I've recently put on weight and noticed stretch marks on the bottom of my stomach, what are some your treatments used to reduce visibility of stretch marks? i'm currently using bio-oil applied twice a day
What Are Your Treatment for Stretch Marks?

givemethebestdeals on 25/12/2016 - 03:41
I was gonna suggest Bio-Oil when I read the title but it seems like you're already using it :)
i've been using it for a month now but see no visible changes :( has it been effective for yourself?
Cut down on the beer and carbs
yea i have but the damage has been done :(
lol honestly just concentrate on regulating your breathing around that area.. relax breathe deep and slowly watch your eating and exercise sparingly also don't over exercise as this does worse than under exercising from experience
You don't need to spend extra on bio oil unless you really believe in it then I can't help you.
If you are still feeling stressed and can't control your overweight then work on that first before anything else.
Just my tree fiddy cents.
I heard on a podcast recently, mention of a supplement that was surprisingly effective
I have no personal experience with it