This was posted 8 years 2 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Optus Sim Only $40/Month (12m Contract) w/ 10GB Data, Unlimited Local Calls and Texts + 300 Intl Minutes


This deal is live again for the Summer! Online Offer Only.

10% Discount with .edu email address = $36/month 12m contract (min. cost $432)
make sure your webpage is on https:// thanks kev go westie

New and recontracting services only.

$40/month on a 12 month contract (min. cost $480)


  • 10GB Data
  • Unlimited Local Calls and Texts
  • Up to 300 International Minutes (Select Countries)


  • Free data streaming on Google Play, iHeart Radio, Pandora and Spotify.
  • Free subscription to 2016/17 Premier League AND Summer of Cricket (if you join before 15/01/2017. $15/month after 31/07/2017. New Optus Sport Subscribers only).

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closed Comments

  • +15

    Worth mentioning - Virgin Mobile
    AUD$40.00 a month. 12 months.
    12GB per month (+1.5GB if your already a virgin mobile customer, so total of 13.5GB)
    Unlimited calls & text
    $200.00 International
    Data, Calls & international all rolls over each month.
    Plus free pandora spotify etc.

    No proper discounts like above, but the guy in the online chat did give me $20 off the first month because i was a loyal customer.…

    • Hey. Would Virgin and Optus be the same coverage and speed wise (In and around Adelaide)?

      Currently on $40 Telstra prepaid (for play store credit), but looking to switch to one of these plans for the extra data and Google music streaming.


      • yes

    • Tempting me to move from my existing $35 8gb $300 international call plan of Jeenee..If only it had the student discount as well..,

    • +1

      Not sure if Optus is matching the 1.5 extra for customers on Optus already, but I recontracted and got 11.5 GB.

      • How did you do that? Optus Online chat says they can't do that

        • It may be an error? My Optus app says I have 11.5GB available.
          Weirdly, my mate who also renewed only got 10. Appears Optus may have made an error in my favour, collect additional 1.5 GB.

    • or Jeenee Mobile - uses Optus 4G. $30 for 1st 3 months and then $35 per month. 8GB of data and $200 worth of international calls to all countries.

      $35 for 1st 3 months and then $45 per month with 10GB of data.

      Most importantly - NO CONTRACT.

    • I told my brother about the deal and he managed to get the whole first month off, instead of my measly $20 off…

    • I managed to get the first month fee waived, so saved $40 and recontracted 12 months, data is 13.5 gb as I am a loyal customer.

      • How did you do that? I've been through 4 online chats and they all say it's not possible. I've been with Optus since 1998

        • I am Virgin Mobile customer, not Optus

        • sorry my mistake- misread!

    • Yup found that deal the other day only $10 more pm than I was paying for 2.5gb plan…. 12 months plan not ideal but for 13.5gb of data who's complaining optus coverage through virgin works fine for me at home and at work.

  • +2

    Vodafone has a plan with 10GB data, unlimited calls/SMS and 300 international minutes but no unmetered music streaming or sport for $40 per month, student discount is available too but you need to show a student card, they won't just accept an .edu address like Optus will.

    I was on that plan for about 2 months, but the network sucked so hard where I live that they let me out of the contract and I'm now on the Vodafone plan mentioned above and it's lightyears better.

    • It would be nice if you gave details on where the network was bad for Optus and good on Vodafone. For Sydney CBD and suburbs, I find Optus network and coverage more extensive and faster. Not sure how Vodafone is doing in Sydney but I haven't used them since I left due to massive blackout areas and outages in my area.

      • +2

        Perth metro, live and work in a <7km radius of the CBD. Sorry it's not much help since you're in Sydney, but I can tell you from my experience Voda is the winner here hands down.

        I had student disc with Optus from using a work email which is attached to a uni, unfortunately Voda wants to see a proper student ID. I'm still happy to pay $5 a month more for the ability to make phone calls that don't drop out and use the data quota I am paying for at decent speeds from the comfort of my loungeroom or front lawn. Something I couldn't do before on Optus.

    • +3

      Vodafone is great in suburbs and city, miles better than Optus in past experience. Unfortunately I had to change to Testra for regional coverage (middle of nowhere)

    • Vodafone also have $40 for 12gb, but without the international calls. I'm thinking about moving to that so I can use their $5/day roaming in January. Otherwise, the Optus plan is better for me because I'm a teacher and have an edu address.

      So it means I'm paying $4x12 more for the year to be on Voda, plus $5x25 roaming days, for a total of $173. Which isn't too much to pay for the freedom of mobile data when I'm travelling around multiple European countries.

      I'm currently on Spintel with 4gb for $27/m, and occasionally go over. I would love to not have to worry about my usage anymore.

  • +1

    Also ( Optus Network )

    $44.95 unlimited calls and sms with 12 gigs of data
    $34.95 unlimited calls and sms with 8 gigs of data
    $24.95 unlimited calls and sms with 2 gigs of data

    • +1

      That seems good, have been looking for another provider since I found out aldi mobile takes your service offline for ~6 hours every time the billing month ends. I had virgin for 2 years and they were horrible.

      • ovo are good, and you can re charge rather than get charged $10 for going over and, also, no contract. i went ont he 12gb and never stoped after initially signing up to the 8gb.

  • Do you have to be a current student or just need to have .edu email address?

    • +1

      apparently, all you need is a .edu email address. Read the comments here for details - maybe they'll answer your questions.

    • +2

      You just need the email address and they'll send the confirmation email. They won't go full centrelink and contact your school/uni.

      • +2

        You make it sound like a it's a bad thing that centrelink does that..

  • I'm currently looking for a new sim only plan .. currently with vaya but need to switch to something else with more data .. how is the Optus compared to Kogan .. budget is $36 a month but I want a better service and speed

    • +1

      Try Aldi Mobile, uses a really good portion of Telstras 4G Network and the $35 plan comes with unlimited calls, texts, x international minutes, 6GB of data and monthly unused data rollover. No contract.

      • …and hope you don't have to use your phone when the credit expires and you have auto top up.

        • Please explain?

        • @nurries:
          My month expired, and even though I have auto top up (linked to my CC) it doesn't get processed until hours (in my case 10) into the next day.

        • @saard:
          This is with Aldi?

        • @nurries: yup

    • Take a look at Kogan's current 30% off sale. Unlt/12GB for $30.49 p. month if you pay a year up front.

      • Yes I have seen it and very enticing .. but I don't mind paying the $36 with Optus if it has better coverage and faster data ?

        • +2

          get free or 2$ prepaid sim of both(optus n voda) just to see the network in your area. In Westmead(syd) Optus is poor compared to Kogan(Voda)

        • Depends on your location of course, but generally speaking I don't think there's much between them anymore.

  • +1

    Man, I wish Optus had good reception at my house. This is such a good deal especially with the student discount!

  • +2

    This deal is perfect, only wish it was month to month!

  • Does this contract allow IAP? (Carrier billing)

    • No. Almost nothing does any more, except a few prepaid services.

    • Unsure if I'm thinking of the right thing, but on Google play I click for it to bill my Optus account and the app purchase is charged ontop of my Optus bill… If you mean this, yes, it works.

      • Exactly this. Would your monthly credit for use with this then be $40?

        • It adds an equal cost to my bill - ie a $2.99 purchases results in a bill of $42.99.

          Only a few prepaid plans offer premium credit these days, I don't think any post paid plans do at all.

        • @dyl: Do you know which prepaid plans offer premium credit?

        • @hashtagbargain: Most Optus prepaid plans do, but at reduced rates. From memory a $30 recharge comes with $10 premium credit.

    • It does, but its a ADDED charge on top of the monthly free.

      So $40 + IAP = total bill costs.

      So $40/phone plan + $30 IAP = $70 bill

  • +1

    12 months contract, These deals are a blessing and a curse. My wife recently went to the clickfrenzy $35 month optus deal and then this month she broke her phone screen and digitaliser. If we werent under a contract we would go the S7 $60 per month woolworths mobile deal or the $55 month S7 deal with virgin. but we are, so had to buy a Nexus 5x outright to keep her plan ticking over.

  • Anyway to get this and keep your existing number if you are an existing Optus Customer currently on a mobth to month contract?

    • Optus should be able to sort that out for you, may be able to simply change current plan over without any downtime at all.

    • You can go into any Optus store and move you over to a 12 month contract, takes 5 minutes. You'll keep your number.

      • +1

        Careful - the $40/10gb plan is supposedly online only. Often the retail stores have nothing to do with them. Not sure how much luck you'd have. You may need to speak to an online rep.

        • Right now I know for a fact Retail stores in NSW has $40 for 10GB and $50 for 15GB including the local calls and texts and 300 international mintues. Comes with Optus Sport the EPL and Cricket and free music streaming on selected Apps.

          Also $85+ Phone Plans come with a FREE fetch TV mini, like Optus set top box.

    • click through, go existing customer.

  • Is anyone having difficulty applying the uni student discount? I get the code, put it in the box @ checkout, and click apply… and it does nothing. Any ideas? :/

    • +1

      Contact chat and have them manually apply discount + get you set up

  • +6

    Just for an FYI. I went into an Optus store yesterday and asked if they had other plans that weren't advertised.
    They gave me a print out for the following…
    $50 per month, 12 month contract, SIM only.
    15GB data
    Unlimited Local Calls and Texts
    Unlimited SMS and MMS to selected countries
    500 minutes of standard international calls
    Music streaming included

    So for $10 more per month you get 5GB + 200 more minutes of international calls + unlimited international sms/mms (select countries)

    Seems ok. Even if you only care about data and work it to be $2 per GB, I think it seems ok.

    • That's what I'm currently on. They've been alternating the online only deals between these two for some months now.

    • On this deal too, it is a great deal…

    • Thanks for that. Online chat worked for me in getting this.

  • Also if you're a uber driver you can get 10% off your bill, so brings this down to $36/month

    • Does this stack with the uni student discount?

      • +1

        nope…. The uber discount appears as a 'student' discount on the bill.

        Plus they always normally say, no other discounts apply

  • Thanks for the post. I took advantage and bundled with the wireless broadband :)

  • +2

    Those of you with just finishing Telstra post-paid, have a chat using the topic of 'disconnections'. Show them the Optus plan. They offered me the equivalent for the same price.

    • No Spotify streaming though I suspect?

  • You can get 10GB with Telstra if you do some negotiation over live chat.

    • +1

      Do go on and what sort of price?

      • Same price, no unlimited calls or int. calls but unlimited SMS.

        • So $40 for 10gb of data, no unlimited calls?

  • "Enjoy the rest of the 2016/17 Premier League season and summer of Cricket included if you subscribe by 15/1/17. $15/mth from 31/7/17. " Does this mean that these are only free for 6 months? I signed up to this plan last year and I got the full year's worth of cricket.

  • This is for my student mates out there, you get 10% off this if you're a student!

  • i signed up to this plan about 2 months ago - what chances am i to get the "Free subscription to 2016/17 Premier League AND Summer of Cricket" added to my account ?

    Tried livechat they say they cant do it

  • Anyone who doesnt need the unlimited calls, I would go for telstras M plan. 10gb data $1000 call credit, free IDD included (international calls and text) only $40 a month 12 month contract (normally $50 - $10 unidays discount)

    • How would u compare telstra vs Optus ? I'm keen on joining telstra .. but have looked around and people were offered welcome credit .. should I join now or do you think there may be better deals ?

  • Thanks signed up just now. Hope the reception doesn't suck!

    • There's now $40/10gb Telstra 12m contract…

      • I like this one better as I get the 10% student discount by using email address and free pandora data streaming. The free EPL subscription sweetens the deal further. :-)

  • +1

    Thanks OP, finally decided to move on from Vodafail using above deal.

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