Unfortunately all WA stores sold out, but this is a bargain :)
Can be used wireless on your Xbox One!
Unfortunately all WA stores sold out, but this is a bargain :)
Can be used wireless on your Xbox One!
You know this can still be used with the XB1 console right…?
Is it really better though? Where is it around the same price?
The Steam controller takes a bit of getting used to..
Where can I get a steam controller for around $45? (serious question)
$65 is the cheapest I've seen
I can't seem to find it anywhere for $45…
Also, it isn't near as good.
Well to be fair, the xbox is the least modern controller, and only useful as a game controller. Both the PS4 and steam controller are far more advanced and can be used for far more than just gaming, of which they are probably better too as they have all the features of the xbox controller plus more.
Only neg of the steam controller is it takes a bit to get used to.
I disagree. The sick placement alone makes it the stand out. I guess it doesn't have touch pads and so on, so there's that, but as a game controller, it's miles ahead.
@imurgod: See that's all based on experience. I have gone from Xbox - Xbox 360 - Xbox 1 - PS4 (and also got a steam controller). PS4 controller actually adds to gameplay in more ways you would imagine, even things like swiping to unlock a phone, or the light on the back showing what team you are on or status of gameplay or even using it as a torch in gameplay etc (even the fact it has a speaker built in is awesome).
So as a game controller it is a simple game controller that suits certain people for sure, but if you step outside of your comfort zone there is far better out there.
Having used both. I don't agree. I think the Xbox controller is much better. The steam controller has had nowhere near as much rnd go into it and it's mouse/controller pad things are a joke.
It's personal opinion of course. But the xbone controller has had a lot more money go into its development which is a fact.
This. Everyone I know who has both prefers the Xbox controller.
$56.54 shipped to Sydney metro
Also are these physically wired controllers or just wireless with the option to use the usb cable to charge?
And can also be used as wired or wireless on your Xbox One.
It seems that this controller would work in wired or wireless mode with an xbox one console or with a wired connection to your PC.
If you want to use this with your PC wirelessly I think you would need an adaptor/receiver which can be had for about 30 bucks.
Alternatively you can buy a controller and a wireless adapter together for $78 at CPL + post. PCCG also has a similar price.
Yep. You have to have windows 10 to use these with PC too.
I had no idea that was the case. Thanks Microsoft.
No, they'll run on Win 7 and 8…
@Spackbace: they run wired on 7 and 8 on beta drivers that don't get updated I'm fairly sure. I'm also like 90% sure the wireless modem does not work at all on anything other than windows 10.
You have to have windows 10 to use these with PC too.
they run wired on 7 and 8
Ever notice what the post is actually for…? A wired controller.
So I'd appreciate not spreading the misinformation on the item linked to in the deal post, or if you meant to refer to a wireless one, then be specific on it.
This wired controller is fine under Windows 7, 8 and 10.
@Spackbace: Actually they arnt wired. There is no wired official Xbox one controller. You can hook it up with a micro USB cable. But it's not actually wired itself. They're all the same controller. Except some have Bluetooth and some don't. These don't have bluetooth, but still have the normal wireless.
The guy I was replying to was talking about using the wireless adaptor. I wasn't replying to the deal. I could have been a bit more clear sure.
OzBargained, well done people ;)
Wow! I think I got lucky.. added the item to the cart, got to Paypal page, did not get to finalise the payment before I saw the 'ozbargained' message, but the payment went through anyway and got a sales order number.. Fingers crossed!!
FYI, just received an email saying the item is now on backorder, and is due to arrive on 3rd Jan.
If you want it wireless yes, wired it just plugs into usb
What's the usual price for the wireless one? I'd only need an extra for my xb1, not likely to be used on PC
$65 for the older style, $78 for the new ones with Bluetooth like the Xbox One S.
do you know if the $69 target boxing day one new or old style? thanks
Invest in a PC dongled version and a couple pairs of Eneloops and thank me later.
Got Steam controller during EBGames sale. Lacks native support on games and seem to take some time before I get used to it.
Remember original XBO controllers shoulder buttons where only really able to be pressed on their tips and not really with the inside of your finger like on the 360 controllers? If that made sense to anyone has that been fixed yet?
Uh, if I have understood your question, yes. The bumper and trigger can be comfortably pushed by your finger and not just on the end.
There are 3 revisions. Revision 2 and 3 have softer shoulder buttons.
Clearly Xbox One S consoles and accessories are the new Eneloop.
Add Lego Porsche to that list
Are xbox one controllers (such as this) compatible with xbox one s?