They are noisy, expensive, release toxic metals and chemicals into people's gardens and pools, cause distress to pets and wildlife, and quite frankly I don't see any appeal in watching such a display.
Should Fireworks Be Banned in Residential Areas?

Last edited 15/12/2016 - 23:40 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 26I Agree
- 54I Disagree
- 2Undecided
Niet nein
I don't think so either, they're usually only used for special events (so not too often), and I normally see them more prevalent in the city away from wildlife.
Unless you're talking about those random fireworks people do in their house (theres one near mind that does it) in which most are probably done illegally already. Since I'm pretty sure you need a license to get them?
I couldn't imagine a place like Sydney not having their NYE fireworks display.
A large private school oval near my place is surrounded by residential properties. Each year they organise a special event followed by a large fireworks display. The staff and students don't seem to mind, although maybe it's because they don't know of the hazards - perhaps they even use enviro-friendly pyrotechnics, but the sound is enough to rattle doors and walls. And then there are the backyard variety which I'm guessing, many don't seen to mind, well apart from posing the occasional fire hazard, given summer is here.
Yeah, I don't mind a nice concise community event.
But the constant random bangs through the holiday season torture my dog and seem to have a more profound effect on her personality each year. I expect there are also many people including children that are susceptible to anxiety and suffer disproportionately to the enjoyment anyone derives.Plus these long drawn out displays now are overkill and leave me wishing it was over by the end rather than wanting more.
Also keep the displays to New years and Australia day. Seems like any council event or even a circus or carnival has fireworks now.
These fireworks are a global problem, thank you for raising awareness nautic. I blame Vladimir Putin;)
the experience wouldn't be the same anymore, now that I mentioned it. You're welcome though.
Well, now we know where the Grinch went to
Poll ?
Yes, it disrupts pets and animals who end up frightened for the sake of bogans who enjoy loud explosions.
Pets disrupt me daily, can we shut them up?
Yes and kids HATE fireworks last time I checked.
For special occasions they're fine.
My cats have always been okay with fireworks.
Storms are louder.No, they shouldn't be.
But if they become a nuisance, they should NOT be banned.
The police should be called, and complained to.
They could fine the perpetrator for disturbing da peace.People should have the freedom to make mistakes. We are human.
Well, some of us are anyways.Is the OP referring to the fireworks from the neighbours backyard or a community event?
Banning would be more nanny state nonsense IMHO.
I'm generally fine with them, they add to the atmosphere of the New Years moment and always provide a giggle when we see someone on the news the next day with their face burnt off.
I'm guessing you also want those pesky kids off your lawn?
these damn kids. they must get off my damn lawn.
/grumpy old man
it's a no brainer really
what about the fire danger in a surburban area.
What fire danger do you mean? Pyrotechnics people have to do a cert which includes safety.
i'm under the impression due to the wording the op is discussing home job fireworks
ok lets forget any illegal fireworks and backyard idiots here and pretend we are all on the level talking about big firework events such as new years or the show or whatever big event it is
They are noisy
For like 15 minutes at the most and new years aside they are never that late as to seriously disrupt anything, half the time if your close enough for the noise to be a big issue then the event preceding the fireworks is probably already too loud, for the sake of some social fun for a large number of people i'm sure those nearby can deal with a few bangs.expensive
ah i guess? the costs of a fireworks show are obviously built into the cost of the event, if you think the money could be used to improve the event in some other better way then ok but i'm sure the organisers have carefully worked out how many people the fireworks draw to the event and weighed that with the cost, i can't see too many otherwise amazing events getting sunk because of a frivolous fireworks purchases.release toxic metals and chemicals into people's gardens and pools
got any legitimate evidence to back that claim up?, i can find a few stories from 2010 ish that talk about the dangers of the smoke from some crackers, if you were to be standing in it for a prolonged time, ie an idiot in the backyard or indoors but nothing about metals and chemicals from your standard fireworks show turning the danger levels of nearby pools to 11, i find it super hard to believe, sounds more like the whole mars bars contain lead thing, you have to eat a million bars a year to get there.cause distress to pets and wildlife
sure this happens, but fireworks shows don't sneak up on you in the middle of the night, you as the owner of a pet that is troubled by fireworks have a responsibility to make sure they are ok, not just for fireworks too but in general, chances are you'll be comforting them during storms too, you can't expect the rest of the world to keep it down just because your dog dives for the covers at a loud noise.quite frankly I don't see any appeal in watching such a display
yes well i'm pretty sure you are the far smaller minority here, fireworks are one of a few things that get people together, people of all ages gather to watch the pretty lights, young and old, large social gatherings happen when a fireworks show is on the books, entire events are successful, music, food, goods, money and general good times are exchanged and enjoyed on the predication of a fireworks show, anything that brings us together is top notch in my books.TLDR: no
I agree.
I'd imagine that the particulates, c02, carbon, toxic chemicals etc inhaled through the vehicles parking and driving past most residential events are arguably more of a health concern than the fireworks themselves. I.E; let's allow the build of houses right next to a major expressway/motorway etc that are exposed to fumes all year round, but ban fireworks that are a rarity, at worst=silly.
Poster has a history of troll-ish posts and inflammatory comments.
Likely just posting for entertainment, or perhaps has some issues.They are a waste of money. Sydney spends squillions each year on them. Could spend that money on something useful instead.
and what about fire risks…