Shure SE310 Earphones
Superior fit and comfort
Sound isolating technology
Enhanced bass
Single balanced armature driver for pristine, extended range audio
Developed for the Pros!
Covered by a 12 month CatchoftheDay warranty
Shure SE310 Earphones
Superior fit and comfort
Sound isolating technology
Enhanced bass
Single balanced armature driver for pristine, extended range audio
Developed for the Pros!
Covered by a 12 month CatchoftheDay warranty
It Shure sucks
Only if you get the ones that's selling for $400 or less. You'd be better off getting some ultimate ears (UE) for that sort of price.
Ultimate Ears are nice, but don't discount other companies just because you like Ultimate ears,
Also only compare models not brands please. Shure have some really good models around and I'm sure they have some not so good ones either (it's a given considering how many they have)
@chansthename: Although Ultimate Ears are nice, they've sorta went downhill ever since Logitech took over, concentrating on style rather than sound quality. (anything below super fi 5 aren't that great, the super fi 5 pro were good with their dual drivers, but ever since Logitech came in they made it look good and droped the 5 to a single driver. Their dual driver offering the 700 is aweful.) The only models that are still good from UE are their customs and (in terms of bang for buck, especially with LTS's sales)
@Trance N Dance: Have you tried the UE700 personally? I have not but all the reviews were glowing about it.
@chansthename: I don't own any UE earphones. I'm on Sony earphones. My reply was specific to the price point ($150) and not brand. Again, as I've mentioned earlier, Shure shines at higher price points, SE530 for example. Etymotics do good earphones too at $100 - $200 price points.
There should be an explanation of why the warranty is only provided by CoTD and not through the manufacturer. Stolen goods? Factory seconds? Repaired goods being resold as new?
Would hazard a guess and say grey imports or not a 'legit' distributor for Shure.
Had no problems with COTD warranty claims in the past..
im guessing….. it's made by people on ghost shifts
Shure has a 24 months warranty and it is one of the best. They replaced my e2c earphones after 30 months and even when it was my fault that they got damaged. The 12 months CoTD warranty sure sounds dodgy.
hahhahaa well said
Maybe they did a direct import thus bypassing the aussy distributor,that would mean thay have to carry there own warranty
I've sent an email about the warranty, just to be shure.
Thanks Shaun
Hey Shaun - any reply from COTD yet? Cheers
No reply yet.
stuff cotd wouldn't buy anything from there ever again
If you're after something like high-end earphones, go the Head-direct RE0 for $90 delivered off head-direct's website. If you want local trade practices act coverage, buy from for $139.
They're definitely more capable than these shures, and align more with $450 earphones (I've compared them to some very high end pieces of equipment)
I have the ety er4p, bro has head direct re0, and other bro has the v2 super fi 5. Guess which one was the newest and screwed up?
The UE super fi 5 which was from LTS screwed up and is waiting to be RMA'd.
I'd say the re0 is the best choice as it has some fo the characteristics of the er4p without being too pricy. I was quite disappointed by the lacklustre performance of the super fi 5 which had nothing against the 4p or re0. The isolation of the re0 is decent but not as good as the 4p (best isolator).
PS. I also owned the shure e2c which broke coz of the crap cable. I dont think the E310 is much better than the e2c so I would imply that the Re0 is still a better choice.
For $150 I'd be looking at Westone UM1's or Westone 1's from
Westone earphones are amazing - I had the chance to test a few of them whilst overseas - was on the last leg of my trip and wallet was a bit light by then so I couldn't bring myself to buying a pair
I began with stock buds and moved into Etymotic (which broke) and then a pair of UE metro's and am currently using a pair of Shure SE115's. I can highly recommend the Shure SE115's so I'm kind of thinking about a pair of these since I missed out on the UE700's from logitechshop.
For all the ppl out there that are wary of spending more than $20 on a pair of earphones - you're entitled to your own opinion but if you're like me and spend 2hrs commuting to/from work each day; the ability to noticeably listen to better sounding songs and have the ability to properly block out external sound is priceless. Apart from all the bus sounds the last thing I want to hear is some random commuter's phone conversation or their own music because they've cranked up the volume about 20 blips higher than their ear wants
got the Shure SE530, from the last COD deal for $305 shipped.
Well what can i say, its a open box item and looks like a really old stock from 2008. But sure it is the genuine stuff…and Sounds awesome compare to my Westone UM2, now only worries is the warranty, who is going to handle it, the original listing says 24 month manufacturer warranty.
but as far as i know you need to buy the earphone from a genuine dealer to get the warranty from shure directly.
got to send a email to COD
Warranty would be delt with the distributor, COTD might have had a deal done with a local distributor to clear out old stock.
COTD warranty? dodgy!