Wtf is that all about?
McDonalds requests no deals posted, wtf?
Last edited 08/07/2010 - 11:55
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Ta, guess that just reaffirms one of the main reasons why I don't go there anymore. I will have been "clean" for 10 full years this coming October (that includes all the big fast food joints too). The little guys have done very well out of me in that time!
Agreed i am only just on the start of my clean period(no maccas ,dirty bird, pizza), 2 weeks so far and feel so good, take my hat off to you for the ten years thats awesome
Hang in there mate, the first 6 months are the hardest. After that it is surprisingly easy, even though they are in your face everywhere you look, you actually end up not even noticing them after a while.
@stumo: Thanks, it certainly helps hearing it from others. Cause its bloody hard :)
Also you have Ozbargains support, with the no listing of maccas stuff hehe
10 years! excellent. I'm about 10 years too.
also.. i used to work at a pizza joint and so it's pretty easy for me to ignore the dominoes that get's deals here (my stomach had nightmares)… never going back to that crap.
Wow, 10 years is crazy.
Have you been to KFC lately? - You don't know what you're missing out on!!
Have you been to KFC lately?
No, specifically included in the 10 year ban are Maccas, BK/CJ's, KFC, and Wendys. (I'm not even sure if you get wendys here in Oz).
omg…wendys <3
miss them so much >.<
Sorry, it was meant to be a rhetorical question
Hahaha yeah I wasn't sure, but that's the thing, its been so long, I don't even know what goes on inside those foreign places any more. I know MickyDs apparently does salads these days, but it seems from your comment that KFC is still the same ole same ole.
Actually I will be going to some kids birthday party at a McDs next weekend, obviously I wont be partaking in any of their fine cuisine myself, but it seems rude not to let the wee man have some, it will be his first time! (@ 4yo) Will be the first time I've actually been one for years too, ie. I haven't even needed to go in for a McSh1t for ages (maybe those 2 things are related?!!?!).
AS for me…fast food almost everyday…
only 60kgs and never getting fatter :)ever notice thin people keel over?
weight is the least of your worriesFast food doesn't just make you fatter it makes you incredible unhealthy…
OK…to prove you wrong.
Just had a general body checkup with my GP today. Sure, I told him about my habit of fast food. He was a bit shocked that I was fine in general. He said I should definately check on my cholestral levels although they were average for my age and suggested some vigourous exercises occassionally to help reduce it further :).Everything else is fine, but I'll definately try to eat less of that junk. Oh, look! pizza boy just arrived!!! ;) bye!
nom nom nommm…Think your name says it all Bob !
Quite some copyright trouble but I guess its worth it to stop others using its trademark for no reason.