Flightfox for Hotels

So I was always fascinated by the business model for Flightfox, getting flight hackers to do the hard work for you trying to find the cheapest fare in return for a fee.
So some colleagues and I decided to try our hand at starting up a similar site, but for hotels - they're easier to hack (as this community would know), volume is often higher and if the cheapest site allows combo of coupon use + receipt of affiliate revenue, then it's a win win for everyone who uses it. But I thought what better then asking OzBargain to review/critique the concept for me - not going to find honesty anywhere compared to here.

You can check out what we've set up here -

And quick poll below on whether you'd use or not.

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  • There are sites that already do this isn't there?

    • Not that I was able to find. Hav you seen any?

        • I hadn't seen this actually. But it's a different model. They keep an eye on price drops after you've booked a refundable room and then they take 20% of the savings.
          When you can use Hotels.com for the same thing (even without a refundable booking) and they'll refund you the difference, with no fee, I think that is by far the better option.
          Mind you, you'd have to keep an eye on the price drops yourself.
          Their service is automated (allegedly). I just don't know if I would trust it.

        • @dkinnoch:
          You will have to admit that it's pretty similar in structure, still will be a competitor and most likely have cheaper overheads as it's automated.
          They scan more than just hotels.com hence why the fully refundable booking is required.
          I understand the differences, in the end it's fixed vs % to me.

        • All good points. Guess the best way to find out how well they work is to test them myself.
          Thanks for your feedback dasher86!
          Was that the only similar site you could think of?

        • @dkinnoch:
          There's another few I can't quite remember the name of. The first one was a German site.

  • No thanks. Would rather use Ozbargain.

    • I think most here would!

  • Weird website name

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