$500 Stolen from Struggling Small Business, What to Do?

Hi guys, long time lurker but first time poster and I finally made an account.

Today, 24/12/16, a middle aged man wearing a hat and sunglasses stole $500 when both my mother and father were busy assisting elderly ladies. The man seemed very experienced in looting small businesses, utilizing a safety precaution found in old cash registers only used in local retailers. Using this, he opened the drawer and pulled out all our $10s and $20s.

What made our day horrible wasn't the loss of the $500, it was the disappointment and disgust in the thief. Thieving on a day meant for giving and taking advantage of a small business. All of this was discovered through our security cameras and now we have a decent video of the theft taking place.

Now, given the situation, what actions should proceed. Should i tell police or just take this theft as a valuable lesson?

Hope you guys had a better Christmas Eve than I did!

Edit: Does anyone have any past experience dealing with such issues?

Poll Options

  • 5
    It's only $500
  • 328
    Call police
  • 4
    Try to find the culprit

closed Comments

  • +31

    And you wouldn't call the police because … ?

    • +6

      Because bikies.

    • +35

      Because the first port of call is "ask what would an ozbargainer do?"

    • +9

      Probably because many OzBargainers, myself included, have already availed themselves of this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/281288 to procure the forensic criminology kit Cluedo…

      I've been out shaking down likely suspects on behalf of the OP, and have concluded that the culprit is none other than Colonel Mustard, in the Conservatory, with the Lead Pipe!

      I's a reglar Sherlck 'olmes, I is…

      • +5

        Sheesh Stewart's balls, I note that evidently you remain completely insensitive to the potential impact of what has occurred in other users' actual lives / the emotional impact of what has been perpetrated against them. Rather than offering any useful advice or support here, you instead choose to use their posts to engage in feeble attempts at humour, apparently for your own gratification.
        Of course, if the OP is pretty clearly joking or is some sort of troll etc., then it's fine to make light of their post. But that is pretty clearly not the case here. I suggest exercising some judgement when responding on such occasions. If you are capable of it?

        • +6

          Hey - don't get snarky at people for having a go at someone who gets on here claiming that their store has been burgled AND ASKS WHETHER HE SHOULD REPORT IT TO THE COPS?!?
          Seriously? WTF?
          Just check out the poll if you thought this was a tricky question.

        • +2

          Yes, so many comedians on here. Some people have tact, or are at least funny. Others make me cringe.

        • -2


          '… at people for having a go at someone who gets on here claiming that their store has been burgled'

          Do you see the problem with your expression here yet?

          You seem to have missed my point entirely, which is that unless it is completely obvious that a post like the OP's (on a site like this) is bogus it is not right/justified (in my humble opinion) to go ahead and simply assume that it is bogus, and post a 'joke'/derogatory response to their potentially genuine request for advice. If you think I'm wrong, I would be very interested in your reasoning. But only if you actually have something meaningful to say.

          If not,

          Merry X-mas :)

      • That is pretty low StewBalls, lower than your sagging balls dipping in the toilet water when you sit down.

    • -8

      Since my parents think that calling police would resolve nothing as it is petty crime, however I think another opinion would be valuable.

      • +12

        'All of this was discovered through our security cameras and now we have a decent video of the theft taking place.'

        Give this video evidence to the local police station, and I can almost guarantee that they will either already know who this dude is (assuming it shows his/her face), or they will be able to find out quite quickly. Other places in the area will have captured similar footage also, I'm guessing. This is obviously a pretty 'well-practiced' modus operandi, and I bet the local cops can identify the dude.

        Also, this is an 'individual risk' sort of crime, NOT the sort of thing that a 'mob' would engage in. So I would not be so worried about 'retaliation', if the crook is identified.

        Give the cops all the evidence you have, and ask them to keep you posted on any developments.

        It's the best way to stop this loser in his/her tracks.

      • +16

        Dog, I work retail in a shopping centre store selling expensive goods and it is very common for thieves to attempt to steal from a store. If no store ever reports a theft, the police will have no leads and they won't get caught. Since you have juicy video evidence it's very important that you turn it in

        Last week I caught a suspect red handed as he went into the backroom storage of our shop to try and pilfer the staff's handbags, wallets and phones. It was a busy day and there were four staff members in the shop, but I was the only one who got in his way. He scooted off empty handed before I could properly look at his face.

        Stuff like this is not petty theft — he may have made off with $1, $100 or $10,000 from us but with their level of skill and experience they most likely have done it many, many times.

        They sometimes do not work alone and may work in small teams— they'll come in, browse around, pretend to be a customer, create a diversion while the other teammate goes to the till or the backrooms to do his sneaky work.

        • +3

          Scrimmers is exactly right about this OP:

          'Since you have juicy video evidence it's very important that you turn it in'

          One reason is that video evidence cannot be argued with in court (or at least it almost never is, even by the accused). In fact, usually the 'suspect' just needs to be shown it, and even if it is not actually immediately apparent to anyone else that it is actually them in the video, the fact that THEY THEMSELVES can plainly see (or 'recognise') that it IS them in the video often prompts them to put their hand up (plead guilty).

      • +3

        Theres nothing to lose if you report it to the police, except time, if they decide that there's nothing they can do. But you have a lot to lose if you make assumptions (assumptions which you really have no knowledge) and not report it.

        If you believe it should be reported, then report it. You don't need validation or strangers approval.

        Same thing with people who make a forum post before seeing a doctor/lawyer/accountant/finance guy/company. If first step doesn't help, then come here.

      • +2

        Since my parents think that calling police would resolve nothing as it is petty crime

        And you think us OzBargainers can do something about it?

    • because he has a dog….?

  • +3

    Contact the police and file a report asap
    Give evidence.
    Contact your Business insurance provider asap.

    You can't just go out and deliver your own justice with a bludgeoning weapon, unless you want to have a criminal record and be jail mates with your thief?

  • +10

    Should i tell police or just take this theft as a valuable lesson?

    You can do both at the same time.

  • +22

    Hang on - you posted it on here before calling the police?

    Seriously ?

    • +2

      Agreed…this post is so stupid it has to be a troll.

      • +2

        Christmas special

  • +3

    Sorry about what has happen you but call the cops first!.
    You might not get your $500 back but with CCTV footage the cops would be one step close to get him. May be they would stop him before he hits another small business.

  • -3

    Any CCTV?

    if you have can you name and shame. print the footage out a stick it in the shop front as well as giving it to next store tolet them know this person.

    • +3

      All of this was discovered through our security cameras and now we have a decent video of the theft taking place

      • +1

        Just name and shame. print the footage out a stick it in the shop front as well as giving it to next store tolet them know this person.

        • And report to the cops, they like CCTV footage.. really :)

    • +9

      Not saying you're right or wrong but what would OP possibly gain by making up this story and asking for advice?

    • +5

      "i call bs" says a middle aged man wearing a hat and sunglasses with a bulging wallet.

    • Hi guys, long time lurker but first time poster and I finally made an account.

      read thanks

  • File a police report ASAP

  • +9

    Sell the footage to Daily Mail for $501.

    • +7

      If he was done a burn out while escaping you would rich! ACA pays a lot for that footage. Dem hoonz!

    • +1

      OZbargain always have answer

  • call the cop file a report they will do nothing but it is still worth doing

  • Telling the Police and calling this a valuable lesson are not mutually exclusive. If you don't report it then why bother having CCTV? This theft is not petty. If he took $500 from your nearest bank the Police would take it seriously. But why did the incident prompt you to join OzBargain?

  • The Old ladies that were being served are clearly accomplices there as a distraction. Hunt them down and beat the truth out of them. Show no mercy, make them bleed. And a Merry Christmas to all😀.

  • +1

    Ive seen a few shops print out a theives action from cctv and hang it on the shopfront. Whether its legal or not i have no idea but will deter other theives from trying to get close to your money next time.

    Calling the police will probably lead to nothing but youve got nothing to loose by reporting the crime (except your valuable time)

    • Why would it be illegal?

      The only crime i've seem from these is how bad the cameras are!

      • From a legal point of view it might be defaming because they are innocent untill proven guilty blah blah and the judge decides on that etc

        • Sure, like your opportunistic thief gives a damn. :)

        • +1

          @xuqi: lol. Unfortunately sometimes the law is on their side :(

        • "a legal point of view it might be defaming"

          Yep, you'd be in serious trouble if someone engaged a lawyer for the purpose of claiming you defamed them by posting a picture of them stealing from your business. They would have to be really on the ball to prove to the court's satisfaction that it was them tho - perhaps producing whatever they stole may help…

        • +1

          @CandyMan: Surely they'd have to identify themselves to make a legal complaint…

  • Thief's know the game too well these days. If they steal under a certain amount, they do not get a criminal record. Just a slap on the risk by the judge to not do it again and serve community hours, but that's if they get caught. Most are serial shop lifters, so the cops would most likely know who it was. We see all types of shoplifters in our store. What's odd is they are always the one that's BEST DRESSED. Not sure why, but its like they're trying to "disguise" themselves like a predator would. We tried to go easy on these scumbags by not reporting them to police before, but we have found that whenever caught, they will always use the excuse "oh I guess I must of forgotten to pay, sorry' but the funny thing? They always want to return the item and not pay.. after being caught stealing it. So now, every single thief gets reported.

    One cheap and easy method for reducing shoplifting is by simply placing security signs with EYES. This has been scientifically proven to reduce shoplifting in every case study that has used it by authorities in the UK, US and around the world. The mere fact that eyes are starring at you, causes human basic instinct to avoid stealing items as they fear being "watched". More info on this study can be read here: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-22270052 | http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/why-sticking-a-pair-of-…

    • One cheap and easy method for reducing shoplifting is by simply placing security signs with EYES

      What is your experience with this? Does it work? Has it decreased the incidence of shoplifting, compared to before this is installed? Very curious to know, from an individual store's standpoint, despite the published stats. Thanks in advance.

  • +1

    $500 in a till seems like a lot.

    • Yeah think how much bargains you could buy with $500

  • I suggest you report it to the police for the purpose of accurate crime statistics. It will allow a more accurate picture of crime in your area and if significant may allow more resources to be made available such as police stations etc. also it will enable insurers to provide more accurate quotes. It's sad some Australians go back to their heritage. Sorry for your loss.

  • +2

    OP would you upload the video here please?
    My Account>Posts>files>Upload New File. Then right-click the photo, select Copy Link Location, and paste it in your next comment.

  • Was that $500 including GST?

  • +1

    Stupid pointless post. If it's real (and the OP is over 15) then they've got bigger issues than $500. Is this even a real question with real options? At what point after the invention of the internet did we become so dumb and reliant on the collective wisdom of a bunch of randoms.

    In case it wasn't obvious - Report it to the cops/insurance and move on.

  • +1

    Why is this even a post here?

  • i understand your frustration OP, I watch on channel 7 news recently about SUBWAY owner that has been robbed 9 times and all of the 9 times incident has been reportedly to police and the police never ever catch that crooks instead he waste his time on different cops and detective comes to his shop, interview all of his employee and REQUEST USB STICK for the videos of the CCTV every time for each cops&detective on each incident. hopeless


  • Result is overwhelmingly "call the police" and further discussion would be pointless. Thread closed.

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