Hi, I am wondering if anyone out there has the owners manual for the DSE SURGE INTERCEPTOR 8-Way Surge Board (M78101).
I thought I had kept one, but can't find, and 30 mins+ of googling has gotten me no where. I am trying to find the contact details for making a claim, in the long hopes that the insurance offered with these boards is still valid
Link to the boards old web page - http://wayback.archive.org/web/20130602030506/http://dicksmi…?
I did make a claim with them back in Jan 2013, and it was painless, boarding on pleasant. Far simpler and probably a damn site cheaper than dealing with my insurance company if it is at all still possible.
Any further info would be greatly appreciated.
The only claim information that I could find was:
http://au.pricepedia.org/sell/surge-interceptor-8-way-surge-… and it talks about a 5 year Guarantee…
All Connected Equipment Warranty Claims must be notified within 14 days by phoning 1300 660054 and requesting a claim form or by writing to:
DSE Holdings Pty Ltd
Surge Protection Device - Warranty Claim
PO Box 500
Regents Park DC NSW 2143
BUT, I'd guess that you would have to hit up the Receivers/Voluntary Administrators now… https://www.dicksmith.com.au/da/warranty-receivers/
Also, I found this image online… https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFg5MDA=/z/oKoAAOSwZ8ZW~Dj4/$_35.JPG is this it?