We have a Barossa 2011 Cabernet from a famous Barossa brand, for just $8.25 a bottle ( 12 Pack Minimum Buy)
To get the discount, simply add the box of this Cabernet to your cart and the discount value will be taken off automatically. Free Shipping.
We have a Barossa 2011 Cabernet from a famous Barossa brand, for just $8.25 a bottle ( 12 Pack Minimum Buy)
To get the discount, simply add the box of this Cabernet to your cart and the discount value will be taken off automatically. Free Shipping.
for Just $8.25 a Bottle + Free Delivery
Doesn't work. It keeps adding a dozen…
Hi, Discount is automatically added at the checkout. Kindly try again.
It's still adding a dozen bottles.
The only "mystery" is why it's regular price is $32 a bottle. This is the Peter Lehmann BVC, an export wine they sell to British supermarkets that's a blend of whatever, thus why it says they source from the north and south of the barossa (i.e. all of it).
Granted, a Lehmann's wine from the Barossa, so it's probably not too bad. But don't think this is 75% off.
edit: Because I'll probably be asked for proof - https://www.majesticwinecalais.co.uk/BVC-Cabernet-Sauvignon-… - there you go, 6 quid ($10AU) a bottle.
Well done for exposing a clear case of false advertising.
Hi Guys,
How can price of wine sold in UK 12 Months ago be taken as a price?
This is the Google cache version of your page from Dec 13th - https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:P8ktAm…
For this "deal" you're simply upped the price to $32, blurred the image out (it wasn't blurred when I originally posted either) and called $8.25 a "special". You may think that consumers don't understand wine prices so it's ok to pretend that they're getting a bargain, but under Australian consumer law this is actually illegal - https://www.accc.gov.au/business/pricing-surcharging/display…
You completely made up the $32 price (it's more than better Lehmann wines, plus Lehmann doesn't have a retail price for this wine in Australia) so I'll be reporting this post.
Haha, busted.
This site and this poster should be banned from OzB.
Hi Guys,
Its not our Intention to scam the members of the community or our customers. We mistakenly posted the deal without putting across all information about the deal.
We appreciate the feedback from you guys,
We intend to actively participate in the community and give out deals which are beneficial for our customers and for our Suppliers. Will be mindful on posting deals with full information in future.
"Mistakenly posted the deal"
No, you got caught red handed thinking you could fool people who pick apart deals for fun, so cut the bullshit, your reputation has taken a big enough hit already.
What a scum post from justwines. OP thought he could get some additional advertising on OZB by marking up, then discounting, regular pricing. Pure scum tactics, they should be banned from OZB, and I won't ever be purchasing from this mob.
Claiming that your mystery item is allegedly "worth" $32 is not sufficient evidence that this is a deal/bargain, therefore either a brand/product name and RRP is required.