This was posted 8 years 2 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GTA V $29.99USD (~ $41.55 AUD with PayPal) @ Humble Bundle Store with US or CA VPN


$29.99usd is the cheapest I have seen this game lately. It was $34.95usd in the Dec 2nd Steam Sale, which was apparently the deepest discount sale this year, so I don't think it is going to go any lower during the winter sale. Other Rock Star titles are also up to 70% off this week in the Humble Store.

Edit - Turns out this only works if you are VPN to Canada or USA. So sorry for the confusion, I thought it was global.

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closed Comments

  • +2
    • It is $40.89 at the moment and will increase in price as the cheaper keys get sold, and if your key does not work, well Caveat Emptor.

      • It has been that price for at least a week now.

  • +2

    I see US$37.49. How did you get the 29.99 pricing?

    • Yeah incorrect pricing on this deal - is definitely US$37.49.

    • Humble Store uses regional pricing - if you connect to a US VPN endpoint, you'll see the US price is $29.99

      I've not tried buying from Humble this way, no idea if it will work.

      • That must be it, I am always VPN to USA or Canada, sorry for the confusion. I did buy it at $29.99 USD, so it works with VPN.

      • I stopped buying bundles because they now want us money…

        • It was all good in the Gillard days when we were $1.10 to the USD $1. I still can't believe we voted out a government with an award winning treasurer.

        • @stormii: lol. Yeah what a joke the obscure award was.

        • @stormii: I just wanted to make sure you were joking? You do understand an inflated Australian dollar kills our export industries?

  • -2

    Lame. I want a Steam key

    • +2

      Steam key still launches the rock star social club launcher anyway. You could get the same effect as if you added gtav as a non-steam game to steam.

      It's like when you buy many modern Ubisoft games on steam, they will launch uplay before they open the game.

      • I hate Ubisoft for that, I bought Far Cry 3 and my sons Ubisoft was logged in on my PC, so my steam copy of FarCry is registered to him, grrrr.

      • How do you get the actual game file? Do you download it from Rockstar website?

        • Yes. The seller usually gives you instructions, links etc.

        • I went to Rock Star Social website > Games > GTAV > Use Rockstar code.

      • Mods are alot easier to manage using steam workshop. Can't link that with a RockStar version of the game.

        Also Rockstar download servers are rubbish. Steam is way better at serving up game updates.

        • +1
          • There is no Steam workshop for GTA V
          • The only reason to choose Steam is for Steam integration which is primarily achievements in this case

          Also Rockstar download servers are rubbish. Steam is way better at serving up game updates.

          Debatable. I've not had any issues with download speeds using Rockstars Servers. Considering how infrequently updates are rolled out, it seems largely a moot point.

          You are paying extra to have it on Steam for very little gain

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