This was posted 8 years 2 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4/XB1 Doom $15, PS4/XB1 Fallout 4 $15, Wii U Guitar Hero $15, Wii U Just Dance 2016 $9 @ Target Starts 26/12


Just some unadvertised, in store specials/clearance items as part of the Boxing Day sale. Stock will be sporadic in stores but might be of interest if you see it on the shelf (as it will scan at the cheap price):

PS4/XB1 Doom - $15 each (Save $10)
PS4/XB1 Fallout 4 -$15 each
Wii U Just Dance 2016 - $9
Wii U Guitar Hero - $15 (should be good stock of this in stores as more arrived this week)
XB1 S Console (2TB) - $429
PS4 Slim 1TB Console -$375
PS4 Slim 1TB Console With Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - $379
PS4/XB1 Assassins Creed Syndicate - $20 each (Save $9)
PS4/PS3/Xb1/X360 Minecraft Story Mode the Complete Adventure - $42 each
PS4/XB1 Farming Simulator 2017 - $49 each

Happy Festivus!

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2016

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +16

    Everyone buy Doom.

    • I never saw Doom in their online store. How much is it selling for now?

      • +1


      • $25

        • Is doom on sale or clearance?

    • +43

      Don't buy DOOM, it's a terrible game, avoid!
      Hopes there's stock for me now

    • +1

      I wish I could give this more upvotes.
      DOOM and Inside, games of the year for me, hands down.

      • Hmm.. all i heard is good about inside. MS is running a 40% sale on a bundle with this game (limbo). Wish they run the same on "inside" standalone.

        • +1

          Have you played Limbo? Great game too. Inside is just a little mature in execution, but Limbo is still terrific.

        • @beatsntoons:
          I've played it in mobile. Really liked it. That's why I am interested in playing Inside.

    • +1

      I dunno … played it once, didn't grab me ;) I'll probably install it again.

      • That's how it feels when you play it on easy try nightmare

        • Think I was on "hard" … one up from "normal"/"medium" or whatever they call it in Doom.

  • -5

    Yay appropriate price for doom!!

    • +9

      I'd pay RRP for this. My game of 2016.

    • +10

      No way, Doom is worth it at RRP, one of the best singleplayer games of 2016 by far. Titanfall 2 is the only competition.

      • It is comparable with TT2? Ok I am in!

        Thanks OP

        • +8


          Tough call…Tiny Turtle 2: Fully Loaded Shell was a very good game!

      • Hmm, I have not bought Titan Fall 2 yet. How much of Single player content does it have?

        • It has a single player campaign which a lot of people are saying is excellent, albeit that it takes six or so hours. Haven't played it myself but it sounds a tad more interesting than Doom to me.

        • +2

          I bought TF2 just for single player. It's great, but short. Possibly the best platforming in a shooter.

          I played it on hard just so I didn't breeze through it.

        • +1

          It's outstanding but it only has a 4 - 5 hour SP campaign. If you are not interested in the MP component and only want to play through the single player campaign, I'd personally buy it when it's at the current price of DOOM.

        • +1

          Thats what one of my friend said. I am not into multiplayer but play games for their story component. $35 for 6 hours of entertainment is still reasonable, but compared what other games provide, i'll wait till the price comes down to $15, may be next xmas.

    • Yep

  • I bought it for $25 last week, but did not open it yet. Can I return it and get it immediately back for $15? :)

  • +6

    Hmmm tough choice…

    PS4 Slim 1TB Console -$375
    PS4 Slim 1TB Console With Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - $379

    • +2

      Buy the bundle, sell the game if you're not looking to play or keep it. Either way, you win.

      • +1

        Hah! Yeah I know, but the way some people go on about how bad IW is, they might think the $4 saving is a better deal lol

        • It might be more valuable to some persons.

        • Should get more than $4 just selling/trading it in

    • +5

      Think this joke flew over alot of heads

      • I think so hah

  • XB1 S Console (2TB) - $429

    That price tho!

  • Great price for 2TB. Wonder if that includes any games?

    • no games unfortunately

      • do you know what version Guitar Hero? Does it come with the guitar

        also anyway to ask the cashier to put through the boxing day price today?

        • +1

          do you know what version Guitar Hero? Does it come with the guitar

          It's Guitar Hero Live (the latest title released last year) and it comes with a guitar.

  • +4

    Target - giving us the sales actually worth looking at.

    • And always better than the scummy ebay promotions they have here with like 20% discount, but 50% markup or some bs.

  • hrmmm should i buy the 2 games fallout 4 and doom? i dont game much, only got a hand full of xbox 360 games that i havent really played eitehr.

    • +2

      They ain't getting any cheaper than that,
      so just ad them to your pile of shame if your lucky enough to find any stock.

      • dont have the console yet, im hoping even better deals on actual boxing day, like say $50 off most deals advertised here, and more things chucked in!

        • if you missed it, nope.

          target and Big W boxing day sales are/were cheaper than JB, but not by much.

  • Are the games unsealed like at EB/JB?

    • -3

      Why are you trying to resell them as sealed?

      • +7

        I'm not trying to resell them. I just like my new games sealed.

        • Target don't sell sealed games. They put these stickers target stickers on them so its fair to say unsealed

    • In my experience they generally are sealed, if you're unlucky and it's their last one they've always asked me if it's cool and offered to ship in a sealed one from another store for me free of charge.

      • Target usually aren't sealed. Sometimes now releases might be. But generally they take the games out of the case in store them in draws behind the counter

        • Maybe my local few are just champs. They did do me Titanfall for the sale price a couple of days before all the sales for it started rolling in and they still wanted 70 for it.

  • I see very very very few PS4 Pro sales in general, is that indicative it's selling well of its own accord or low on stock? or what?

    • +1

      no reason to have it on sale, it's a brand new console and it's mostly sold out. Don't expect any sales for a while, possibly towards end of 2017 when Xbox Scorpio nears launch

    • -4

      PS4 is pissing all over xbox atm as far as sales.

    • Different demographic. The pro is for the hard core gamers, the type that buy day one, want the best ps4 exp. It has no competition atm, until the Scorpio is out i don't see it dropping in price. Why would it?

      • I dunno, it's a retail product and people like bargains.
        If anything, from your description, once the initial sales wave is done, what's left is harder to move stock they need to put deals on?

  • If I see anyone trying to pick up Assassin Creed Syndicate, get ready for my Spider-Man skills!

    • +1

      You might want to get ready for my Venom skills too :)

  • Can i buy it from online store as well?

    • Probably, but then you have to pay postage.

  • +1

    Wonder if I can return the unopened Doom (brought online) & Fallout 4 back to EB Games?

    • Why not? One of my friend returned an Unopened XBox Console recently. No questions were asked.

      • Via any EB Games store? Or return post?
        Have to pay for return postage?

        • He Went to a store. No clue about postages though. Most probably, you might have to pay for it.

    • +2


      If you don't want to sound like an fn idiot your whole life ===> learn to say "bought."

  • Never played Fall Out 4, but if I buy it. I should also buy 3 and play that first? and Where is cheapest?

    • +1

      I bought this recently, but did not open it. Cover says, it contains fallout 3 as well. So, you are good.

    • +1

      No need to play Fallout 3 first, they are stand alone games and stories just in the same universe. Try fallout 4 and if you like it go back and try 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Each has their own differences in story and gameplay so you might like some more than others but generally if you play 4 and don't like it I wouldn't bother with the others. Personally i love the series.

    • I lost about one month from Fallout 3

  • My local Target is useless with PS4 stock. Haven't had Doom in stock since it original dropped down to $28.
    No TF2 either. Pretty much has none of the sale items or newer games except COD.

  • One does not simply wake up in a fit state to drive on Boxing day morning and early afternoon.


    Perfect reboot of the franchise. Best game of 2016.

    • Playing on normal and I keep running out of bullets. Now I can't beat the two Hell Knights with bare hands. Grr

  • Click and collect possible?

    • Nope.

  • Still waiting for good PS4 Pro deals.

  • Picked up a copy of doom from Bondi store. About 8 copies left though. Planning to visit a store Monday and get a refund on both fallout and this one. 😁

  • -1

    if you arent planning to buy Doom for $15 self admit yourself for a psychiatric evaluation on the ASAP

  • Camberwell Target currently has 200 copies of Tearaway Unfolded and next to nothing else. I'm getting sick of target putting up these catalogue sales and never ordering any stock to sell in store. The only way of getting a thing is to stay up til midnight the night before and hope you get lucky in the WrestleMania of their website.

    • +4

      Apologies for notifying you of an unadvertised/non-catalogued sale

      • +2

        Sorry this is my fault for not reading the deal correctly. My complaint is legitimate, and stands, against the Boxing Day catalogue sale (which Target continually fail to stock appropriately for) but not against this list.

        • +1

          I agree. Target has all but abandoned stocking of video games…But someone seems to have forgotten to tell their marketing department.

  • My Target country Bairnsdale is usually pretty good for these sales, not many in people in town go there for games but they always seem to have a good collection of games when sales come around

  • My local Target have bugger all in store? Will this be on their Ebay listings as well? I notice the 1tb PS4 is but not the COD bundle

  • Also, how does one prove to the Target staff that these are indeed the right prices if its not advertised? Knowing my local Target they probably wont even have a clue this sale is happening and will more than likely have the old prices.

  • Does Guitar Hero come with the guitar?

    • Yes.

      • Are you 100% sure? $15 is really, really cheap to come with the guitar. Will go in tomorrow anyway.

        • +2

          I am 100% sure. Only EB games sells the guitar by itself.

          Yes, it's really that cheap. Game didn't sell really well.

        • Yes I just bought one. Big box.

  • There is just something so satisfying with playing Doom. Get on that if you haven't got it already!

  • Is this price currently available in store or only tomorrow?

  • Doom is alright, but its becoming a bit overrated to be honest. Nostalgia is quite powerful for those that dont feel theres much variety out there, the new Wolfenstein was quite decent. Starfox Zero and Wolfenstein were better new sequels. Seems Doom wanted to be Serious Sam.

  • Picked up Fallout 4 from Target Yarrawonga this morning tor $15. They had a sticker on one of the units with $69 as the price. Luckily they knew their own promotions :).

    • you can get it off target eBay for an extra 1.25% cashrewards

  • Managed to get JB Hi Fi to price match since Chatswood Target was all out of Fallout 4.

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