All Micro scooters at David Jones are 20% off, just in time for Christmas. Hard to find cheaper elsewhere and with free delivery.
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The Maxi is too heavy for a 2 year old IMO but great for 4+. The Mini now also comes with an adjustable handle bar.
I'm referring to micro, not the mini micro.
Wait, so are you saying the $199 micro is much better then the $139 Mini micro. I have a 4 year old, and a soon to be 2 year old who will likely get this handed down to them in 2 years when bikes start appealing more for the elder. Pretty big Price difference.
Does the mini micro have adjustable height or juat the micro?
If you were to see them side by side you'd know. The micro is adjustable and a good well built first scooter. I think they can be had much cheaper than that though. Perhaps look around or search older deals, ~$130 I believe. Is the $199 before 20% off?
Sorry mate, getting a little confused when you say 'micro is a well built first scooter'. They are all micros! I assume you mean the mini? 199 is before discount so it would be around 160.
Chyawala, what do you mean with 'Micro'? As far as I'm aware, the three wheelers are the Mini (cheaper ones, great from as young as 18m) and the Maxi (better suited for 4+). Recently, they've added a few variations including a Mini with extendable hand bar.
Just meant they are all 'Micro' because that is the brand.
They are either the Mini or Maxi as you mentioned…
@cjb: if you're buying this for the 4 year old, go for the Maxi. I'm upgrading my 6 year old from the Mini to the Maxi since she's been sharing the Mini with her 2 year old sibling for the last 6 months and I prefer both of them to have their own scooter since they're such good fun. Don't be mislead by the weight restrictions on the box, the Mini is designed for up to 35kg, the Maxi up to 50kg (and the Maxi Deluxe up to 70kg). If you want a Micro with adjustable handlebar, you can order the Mini Deluxe straight from Micro (DJs don't seem to stock the Deluxe range yet).
From what I can see, the mini micro deluxe has adjustable height but isn't stocked by DJs. The mazi seems to be the same height as the mini, just 700g heavier
The larger model has a far better build quality and is fine as a first scooter. Save yourself the money and hassle and go straight to that model and simply lower the handle bars.