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Raw Data has a pricing error on Amazon for $0.50USD
US account/address may be needed
Moved to Forum: Original Link
Raw Data has a pricing error on Amazon for $0.50USD
US account/address may be needed
Sorry, US account/address may be* needed :)
Definitely working. Sign in with US Amazon account.
Seems dead now, i received:
"Important messages about items in your Cart: We're sorry. The item Raw Data [Online Game Code] is no longer available from the seller you selected."
Can they revoke?
Not once it's activated on Steam.
Worked for me, thanks OP.
(Edit: And already activated on Steam)
(No US address needed but I think a while ago I changed my Amazon store to US somewhere)
Thanks ordered 2.
HTC Vive required to play this game.
Ordered 2. Thanks OP
For those having problem.
Press "Manage Your Content and Devices" at the bottom of the page and go to the settings tab. Update the country settings.
Worked for me. Won't be able to redeem until I go home. Let's hope they don't revoke it until then.
they can revoke the key even if you've redeemed it.
That sucks. Thanks, I didn't know.
great. now I need to spend $1400 for a HTC Vive
Although the game says only work with Vive, it works with Rift too. The developer added Touch controller support when Oculus Touch was released.
Didn't even realise it was VR-only until I'd activated on Steam. Oh well. Early present for when I do get a Vive.
Thanks - Good deal, im considering getting a htc vive too :)
This was posted by the CEO of the company on Reddit:
"It's an error. Looking into the solution now. Don't feel bad if yours got activated. Get it while it's hot. :)"
Got a vive but missed the deal. Damn happened last time with the free games too.
Damnit.. anyone who got a spare, let me know..
Upvoted your downvote. Not sure why someone would do such a thing.
Up voted the next down votes .. it's not like you are begging or even asking for it for free. (perhaps a down voter can voice their reasons)
I sense Inception down votes…
Yep, definitely not ask for free!
Upvoted to keep the circle jerk a-jerkin!
Upvoted YOUR down vote!!
Oh well I missed out on the one time I didn't bother refreshing my Ozbargain webpage.
Anyone have spare key that you're willing to sell (for a profit or game trade)?
PM if you do
I wouldn't bother.. it'll probably work for a day then the key will disappear from your steam list…
See my comment above.
The CEO of the company who made the game said they won't revoke it.
But that could be taken as anything.. Why would they be looking into a solution if there was no issue?
@Vladdo: The issue is that Amazon was selling their game for ridiculously cheap.
Here's the full comment chain if you want to read it
@theguyrules: Yeah.. found the reddit thread.. further comments imply that all good for those that got it..
Anyone want to trade their spare key for a copy of 'The Brookhaven Experiment' or 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes'?
Dead already.