Has the Good Guys 'Gold Service Extras' thing been posted here on OzB yet?

The scheme seems a bit too good to be true, at least if utilised for a cheap item, but I'm assured it's legit by both the staff, and the 'paperwork' (rather professional looking pamphlet).

What it essentially is, is that you pay a certain amount extra on any purchase that they deem the scheme is applicable to, then that entitles you to:

A. A three-year replacement warranty (rather than a one-year warranty, that could even involve you getting your old unit back after being repaired).
B. Various other 'tech-support' type BS supposed advantages.
C. $180 in GG store credit, supplied via SMS codes at a rate of $60 per year

Obviously 'C' is the big one, and this is why I am surprised that I could not find any post of this scheme on OzB as yet… maybe because it's not 'product specific'?

Anyways, as a 'real example' I just bought a SunBeam mixer that I was kindly alerted to via OzB from the Good Guys, 'was $60, reduced to $20'. The Chick informed me that for $30 extra ($50 in total), the warranty would be converted to a 'three-year-replacement' warranty, AND I would get $60 in store credit codes SMSd to me each year, for those three years. So naturally I did that.

It seems to me that I spent $50 to buy a mixer that was $60 with a one-year warranty (it's actually 'made of glass/not plastic/seems a good unit BTW), but via this scheme I walked out with that same unit with a three-year warranty, plus $180 GG store-credit that will be supplied at $60 per year…

Or am I missing sommat here?!?

It seems a bit too good to be true.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • +1

    when i got it earlier this year it was called concierge https://www.thegoodguys.com.au/concierge/concierge-rewards
    ive gotten 2 codes this year from it $20 no mind spend.
    was worth the extra on the $500 tablet i bought.

    Though note the expiry for these codes you get are very short i got my last on November 17th and it expired the 21st.

    • 'Though note the expiry for these codes you get are very short i got my last on November 17th and it expired the 21st.'

      This is a really hot tip Axel, cheers.

      So the credits only last a few days then? Lucky for me my local GG is just down the road, but if it was far away (or even a few KMs away), it could totally kill the deal. And of course that way, it means you cannae stack the credits. Now it makes a bit more sense. So, it seems the idea is to 'entice you back a few times a year', to spend. Got it now/enlightened. When agreeing to the deal I did ask if any 'minimum spend' applied to the credit (and was assured that none did), but I didn't think to ask about the expiry of it! Such a 'rookie mistake!!!'

      It's still a good deal for me because I live very close to a GGs, there is no minimum spend applied to the credits, and they sell a LOT of stuff that is about $20 or less that I am interested in… but if you lived pretty far from a GG, or didn't need lower-priced GG products reasonably regularly, etc., I can now see how this might actually cost you money, rather than saving you money.

      Again, thanks for your post Axel, I was pretty sure there was some aspect of the 'offer' that was not being entirely overtly stated/divulged/revealed!


    • $20 store credit sent to you three times each year via SMS


      For each twelve months from the date of your purchase, a $20 store credit for The Good Guys will be sent to You three times each year until Your Concierge Gold Service Extras expires.

      That reads as 3x$20 ($60) per year.

      • 3 x $20/year isn't as good as $60/year. It's hard to find anything that's ~$20 that's worth using the credit on.

  • +1

    GG are going all out with credit offers because it keeps you coming back and spending. I don't think much of them because often GG are overpriced and last time I tried to price match a SD card, which was $60+ cheaper at Harris Technology, they weaselled out of it despite them being listed as a competitor. Retail is a cutthroat game these days and they all need to have something to attract you. Whether it is 20% off eBay coupon, free store credit or bonus offers with purchase etc. It can work out well if you are a professional ozbargainer and can ensure the cheapest price + extras :). E.g. I bought a camera, got $100 bonus credit (and claimed $36 credit for price guarantee also) and used it towards Nespresso at $169 which has $70 cash back and the machine sells for $300+ everywhere else. Personally wouldn't pay for this extended warranty service though, see it as unnecessary and don't need any cheap items at GG.

    • Truth.

    • Not to mention that I have got probably 2x $20 vouchers with no min spend throughout the year for doing nothing. Maybe it was 3?

  • +1

    So this is from a current employee at GG'

    The gold service extra is a bit hit and miss. I'll clarify.

    The $20 store credit is issued every four months, valid for four days only and can't be accumulated. You can spend less then $20, spend more and just pay the difference.

    The biggest selling point is a "simple replacement under $500." This is a great incentive and worth every penny, especially in regards to phones and computers. Since working there, you realize how bad the quality and longetivity of these products mentioned really are. So I'd definitely think twice about it. The amount of customers you have to turn away because the product is out of warranty period.

    Most will only carry a 1 (2 year Samsung) warranty and often its a repair. Under GS, replacement is issued no questions asked :)

    The service credit is a bit iffy and not really something I mention. Not worth the trouble.

    On a toaster or kettle, its a bit iffy. GS starts at $30 so a $20 toaster with one year warranty is questionable. Heck the other day I found $5 headphones with the option of GS for $30. Ridiculous and embarassing to mention what GS is on a product like that.

    Last but not least, the GS covers for the indicated period of time chosen, so regardless of no matter how many faults with the product/s, you'll be covered.

    GS is optional to add on for up to 14 days after purchase too :)

    Any questions, just ask :)

    • Sorry to revive an old thread, but I'm considering the Gold Service Extras for the new BES920BSS coffee machine I've just purchased. Apparently for that particular machine the extras would mean a 5 year warranty? My parents bought one at the same time and were sold this cover as a "full replacement" (even though I've now seen a few times that it's only for items valued under $500).

      The machine itself has a 2 year manufacturer warranty, but what can I expect for the remaining 3 years if I take up the Gold Service Extras??


      • Hi A Seawright.

        Essentially, anything under $500 purchased with gold service is an automatic replacment on the spot, though you can only go three years with that.

        From the sounds of it, the model you are talking is over $500 which would mean a full coverage for five years. The difference here, is that you will have five years protection but it may have to be sent away for repair.

        Generally, if it is just a broken accessory or part, we can swap it over on the display model but essentially you are covered for five years. You may not have it for a couple weeks and often you will be presented with a store credit or a full refund or replacement of the same model once the model has been assessed.

        Bear in mind, on top of that you have exclusive holiday reward discounts and if an essential appliance isn't repaired in 10 days, you can grab a $100 eftpos card. On top of that, you would get the 30 price guarantee meaning if the price drops even further in store up to 30 days after your purchase, you can claim that price difference back as store credit. Last but not least, you'll be sent a $20 store credit every four months for the five year period to use in store on whatever product you want.

        All in all, I think it's worth because there's nothing worse then paying say $1000 for a machine to only last two years and no additional warranty, and paying under $200 coverage for five years and peace of mind guarantee.

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