Hi all. I thought i would share the solution I found for this problem.
In short, wife broke her Samsung S4 screen. So spent $100+ and got it replaced. 2 days later the same thing happened again. So we were quite reluctant to shell out the money again.
Now the phone didnt have any sort of backup etc. Developer mode wasnt enabled. Had all of her contacts (on device) and 2 years worth of photos. PC didnt allow access to memory as phone was pin locked.
So what do we do? Service provider couldnt suggest anything.
Did a bit of research (google) and found this thing called OTG.
Went ahead and bought a Micro USB OTG SD TF Card Reader Writer HUB MHL To HDMI HDTV TV Adapter Galaxy S4 off Ebay.$16.9.
I plugged it into the phone micro usb and hooked up the hdmi to the tv and usb to a mouse. Also connected it to a USB power supply. Turned it on. Nothing happened.
Had to stuff around a bit with sequence of connections and then the phone display showed up on the TV. Mouse pointer was available so unlocked it and got all we needed off the phone.
Thats it. I was the hero for the rest of the day. Cheers.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Screen is broken. Pin lock enabled. No backup. Used OTG to get to the data.

Lthecastle on 28/12/2016 - 22:03
Thanks. Will try it out. I should have learnt my lesson by now…
it was painful for me, all my fault. wife was not happy for weeks.
I bought FolderSync (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.tacit.andro…). It is not limited to pictures or videos.
Thanks. Does that backup to a local hard drive, reading it seems like it's an online backup ( which I didn't want already have Google and One Drive).
Sweet home is pretty old but works ( for what we want) and is free.It syncs between folders, online folders, NAS folders, MicroSD card folders, OTG folders. You can even sync between phones if you have share enabled.
lucky you mate.
now thats done, set up some kinda auto backup. I have installed SweetHome on our androids, it back ups all vids and photos to a hard drive we have attached to our modem/router.
Whenever one of these phones connect to wifi at home it backs up the new photos automatically. (I also have it that the phone needs to be charging as well)
This is on top of Googles own backups. And we have the photos get recorded to a micro SD not phone memory so if the phone completely dies you still have the mem card.
Of course this was after my wifes phone shat itself and it was somehow all my fault the photos were lost.