Good, Credible Websites to Complete RSA/RSG Courses?

Are there any or all that exists are just a scam? Some sites offer pay when you pass option but still looks like a untrustworthy site. some sites that I found are listed in My skills, the government site but have you guys used a website to complete a online RSA/RSG course?


  • +1

    Depends what state you're in, don't think NSW does the online course anymore.

    • there are many sites offering online courses for NSW. I am in SA. i just want to find a site that people has actually used, dont trust the reviews on those sites

      • +3

        I realise you are in SA, but for others, it is no longer allowed to do RSA online in NSW.

  • +1

    son used this place earlier i the year for RSA and RSG
    Express Online Training
    RTO: 40592
    ABN: 85 158 645 133

    • i was looking at this exact site but unsure of the credibility.

      • +1

        its fine. you are only after the certificate so you can do the work. courses are pretty basic.
        do the gambling one too as it helps, most pubs and clubs have poker machines,keno, tab.

        • cheers, have a good holiday!

  • +1

    I don't think you will learn much on these courses if you have an ounce of common sense (but I have only done an RSA).
    I would look for convenience and cost, it is more a hoop you need to jump through than an opportunity to better oneself.

    • yeah, exactly that. its all common sense but without certificates, most wont be allowed to do so.

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