When searching on Google, there are a bunch of search operators that you can use to define/refine your search.
Just wondering if there is a list of search operators that works on Ozbargain.
I just came across the ability to use "option:titleonly" to limit a search to the title of a deal. I've been wanting to have this ability for a long time and didn't realise it existed.
Thanks in advance
They're very cumbersome to use. I can almost never find what I want using the search. I have no idea how the search results are sorted/compiled. I find there is a huge lack of basic filters and sorting to find what you want. I'd rather use google to search using site:ozbargain.com.au at the end of every search to restrict the domain.
Anyway, here's a useful one for the Ozbargain search. Searching between specific dates. So say you wanted to see the bargain price of a certain product, for example Eneloops in 2015, you can search eneloop created:20150101-20151231. So you can see if the price you're getting now is better than what it was a year ago to make a judgement if bargain price are getting lower.
Another one is searching by domain. So say you want to search for a particular item (Eneloops) in Amazon you can search domain:amazon.com eneloop.
Another one is searching by tags. This isn't as reliable though if the deal hasn't been tagged with the phrase you want. So say you want something related to GTX 1080 you can search tag:gtx-1080. Maybe you're interested in deals with free delivery using tag:free-shipping
Maybe mods can make a wiki of the search operations within ozbargain?