• expired

24 PS4 Games 50-80% off with PlayStation Plus (AU)


Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor, Minecraft Story Mode, Payday 2 and Telltale season passes among the interesting ones, and a bunch of others.

It has 27 listed but some of those don't seem to be discounted.

Also, the Horizon Zero Dawn avatar is free to PS+ users but is not listed.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Meanwhile still no UMVC3 :(

    • -6

      why do u want to play old games?

      • +3

        fighting games don't age… and all of these are old…

      • +2

        Why not?

        • fighting games aren't as dependent on graphics or updates, theres still a large number of people who play Super street fighter 2 turbo which came out in 1994. Smash bros is another great example.

        • @Plartus: I'm asking chingy213

      • because umc3 was announced to the released for the ps4 after the infinite announcement. still waiting for it to be released in au psn store

    • Didnt Capcom pull all MVC or marvel related games off the shelves because the licence with Marvel was over? So, dont think you can get a digital copy anymore. You can probably get a hard copy on ebay though

      • they did but since they announced mvc infinite. they also released umc3 for the ps4 as digital. america has it. aus.. not yet.

  • Thanks for the avatar mention… personally though, i find the list of games on sale a bit lacking…

    Saints row maybe but the rest seems meh.

    • +2

      I think Gat out of Hell was free at some point too. But agreed, it's not an amazing "flash" sale or anything.

      • Yep, Gat out of hell was one of the monthly PS plus games a few months ago (I downloaded it, havent played it much though)

  • Anything for ps3 users?

    • Unfortunately not

  • +1

    What methods are there to get PSN credit cheaply? The only one I know of is when ebgames have 10% off sales.

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