Hi guys, please help me buying a $800 dslr this Christmas season. Twin lens kit preferable. Thank you.
$800 DSLR

Unless delivery is $51, that only hits 2 of the 3 criteria provided.
If anything, it indicates that the $800 cost is more important than twin lens.Perhaps OP could post more info?
Sometimes with these sorts of posts the follow up is "Obviously I will only consider Nikon" or something similar.FWIW, I probably wouldn't pay $800. I would go entry level and buy an additional prime lens with that budget.
Delivery comes to $44.99 for me so a total of $793.99.
any other takers to get to $800? =D@altomic:
I thought the game was to get close to $800 as possible.
Also dicksmith is not part of that promo.
I was looking at that exact same camera but elsewhere. I have heard many things about Kogan warranty services. This camera with twin lens kit could be bought for $824 after cashback from JB HiFi although the second lens is 55-250mm instead of Kogan's 55-300mm https://www.jbhifi.com.au/cameras/dslr/canon/canon-eos-700d-…. Would it make much difference? And should I buy now or wait for the boxing day?
Nikon D3400 has been on special recently. Could be cheaper to buy the single lens kit and the second lens separately.
Skip the DSLR and get a Olympus E-M10 MKII instead. You will use it much more due to the savings in weight/bulk. Small enough to transport anywhere, takes high quality images and plenty of lenses available from consumer>pro. Also has 5 axis IBIS which is usually only feature of higher end cameras or have to rely on the IS inside the lens, this is one of the best features of Olympus cameras. They also have $150 cashback and a accessories pack via redemption right now. Clear winner if you want to spend $800.
It's 46g lighter than a D3400. By the time you put a lens on (almost) any interchangeable lens camera it's too big to put in a pocket.
I'm not saying that the E-M10 Mark II is bad, but I don't think size should be a primary consideration in the <$1000 sector.
i would recommend to go for better body with a single lens. you can add an extra lens later.
I'm a professional photographer and have shot with a lot of these cheaper cameras, both as recommendations to others and also for travel and that sort of thing.
If you're deadset on getting a DSLR, then my suggestion is to have a look at the Nikon D3400 or Canon 100D. They're both excellent cameras - small, light, and they fit into your budget. The twin lens kit is fine - both the 18-55mm and 55-200mm lenses are quite standard, but I'd seriously suggest grabbing a prime as well. For cheaper DSLRs, I prefer Nikon because they have an excellent 35mm f/1.8G DX which is great for low light photography, portraiture and that sort of thing. It's much sharper than your kit lenses. You should be able to fit all this into an $800 budget if you shop wisely and take advantage of whatever current deals are available. In the Canon world, I prefer the Canon 100D over the bigger 700D or 750D because of its smaller size and weight advantage. It's also got a $100 cashback ($200 if you buy a lens/accessories) which is a pretty good deal in my opinion.
That said, for most people, I wouldn't suggest a DSLR. The problem with a DSLR isn't so much that it's heavy or big, but rather, that it's fat (due to having to accommodate a mirror box). For that reason, I almost always prefer mirrorless cameras for my daily carry despite using DSLRs for professional work. Basically, if you go to a restaurant and put your camera on the table, a DSLR takes up much more room than a mirrorless even if they're both a similar weight. This might seem like a first world problem, but if it's an inconvenience to carry your camera, you'll stop carrying it and you bought a camera to carry and use, not to keep in a camera bag you never open, right? Ultimately, this point really depends on what you want to do - are you looking to be a tourist and only take your camera with you when you go on trips, or do you want to carry a camera 24/7 like your phone/wallet the way that I do? It's a lifestyle choice - depends on why you want a camera.
I really suggest the Olympus OM-D E-M10 II as a really good camera. This is my daily carry and it's an excellent price, especially now with the $150 cash back offer that's on. It's around $900 advertised for a single lens kit, but you should be able to get the twin lens kit for that much if you wait for the 10% sales on Boxing Day. Taking into account your $150 CB, that works out to be under $800 easily. The new Panasonic GX85 is a similar camera with very good 4K video which is not that much more expensive. I also quite like the Fuji X-A10, which you should be able to fit in too.
Mirrorless cameras also have the benefit of being easy to shoot with the LCD. DSLRs have better AF if you shoot with the viewfinder, but rubbish AF if you shoot with the LCD. I shoot with the LCD quite regularly when I'm out and about, just more flexibility and not having to always get down to eye-level.
Thanks for the big write up. Ive been looking to get a decent entry level camera to take travelling next year and have been pretty unsure on what product is best.
The olympus camera you have recommended is currently at jb for 764 with 150 visa card/cash back. I think im going to pull the pin and grab this on Thursday. Is there a particular lense you would recommend to go with it? Ill be taking photos mostly in national parks/on hikes, also wouldnt mind trying to get some cool effects going on close up objects.
Thanks again for the easy to understand write up.
The Olympus is a great choice and that is a great price. The 14-42EZ lens which it comes with is an excellent all rounder. But as you said you will be going to National Parks/Hikes I would recommend you pickup the 40-150mm at the same time because you will probably want a bit of range, especially for taking pictures of wildlife. It is also really good for portraits. It is a fantastic value lens and for under $200 you can't go wrong. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/cameras/Lenses/olympus/olympus-ezm…
Completely agree with nubzy's reply here. You really need to get a telephoto (lens with a long focal length, used to take photos of faraway things) if you're going to national parks and on hikes. They're good for taking photos of distant landscapes (e.g. mountains, as they flatten layers) and also of things such as animals. If you choose to get a 14-42mm EZ and 40-150mm like Nubzy recommended, I really suggest you go for the twin lens kit:
It's $881 with the $150 CB, so works out to be $731 with the two lenses. You might be able to get a little bit of a better deal if you go in store. I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like $870 or $860, though $850 is a stretch.
Another option is the body with the 14-150mm lens. This lens just combines the two lenses you get in a twin kit (14-42mm EZ and 40-150mm) into one lens. On the plus side, it saves you from changing lenses. On the negative side, it forces you to always carry a big lens (instead of just carrying the 14-42 EZ when you need that and leaving the 40-150mm at home) and it's also a bit more expensive.
$1023 with the $150 CB, working out to be $873, which is still close to your budget. Personally, I'd recommend the the former as you'll find yourself using just the 14-42mm EZ lens quite a fair bit (it's very small, which is great).
After you buy, check out Tony's video on the E-M10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjbIiflFsD0
It's for the older version, not the Mark II, but will still all be relevant.
Thank you both for the replies, it is much appreciated. Ill pick this up on thursday, going away to port campbell over new years so will give it a go on the 12 apostles. Thanks again!
Hope to find a good deal on Nikon 3400.
Anything on currently?
Given all the details you provided…
Here you go