My best score is 817, I've been improving it for about a week. I'd be interested to know others scores
Win 1 of 4 Trips to the Australian Open 2017 Worth $5,000 Each from Mastercard

21 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 29/12/2016 - 14:55
Entry Requirements
Complete all 3 games of Tap Tennis and submit your score.
Multiple entries permitted, submitted separately.
Four entrants with the highest scores will each win a trip for 2 to Melbourne to compete in the Mastercard Tap Tennis Final on 25 Jan 2017, valued at up to $5,000, comprising:
1. Return economy airfares from winner's nearest capital city (except if the winner’s nearest capital city Airport is Melbourne).
2. Three nights' twin-share 5 star accommodation.
3. Two tickets to an Australian Open match (match to be determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion) valued at $500.
4. $750 spending money awarded in the form of a pre-loaded Mastercard.
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closed Comments
Wow…I had a couple of tries and so far 250 is my max….well done and hope u win :)
so what scores did people get?