As per title, be legit, z z z z z z z.
What Would You Spend with $200 Dollars

go out for dinner.
You give me the $200 dollars and in a week I'll tell you what I did with it
Shouldn't be too hard
I would spend it on ING DIRECT Savings
Food. Video game master. A new tablet if you don't already have one and assorted accessories. New TV? Not sure man just and pretty basic stuff and well bills rent etc. Clothes if you need some.
A lot of decent headphone/earphones people recommend start from that price range. As I am kinda into headphone, I might take one day off and visit somewhere where I can try those in and probably buy the one I liked?
Fountain pens are nice as well if you write a lot. I personally found them to be a reasonable investment in the long run since as long as you don't lose the pen, ink do not cost a fortune ($10 and they do last reasonably long). This would be very personal reason, but I prefer how it feels when I am writing compared to ball pens.
I would spend $200.
If you are asking what I would buy with $200, well that's another question.
When do I get the $200?
Groceries I think. And boxing day sales perhaps
I would donate it to an animal charity or pay some bills.
Can I please borrow $200?
Message, a fine dinner and refreshment.
A boxing bag with wall attachment, so I have a place to dump my frustrations (a large part that are ozb related I might add :P)
Real question what would you OP?
For the answer please send me $181.82 (plus G.S.T).
I personally would save until I had $500 (bare minimum), then buy into a broad index ETF.