Supercoat dog food

Hi, I feed my dog Supercoat dry food. (junior) Was wondering if anyone knew a cheap place to buy this? - big pack or bulk buy perhaps. I'm in Melbourne. Thankyou!


  • Petbarn at Chadstone is usually good for buying Supercoat in large packs (18kg from memory)

  • I want to know as well. I normally wait till Woolies or Coles have them on special and bulk buy then. The 8kg bag is normally $24, but when they're on special they're about $20. HTH :o)

  • BIG W Melbourne stores have the 12kg bag for $30 as a regular price, works out the same as 8kg for $20. They don't sell this size (or the 8kg size at supermarkets) in the Junior though which is what I am after. But from memory they have puppy and adult and maybe the light and mature in the 12kg bags at BIG W. Other than this I haven't been able to find anywhere else really.

  • got ripped paying 13.50 at woolies the other day cos we ran out…that was for 3kg bags, normally bulk buy as we have 4 pitbulls…

  • hi RDY4WR where do you buy it in bulk from?

  • Im not in melb man but pretty sure my brother goes to petbarn, i never took notice of the name when i went..

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