Vodafail Failing at Normal Operations

Vodafone's online systems are actually so hopeless that when you ring them (after the website doesn't work as per usual) it gives you a multiple choice about where to go depending on which stage the website failed at - neither of which suited the stage it failed at for me.

After getting to a person - who obviously informed me about this thing called the internet and a website that allegedly makes everything easier than calling before he said hello - I was told that I now have to go back to Coles and have them "rescan" the SIM card. Apparently the third world slave being employed by Vodafone thinks that I stole the starter kit because apparently no one scanned it at Coles (no idea how I paid for it).

Has anyone else been told to go back to the place of purchase and "rescan" the SIM card? It seems like horseshit to me.

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  • I once bought an Optus SIM from Coles and it would not activate online. I rang up customer service at Optus and they could not activate it either and they told me that the SIM must be faulty and to return it to the place of purchase for an exchange. I took it to Coles and the lady there had to go through quite a bit of button pressing to speak to optus to confirm that the SIM was faulty and Coles then gave me a new SIM which worked.

  • Yes. sometimes it does not flow through the system correctly. I had to do alot of SIM rekeys because of failed scanning. You should be able to provide them the ICCID and they can manually enter it. Well, that's what i use to do.

    • What is ICCID ? And how to obtain it?

      • An ICCID is found on the back of the simcard. Should be 19-20 numbers long, usually starts with 89610.

  • +4

    Its quite simple… If the Barcode of the sim is NOT scanned it will NOT activate.
    Its the same for Optus, Vodafone, Virgin, Amaysim.. it is not a failure of Vodafone.. its a failure of COLES.

    Uses same tech as Gift Cards in Supermarkets, unless they are scanned they are useless.

  • i've. the sim needs be "correctly" scanned out. emphasise on correctly. last time i bought a $2 voda sim in woolworths, the checkout boy had to ask for help from a "more experienced" member, who couldn't scanned it out either so she typed in "grocery" and charged me $2. i felt werired but i thought i should trust them. i got home, guess what, it didn't work. brought it back to the store, they couldn't rescann it so they took it back and scanned out another one, correctly. it has been in my ipad since. sometimes you are served by the inexperienced. it is life.

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