southland VIC


Just came across 700g cage eggs going for a dollar a dozen at Coles Southland (Victoria). Plenty available as of 10 minutes ago, at least 30 dozens.

Not sure if this applies to any other Coles stores so YMMV.

For your clarification, this is not a platform for users to argue for or against cage eggs or any associated issues. If you feel obliged to express your opinions against the availability of cage eggs you are most welcome to start your own thread to voice your opinions.

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closed Comments

    • +2

      This makes me happy. Thank you.

      • +1

        Thanks Dr! Belina and Sheniqua (the chickens) are pretty happy too. They send their regards (or they want breakfast - it's hard to tell)…

    • I bought my lot from a fresh chicken processing butcher place, otherwise they would have ended up meat that afternoon haha.

      Best money I have spent for a while getting the chickens. Pros out weigh the negatives.

  • +7

    I love the apparent 'hypocrisy' amongst anyone that has a problem with this, classic cognitive dissonance… like a moral opinion isn't valid unless that same person holds a perfect moral conscience, which nobody has. We're all finding our way and it's bloody hard to be a cheapskate vegan so any small difference you can make (lessening of animal suffering) is a win I say

    • +2

      It is absolutely easy to be a cheapskate vegan. In fact the poorest people on earth eat more plants than animals. It might not be cheap to buy particular boutique vegan brands but that's a separate issue.

      • True, he should have said it's not easy to be vegan, full stop.

      • Was referring to fast food etc, but I'm lazy! Good points

        • +1

          Fast food is fine with a little thought. Eg Hungry Jacks double small whopper deal, sub veggie patty for flesh, minus mayo. $10 feeds 2 small or one large appetite.

          Many more.

        • @thevofa: why minus Mayo?

        • @diddy50: ovum excreted through a bird's vent, aka chickens' eggs.

      • In fact the poorest people on earth eat more plants than animals.

        And are they healthy?

        It is absolutely easy to be a cheapskate vegan.

        Which vegan foods are comparable to chicken, tuna, eggs and dairy in terms of cost, protein and paucity of carbohydrates?

        • From a nutritional point of view absolutely healthy. If you can get over your phobia of carbs you'll find legumes and pulses give you all that, plus fibre too. The consensus of credible science declares properly considered plant based diets adequate for humans but special interest groups always have their opinions.

        • @thevofa:

          Some people I know have needed to jump back into red meat/steak, even if only small portions every few days.

        • @diddy50: Ask them for the name of the specific condition that supposedly requires them to consume flesh. When they get through the errs and arrs you might know better whether they or the world's authorities on nutrition science have got it right.

  • +4

    I have my own chickens in the back yard, but this is still a bargain.

    • Have you worked out your per egg cost?

      • Oh heavens no, not to much probably. I get 4 day from 4 brown isa birds.

        But I like the taste and the chickens are humorous to watch and friendly. Except for destroying my garden.

  • +5

    Completely cruel. Consumers have a choice for better animal welfare - why not take it?

    I'm happy to spend the few dollars I save on other deals to buy eggs that give the chooks a better life. Come on people.

    • +1

      I disagree with your vote.

    • Consumers have a choice

      And so you're going to come in here and whine about people being informed about on of those choices.

    • +1

      Consumers have a choice

      But there is only one right 'choice' yeah?

      • +3

        There's only one morally right choice.

        • Yeah it's totally black and white isn't it?

  • +1

    That's no way to treat a lady!

  • +2

    I think most of these people are vegans or are just very disappointed with animal cruelty. Not trying to be mean just stating it. Also why don't you think about those sweatshop workers in China?, or those poor kids in Africa forced into marriage?, they have had just as bad or worse lives than animals do, Why don't we think about ourselves first before we do something about animals? (However technically we're still animals) All animals will have to suffer at least once in their life and soon enough, they'll die anyways. Why don't we neg the palm oil deals because it's taking the orangutans habitat away? All of these people are no more than stupid band wagoners and bitchy shitposters who have nothing to do with their life.

    • +7

      I agree, why do anything good. Unless we can solve every issue, don't solve any. That's why I flush my garbage down the toilet and leave the water running 24/7. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't. Now excuse me while I order some rhino horn and shark fin soup.

    • +2

      Because they literally care more about animals in their imagination than human beings suffering right in front of them..

  • +4

    Thanks for the deal OP. Not sure if all these negs are warranted as they seem to be breaking the guidelines. If people don't like caged eggs then they should refrain from voting and make their points in the thread . I dont like Apple iPhone but dont go around negging deals featuring iPhones. You are entitled to your opinions but please dont use the voting system as a platform for these views.

  • +12

    I don't think the fact it's caged eggs the deal should be negatively voted. I think all the negative votes based on that should be revoked, this is not a morality soap box.

    If the votes are allowed to stand then I want the following to be considered:

    Down vote all Nestlé products and down vote all Thai prawns due to the slave trade.
    Down vote all Palm Oil products that are not from sustainable sources.
    Down vote all products made inside poor factory conditions such as those made in Foxconn.
    Down vote any meat products, hey they had a life till it was taken away.
    Actually down vote anything not from sustainable sources such as power suppliers, paper, food and mobile smart phones.
    Down vote anything made dug up from the ground.
    Only upvote hemp.

    • Haha looks like we were thinking the same thing!

    • +4

      So you want to condone taking ethics out of the decision making process? Yep, sounds like the human race…

      Let's not perpetuate the dark ages. Perhaps we should consider sustainability. Do people still not realize this is indeed an eventual necessity in a finite world with an exponentially increasing population?

      Let's find ways to be sustainable and promote better working conditions for animals/humans. You do this every time you buy as a consumer.

      I think it would be great to have an "ethics" facet alongside deals, people are free to purchase what they want, but empower them with information about the product they perhaps did not know, enabling them to bring their conscience into the decision-making process.

      Let's be progressive rather than put it in the too hard basket, as our previous generations have done.

      • +1

        Perhaps we should consider sustainability.

        For some reason your whinging about this even though chickens are 100% renewable.

      • +1

        Debate is great thing to do, there are forums here for that purpose, you yourself have posted a view here and so did I.

        However the voting process is based on the deal itself, not on the morality. A quick view on whether the deal is viewed as a good one or bad one.

        I buy free range eggs, I boycott Nestlé products and I choose to buy Australian products when I can. Should I down vote every deal of a product made abroad when there is an Australian version? Should I down vote every deal where Nestlé is involved? I say no as it isn't the purpose of this site and I don't think non-free ranged eggs deals should be negged just because they aren't free ranged.

        • +1

          I agree completely, which is why I have reported all the negative votes. I want to see if the mods actually have integrity and remove them, or if they merely serve to cater to the popular opinion

        • +2

          So why not change the process?

          Let's empower people with the information they need each time they consider a deal to bring an ethical factor into the decision-making process. I have no issue with this, nor would others i believe.

          Would you have an issue with that?

        • @DrDollar:

          Comments section already exist for people to make comments, I think that is a perfectly acceptable platform for people to discuss their views on the deal. They have done so for many other deals and my opinion has been altered by comments in the past.

        • @outlander:

          Moderators only remove negative votes that fall into one of the cases in the very last section of the voting guidelines here which has been done; otherwise it is up for the community to decide as always.

        • @hamza23: I beg to differ. I negged a post because of a lower price available elsewhere https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/4308855/redir and that was revoked as "inappropriate use of negative vote".

    • +3

      I disagree with your comment (and any other comment you ever make)

      Rings a bell??

  • +12

    The people here saying "do you eat nandos? Then you can't complain about caged eggs" think they have a point, but they don't. If you think like that, you'll never make any progress. Because people aren't perfect. I don't compost, but I do bring my own bag to the supermarket, and try to get others to do the same. Why don't I compost? Just been too lazy/busy. Should I stop bringing my bag to the supermarket? No. Should I stop encouraging others to do the same? No. I do my best to make the world a better place one bit at a time. Especially when its super easy for me to do the right thing, like paying a bit extra for free range eggs. And I'd do the same if fast food joints all offered free range options. I'm not negging the deal though because I don't think that's how the site should work. We vote on whether it's a bargain or not, that's it.

    • +2

      Well said. I also didn't neg the deal, but I respect the view of those that did.

      I think the OP has caused a Streisand effect by commanding us not to talk about the ethics of the product. This is Australia, not Russia. We can talk about whatever we like. I'm sure if he hadn't done that, this thread would not have received so many comments or negs.

      Also, the normal price of 12 Caged eggs at Coles is about $3. The fact they are selling these so cheap means they are probably nearing Use By date so haven't been selling.

      • Unfortunately most caged egg bargains posted in the past have had a lot of pro free range eggs comments.

    • +1

      No doubt that you should try to do the right thing, but do you really understand the so advertise "free range" eggs.

      According to regulation, farmer can label egg as free range if they have a density of 10000 chickens per hectare. That's 1 chicken per square meter. If you have been to one of these "free range egg" farm, you will know that it is no better than cage egg. The chickens have no where to move, they defecate all over each other, some smaller hens sometime get trample to death by larger one. They might as well be in a cage. Some cage egg farmer even have cages larger than 1 sqrm.

      There are farms that comply to the model code, which is less than 1500 hens per hectare but these farm are so few and far that they cannot possibly meet the demand. Their price is also more expensive. When it come to the supermarket, the majority of consumer will just blindly choose the cheaper free range option to satisfy their conscience.

      Then there are also egg farm company that mislead customers, labeling free range when requirement is not met. Some even mix in cage egg and free range egg, having their free range front to pass regulation.

      My mother have a couple of hens in the backyard that she raise for eggs. Funnily enough, even though their cage coop is open all the time, they like to spend their majority of time inside it. They only come out for feeding for a few hours a days and only then can we collect the eggs.

      The very act of taking one offspring for your consumption is animal cruelty in itself. I don't think the chicken is intelligent enough to grasp the idea of freedom, as long as there are food and they can survive, they couldn't careless about where they are. Ideally they want to be able to mate and hatch egg, but we don't allow them that privilege cage or not.

      • I agree 'free range' is just marketing, the same as 'organic'. If you don't know what the farm conditions are like, the label is no help.

        However I have seen a caged chicken egg farm, there are 4 chickens in a 50x50x50 cm cage (one cannot even reach the food)

        I am happy to buy barn laid eggs, I just don't want to be lied to

  • +3

    Caged eggs exploit animals in a very cruel way.

    • I disagree with your vote.

  • +2

    All this talk about eggs is making me hungry… going to cook a couple of free range eggs fried with free range coconut oil, served on free range soy linseed bread, covered in free range butter, with a mug of tasty free range tea… mmm… free range

  • +2

    I do my best to make the world a better place one bit at a time.

    And your "best" is paying an extra one or two dollars for eggs. Wow, I am blown away by your best efforts, how on earth do you manage to do so much for the world. You've really outdone yourself out with that effort and I am so impressed now that I'm going to listen to you ramble on about how everyone should be so morally superior like you!

    • +2

      Diji1 you're such a lovely person.

    • +1

      You're out of line here diji, talking like that about this model citizen, this statue of virtue here. Do you have any idea, any idea at all how many facebook posts for humanitarian causes she's liked? She is single handedly is saving the bee's, bring back the stolen girls in Africa, finding MH17, helping out the struggling farmers and reversing global warming with her valiant efforts

      • Oh another sweetheart

        • Sweet as candy darlin' ;)

  • +4

    I think buying cage eggs is horrible, but I understand that it's difficult buying genuinely free-range eggs too, due to the misleading definition on what constitutes free range.

    CHOICE have an augmented reality app that I use when buying eggs and it's actually awesome - scan the carton labels and it tells you the stocking density and wether it's worth buying or not!

    Download it from the App Store here: CluckAR - The Augmented Reality Free Range Egg Detector by CHOICE

    It helps to buy genuinely free-range eggs. I personally prefer Josh's Rainbow Eggs, as being genuinely free range and a reasonable price. I'm down voting this deal because loss leaders shouldn't come at the expense of animal welfare.

    • I disagree with your vote.

    • +3

      I second that app. Been using it for a while now and really helps choose a product that is good value for the manner it's made.

      Stopped buying Aldi free range (aka fake free range) and now only buy SunnyFarm free range or other brands I cross check with the app.

      Don't be fooled ppl. Free range not always free range.

      And in response to the deal I have to add that cage eggs including these ones have a particular smell to them due to the environment the chickens are kept in. Therefore a - from me

  • As if neging this deal or saying things like it's immoral is going to stop companies from producing caged eggs.

    • +10

      No, the only thing that will stop companies from producing caged eggs is when people stop buying them!

      • I agree with the logic but not the reality, for all the enthusiasts out there for whatever product/cause who are speeding the word via social media etc, there will always be far more people (by magnitudes of hundred thousands) who simply don't care or are unaware of the issue. I don't care about social media or the news and plenty of others don't either.

        Even if you managed to reach word to them, they will will continue to buy whatever has been working for them for years, thus making outcry like this whole bargain thread competely in vein as companies will produce the products anyway.

        All that comes out of all this are people who look way too self esteemed and are looking down own upon others because they think so highly of themselves, it brings more negativity to them rather then actual light to the subject.

        • +2

          Same thing was said 150 years ago about the sale of African people in the USA. Times change.

        • It seems there's 102 ozbargainers and counting that the message can hopefully get to.

          That said, I'd + the hell out of a Japanese scientific whale meat bargain. Anyone got a source?

        • It's a slow process, yes, but the percentage of vegetarians and vegans are growing, so it's working some how.

  • This thread is getting out of control, can't people read

    For your clarification, this is not a platform for users to argue for or against cage eggs or any associated issues. If you feel obliged to express your opinions against the availability of cage eggs you are most welcome to start your own thread to voice your opinions.

    • +1

      Sorry Vlad.

    • +4

      And sorry who are you?

    • +1

      They can read, they are just entitled self-righteous hypocrites who are too arrogant to understand that most people are sick of hearing the usual asinine keyboard warrior proselytizing from the kale-eating squad.

      • Ironic post.

  • time to stock up

  • +5

    No deal caged eggs

    • +2

      Incorrect use of neg vote

    • +6

      You’re so hard boiled…

      Double standards from someone who posted an egg deal over 18 months ago and got shitty on someone neg voting

    • Bandwagoner

  • +5

    How can you tell if somebody is vegan?
    Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    • How can you tell if humans eat inhumane caged eggs?
      They're still available in leading supermarkets.

      • Why are supermarkets leading?

  • +6

    So many people outraged about some chickens in cages and no one cares about kids being forced to work in sweatshops to make clothes. Don't see anyone boycotting H&M, ZARA, GAP, adidas or Uniqlo.

    If you're going to be outraged about something get your priorities straight.

    • What a ridiculous statement. Of course people care about kids in workshops, of course there will be people that dont buy H&M, ZARA, GAP, adidas or Uniqlo for ethical reasons but this thread is about $1 caged eggs and has nothing to do with your other ethical comparisons.

      • +3

        The issue is people are getting so high and mighty because they buy free range eggs when in reality it's still a really bad life for the chickens.

        They will get worked up over this minor issue, but have no problems with bigger issues around the similar morality concept.

      • +2

        I expect every single person who has made an inflammed statement on this post to similarly neg and be outraged at the next Uniqlo post then.

  • +2

    We care about Caged Eggs when we don't care about Caged Workers.

    Before anyone starts attacking me, FYI I bought some non-caged eggs 3 weeks ago but it was quite a hard decision when the price was literally double to the caged eggs next to them. They looked the same. They tasted the same. The only difference was a red smiling face on the egg shells and my conscience got the better of me that time.

  • +5


    • +2

      This is not something to yolk about…

      • +2

        What a cracking pun

        • +2

          there will be shell to pay for these bad puns

  • +6

    OP still not logged back in, sure has a surprise waiting

  • +2

    It's a good price for what it is.

    It's intriguing that the topic of caged eggs had caused so much debate. I am all for any way of reducing the suffering of any living animal.

    The fact of the matter is that we don't have any real guidelines or legislations (that I am aware of) as to what constitutes free range.

    Those that have a level of disposable income (such as myself) can afford to be more discerning in what they choose to purchase although there are a lot of others that can't.

    • +1

      Basically it's still a bargain because free range chickens don't live much of a better life anyway. All these commenters think buying free range means the chickens live on some giant open farm with plenty of room between them, but in reality it's just a cramped shed or yard.

      • I don't believe that at all. Nothing is like roaming in the wild, but chickens by nature are unable to do that. Which is totally fine - they are bred for us to eat after all.

        But just because I believe that, doesn't mean I think that they should live a disgraceful life. It also means that I do not believe that a deal on cheap eggs is a deal. Especially when we have a choice for the sake of a few dollars. It is not illegal, but it is morally wrong in my eyes. And I'm allowed to have that opinion, as others are allowed to have theirs.

        And absolutely, this post I'm making on OzBargain will do just about nothing for the debate in a wider sense. But the backlash from a lot people to a deal like this may help some to do some research and change their ways. It just took a deal on cage eggs to bring it out!

        • But you are still eating eggs regardless, which means you promote chickens being locked up against their will so they can lay eggs for the rest of their life. Eating eggs full stop isn't moral, so I don't think it's fair to criticise people buying cage eggs over "free range" eggs.

  • +2

    $1 or not.

    I (profanity) HATE caged eggs.

    • No one (profanity) CARES

      • +6

        You do.


  • +1

    Bargain! They were $2 on xmas eve.
    Time to make some tiramisu…Japanese cotton cheesecake….yumm!

  • +2

    Im hungry. For a $1, thats my breakfast :)

    • +3

      LOL at the neg. I eat a dozen a day. True story. Massive gains

  • +2

    Massive upvote here. They should make the cages even smaller and the eggs even cheaper in my opinion. $1 should be the every day price.

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