Usual price $12.99
The Expansion to XCOM: Enemy Unknown with 50% more new content. Seems like a good price to me.
Usual price $12.99
The Expansion to XCOM: Enemy Unknown with 50% more new content. Seems like a good price to me.
Oops, correct, I better update the post
Great game… not sure i wanna get it for android since I have it on PC…. decisions…
I've got it on both and to be honest - hardly played it on my tablet. It's a fairly solid port though I'm just too used to using a mouse
Don't tempt me… I've got enough games to play on PS4, PC and android to last my lifetime TT
I have it on both and the mobile port is quite good. Only problem I had is that it killed my battery (as would any other comparable game).
I am still playing the original one today X-COM:UFO Defence / Enemy Unknown.
One of the best games I've ever played.
Seems its $4.09 for all of the 2k Android games
Civilization Revolution 2
NBA 2K17
Great price for a great game. Best I've played on a tablet.
wow… now can play on phone, I play this on PS3…
I saw on the reddit thread for this deal that the game has ads. Can someone confirm/deny?
No ads for me.
Have loved this game since it came out on PC years ago. Thanks OP :o)
Looks like it's also available for the same price on iOS
$4.09 for me, is this $2.99 USD?