eBay Seller Sent Less Valued Item, Admits Fault but I Need to Use Item

So my parents really needed to get a new pool cover as the old one was falling apart and we threw it out. 2 weeks ago, I ordered one from eBay and the seller accepted my offer of $280 for a $320 cover.

I very specifically looked up 500 micron (thickness) as we wanted something that lasts longer. There were heaps of 400 microns on sale for less than half the price that I never considered.

I received the cover last week, by chance the next day I looked at the box and I saw the product code was 'xx-xx-400' so I googled the product code and it was the 400 micron!!

I emailed the seller and they said 'dont worry, I assure you its the correct one, just open the box to check' , so I did and even weighed the box. Box had the weights for the 400 and it was exactly that weight (500 would have weighed 4kg more)

I sent all the pictures and told the ebay seller that it wasnt the 500 and that I was very disappointed and frustrated as I really need to use it and it was the Xmas season and I cant get a replacement that soon.

Seller offered to let me keep it and give me a $100 refund, bringing the total to $180. The cheapest I could find was $133 with another seller so I said no. Seller offers to 'arrange return shipping and refund'

I gave a counter offer of giving me a $180 refund, as I thought a $100 price was reasonable given the inconvenience of everything. I still have not put the pool cover on because the seller hasnt replied me.

A few questions, would I be able to use it, while I wait for the seller to organise pickup etc (I know its probably obvious I shouldnt, but this wasnt really my fault), or if I do a Paypal / Ebay claim how much money would I be able to get back while keeping the pool cover?

And the thing that really irks me is that the seller has sold 25 of these pool covers and I am fairly sure they are all the same (400 advertised as 500) as there was another feedback left recently with my same problem. That means 23 other people might have potentially been scammed. If I didnt happen to look at the box on my way to work, my parents would have just fitted this cover on no questions asked.

TLDR : Ebay seller sent me a pool cover worth half the price, says they will pick up and refund but I really need to use it. What are my options?

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  • +2

    A few questions, would I be able to use it, while I wait for the seller to organise pickup etc

    no, you cannot use the item if it's a snad and then return it for refund. leave it unpacked and wait for the seller to reply.

    (I know its probably obvious I shouldnt, but this wasnt really my fault),

    if it feels wrong, then why even think about it?

    or if I do a Paypal / Ebay claim how much money would I be able to get back while keeping the pool cover?

    open a snad. the seller will either offer a refund while you keep the item, partial refund or ask you to return item for a full refund.

    And the thing that really irks me is that the seller has sold 25 of these pool covers and I am fairly sure they are all the same (400 advertised as 500) as there was another feedback left recently with my same problem. That means 23 other people might have potentially been scammed.

    can we assume this is power seller? they shipped the wrong item. it could happen to any power seller.

    • No, not a power user, would say a mid range ebay store, 5000 feedback total since 2012.

      And I have already opened the box and unrolled it a bit to see if there was any other indication of a product code.

      And I might feel its wrong to use but this is the only pool cover the seller is listing and hes sold 25, he says he uses the same supplier so I am fairly sure hes sent everyone the same as me. I dont think hes going to contact everyone he sold to asking them to check.

      • No, not a power user, would say a mid range ebay store, 5000 feedback total since 2012.

        there are only so many players on ebay. i know who the seller is. they're a power seller.

  • -6

    You're supposed to put the TLDR at the top of your post so people can decide whether they want to read the rest of it.

    • +7

      Is that in the official How To Internet 2016 Edition because I heard it got taken out and you can put it where you liek now.

    • You could always do what many people used to in days gone by, and turn to the last page first.

  • just open a snad. the parent user id is one of the biggest seller on ebay. their cs should be able to provide a remedy to your liking.

  • +1

    Make sure you open a returns case on eBay. The seller will have to provide you: a return, a full refund and you get to keep the item or a partial refund and you get to keep the item. Every step of the returns process will be clear ie. the seller provides you the offer, you accept, you send back the item with tracking, the seller receives the item, the seller provides you the refund.

    Otherwise the seller could potentially pick up the item from you, claim that he didn't and not provide you a refund.

  • oh, ok thanks! :) I hadnt opened a case yet because the seller agreed to pick it up, its just that i either really want it gone quickly, or a more agreeable partial refund but I cant use it in the meantime so that sucks.

  • cheapest was $133 but whats the rough average for 400s?
    Is $180 close to that?
    You wont get extra for inconvenience.

    • about $150 average

      • i would push for $150 if you are happy to keep it or go the way of opening a case for money back and buy the thicker one elsewhere.

        The seller won;t swap the 400 for a 500? Does that mean they never had 500s?

        • They said they can refund or replace, but I am wary of accepting a replacement because it happened to someone else as well. I would go for the refund route except i dont know how long it takes for them to arrange pickup and sort this out. I dont want to reorder from elsewhere if they are going to turn around and say , hey ok we ll refund you as postage costs about $155 ( i did an online quote) and end up being stuck with two. Its not that i am happy to keep it, I just really needed to use it because my elderly mum is filling the pool up everyday and scooping all the leaves herself :(

        • Just sucks in the end that i am stuck with a pool cover that i didnt want and that their first counter offer was not even a 'good deal'.

          Its like ordering an iphone 6s and getting a 5s with a $150 refund haha

        • @kza2610:

          If it is your choice whether to accept an exchange or refund, I would start the refund process and buy another cover.

          Done this with computer parts many times.

  • Pool cover is not urgently required. Just put 2kg stabilizer and some chlorine, then wait for a new one.

    My 500u pool cover, which came with 10 years guarantee is falling apart at its 6 years. It keeps the water from vaporizing and keep it warm. It allows the pool to consume less chemical and stop most of the leaves from falling into the pool. The cost of the cover cannot justify the saving unless we take into account of our hourly rate for maintaining the pool.

    • Sorry to hijack this thread but looking for similar inputs…I'm in situation where due to health and medical reasons nobody in family in state to use our pool which is 11mx5.2m. So looking to buy pool cover for next 4~5years atleast(that's when we planning sell it), will 400microns serve our purpose? How much this dimension cover will cost including roller?

      • If you are not using the pool, you can hibernate it. I covered mine with builder film (200um) for 8 months during winter and spring. The pool pump was run 15 minutes a day (just to prevent blocking).

        • Thanks, thats interesting info. Can ypu please share bit more info on how to do it, what is builder firm, where to get, cost associated etc? Sorry asking too many things.

  • That was how I did it.

    Get the builder's film from bunnings

    1. Remove creepy crawly from the pool (high chlorine will kill the equipment)
    2. Fill the pool upto the brim.
    3. Add some chlorine and stablizer to the pool (just higher than normal value as chlorinator will not be used)
    4. Totally cover the pool with builder's film. This ensures no light, no rain water goes into the pool.
    5. Use bricks to press on the edge of builder's film to stop any water/sand from leaking into the pool.
    6. Cut a small piece builder's film to cover the skimmer box (between the skimmer box cover and the box). That stops the light and insects from getting into the pool.
    7. Set the chlorinator to run 15 minutes a day.
    8. Check the pool via the skimmer box once a month.

    Good luck.

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