Hello All,
I would like to know how can I get a wasp nest?
I need it for Medication purpose.
Any suggestion will be deeply appreciated.
Hello All,
I would like to know how can I get a wasp nest?
I need it for Medication purpose.
Any suggestion will be deeply appreciated.
So White House in US?
Hope its fine now. :-)
if its not at those chinese herbalist store then you can be pretty sure its illegal in australia
Are you a naturopath? If so, there's a cliff with your name on it.
Are you a bit if a jerk? If so, there is a log off button with your name on it.
Why should I log off?
Naturopathy is for lunatics and people with small brains. They do more harm than good.
Why should somebody jump off a cliff?
Pretty sure there's one at my mum's house.
I'll sell it to you for $1000, but you have to come and pick it up yourself.
What about a rats nest? I got one of those
I'll throw in a 5k headphones for turdy bucks
Sorry I meant buckaroos
My grandfather used to keep bees and reckoned that bee stings were good for his athritis. He used to get stung once or twice most weeks.
This was 45 years ago. Just googling it now- ye gods! Even Gyneth Paltrow is on to it.
I suppose a wasp sting might work but the trick is keeping it to only one sting.
Maybe you could contact an exterminator? What exactly does a wasp nest help with?
That didn't answer my question
proven naturopathetic "medicine"
You after one of these? You know that if you capitalise all the letters it indicates an acronym?