Used moonbear's, here's mine:
Grats on your first comp! :)
edit: check you got the 100 points from me clicking, i forgot to disable adblock.
First time ever posting, feedback would be appreciated if I did something silly/could have done it better.
Used moonbear's, here's mine:
Grats on your first comp! :)
edit: check you got the 100 points from me clicking, i forgot to disable adblock.
Thankyou :)
I was unaware that adblock breaks ref links, no I didn't get the 100 points.
Do you just pause adblock before you click on a ref link?
I've got a few things blocking tracking which i usually disable when entering from referrals to be safe.
If anyone sees this please enter from moonbear's referral and ignore mine in the chain
Used it
Thanks guys, if I had seen this in time I would have told you not to use mine again, I wasn't aware of the adblock thing so can only assume I haven't been getting others their ref bonuses in the past :S
Used Defaults
Didn't know about the adblock stopping referral points,managed to fix it before I applied
here's mine:
My ref link: