Opinion: Anyone had issues with these two car insurance companies?

I was looking into getting insurance and the cheapest two companies (for me) are Progressive Direct and Fastr.

As they're not terribly well known, I'm just wondering if anyone has had problems with any of these two companies or heard of someone having issues with making a claim with an issue comes up?

The main reason for asking is because I don't know anyone that's been insured by either company.



  • Short answer.. no, I haven't even heard of them.

    that's not such an issue for me (for my health insurance i chose an interstate non-profit I'd never heard of)

    i'm sure google will find -someone- who's had an issue with PD/Fastr.
    but that could just prove people go on the net to rant/let off steam. ?

    perhaps someone here has made a claim with them and it's been really easy?

    If they are independantly regulated and have easy to read policies it couldn't be all that risky.

  • Yeah, I'm reading through them now and PD seems to be proving better in terms of customer support.
    Fastr's PDS seems quite restrictive, but then again they allow much younger drivers with faster cars.

  • +3

    the guy in the fastr website looks like a downer

  • Progressive is an offshoot of a big online US insurer. Not sure if that actually makes a difference because I think they are locally owned and operated. Never heard of the other!

    • When I was looking around for insurance, progressive were the cheapest. I decided not to go with them because they were unheard off. I did use their quote to get a lower price with Youi.

      I have a mate who works for QLD transport and interestingly his email signature now includes an ad for progressive direct

  • Thanks for the advice and laughs guys!

    After reading halfway through the Fastr T&C I found it to be far too restrictive for my liking.

    I was very close to going with Progressive until I noticed that they only use OEM parts for cars under 3yrs manufacturer warranty. When I asked about Mitsubishi's 5yrs standard manufacturer warranty they said they can only try but have no guarantee about using OEM parts as it says 3yrs in their T&C.
    Good customer service though.

    I went with JustCars instead, mainly because I've had a good experience with them last time.

  • +1

    I think like all insurance company, they'll do all they can to get out of settling your claim.

    I was with budgetdirect a few years ago. My wife had a car accident and she was not at fault. The other driver provided details and everything, and was happy to pay, but she didn't have insurance.

    We started a claim with Budgetdirect - however they declined our claim as apparently I filled in her driving history wrong - I put in 7 years instead of 6 years since she's had her license…it was an honest (and to me trivial, since she wasn't at fault!) mistake.

    Just beware that the smaller the operator, they harder they try to weasel out of paying your claim. There's a reason why RACV/GIO/AAMI are a bit more expensive…

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