Looking to purchase an iPhone 7 came across this website
Officeworks customer service were happy to price match and beat
Cheapest for AU Stock with full warranty
Works out to be $1087.75
iPhone 7 128GB $1145 Delivered @ Thinkofus (Officeworks Price Match $1087.75) AU STOCK

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a price match is not a bargain…
i think still bargain, when people live close to OW for example they will get benefit (and the bargain). if you live far then yeah just skip reading whats hard about it?sounds like sockpuppeting for me
i have comments about this.Off topic, i know but I am looking for an ipad mini 4 cellular 32 or 64 gb. Any suggestions?
This looks like grey market. I think you just got lucky with the pricematch at OW as the staff must not have checked things too thoroughly. Which OW was it?
Customer Service aswell as Highett
States 24 months apple warrantyI asked them on chat and they confirm it is AU stock so you are right. Cheers
Well done to get OW to price match!
Way to go! :)
Grey stock from Kogan's Dick Smith eBay is $992…
This is AU Stock with local warranty
do you have a link to this? doesnt seem to be in stock?
If Office works honors this - this is a good deal!
Now i just need to buy 73 of them (Procurement, its better than the 2% apple/telstra is offering me).. I doubt they would let that happen. (this is for a business)
Update: They did not Honor the deal. The warranty on the website says 1 year warranty in Australia Office works provide 2 years.
This was via the phone.
ordered one from office works, but there is no stock will pick it up when i receive the call from them… thx
did you get the price match?
1088 after 5% beat
price match worked for me
Which colour did you match?
rose gold $1079
Office works price matched me for $1078! (over the phone tho)
What colour did you match?
rose gold :( lol
hah, my mrs wanted Silver, but they don't have that on Think of us so ended up going for the gold at $1100
Successfully matched the Gold, came. Out to $1100
Guy at the ow Melbourne Russell St didn't want to honor it. Didn't seem like he was gonna budge so I just walked away.
Read over the thinkofus site again. Seems fine, will hopefully try a different OW tomorrow.
do it over the phone
yesterday went and picked up another iphone 7, pricematched but the worker incorrectly price matched so scored a jet black 128gb for $989
how and which office works was this?
a price match is not a bargain…
sounds like sockpuppeting for me