If I was to start a business and use the name Xbox as part of my business' name, would that be in breach of anything? Copyright, trademark, intellectual property rights?
Is this a breach of any kind?

Last edited 14/07/2010 - 21:55
Whoops typo.
i hear apple has sent cease and desist letters to people with ipad domains
I think maybe ask yourself can i afford to pay court costs if they(MS) decide it is , ie wether it is or not if their legal team beleives it is then you have to go to court , get legal advice etc . Me i would do that first (the legal advice part).
oh good point Mikinoz
People get around it by using names that imply the xbox, i.e. 360mods.com.
The other way is to legally change your name to xbox.
LOL haha Mr Xbox
That being said, in rosebud or sorrento , VIC (IIRC) there was a man who opened a hamburger shop with the surname MACDONALD.
He called it MACDONALDS BURGERS and Mcdonalds took him out.So I don't think you can get away with just cos it's your name.
i had a look at this, it seems they sued him because of the burger name "the big macca" not because of the company name
Court? Well that's out of the case then, can't afford a legal battle the margin return on the product(s) would be minimal, maybe turning 5k a year tops. It's just a small venture to make cash while doing nothing.
Looks like I'm gonna have to think of a new name instead of AusXboxGamer
Maybe AussiePointsDealer, or The Points Man.I like the points man!
What are you selling? Perhaps we can help you with a name.
Planing on selling Xbox Live Points
discount ozbargainers :p
I'm willing to do $24.50 for 1500 points and $47.50 for 3000 points. And paypal is the only form of payment accepted atm.
Made a post about it in the selling section a few days back.
I find the easiest way is to go on godaddy and throw in a few words, then on the RHS it comes up with similar store combinations
I'd be pretty sure that you can't use xbox in your business name period.
Just have a look at the ASIC company register…
Type xbox in organisation name, choose All names and press enter.
Seriously, all of the entries like "xbox repairs" show a status of deregistered or removed or whatever.
And don't forget the debacle with Google Australia suing Groggle before they even got off the ground.
This from xbox.com.au;
"TRADEMARKS. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, the Xbox logos, the Xbox 360 logos, Xbox Live logos and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation."Microsoft or Xbox are off limits but 360 and Live are generally fair game.
www.360LiveMSPoints.com.au ;)
It might be a breach, don't think it would be a breech though ;)