If you don't know what this is for, you don't need it.
Brand new, sealed.
Hidden from the site, exclusive.
If you don't know what this is for, you don't need it.
Brand new, sealed.
Hidden from the site, exclusive.
my stepsister will love this !
From Tassie huh ?
do your parents know what you're up to?
you mean my brother and auntie?
Thanks. bought 3 packs, gonna fill them with helium and tie them to a deck chair. peace out.
sureeeee ;)
Up Up Up and away!!!
you're depriving those of us who are actually getting sex :(
these are bedrooms
do you have kitchen ones ????????
i need some protection in the kitchen
woho cheap balloons!
woho cheap balloons!
Brand new, win!
Do they come in smaller sizes?
What size are you after? AA battery size?
Cut the thumbs off your mums dishgloves.
Problem solved/crisis over.
I bought some of these as a joke present for a friend:
Awesome balloons!…
these are even cheaper than the pre-owned ones my uncle gives me!!!
I'm loving that the big image ad that Google is serving on this OzBargin page is a livingsocial "Perth - 60 Minute Massage for $30 - Don't Miss Out!" ad, with some tidy blonde bird getting her shoulders rubbed. Well amusing.
Glad these are brand new. Can get cheaper second hand ones on eBay ;-)
What's the expiry date?
Yes anyone know the expiry dates? COTD are well known for selling items that are close from the expiry date.
If 10 isn't enough then I recommend the condomshop, bulk bought their condoms last year and its close to the average price per condom as COTD
Expiry date would be good for future offers!!
Why does the expiry date matter - are you guys not getting enough?? :P
It matters if they expired already ;-)
Are they tested?
Deal Extreme apparently tests their condoms…
Nothing to worry about :P
And it's hit the main page.
i just pull out
$1 P&H each? So if I buy 3x it's $3 P&H with total $6?
Bought 3x but only got charged $2 to WA =)
Same for VIC as well. Gonna have me a few water fights!
water fights with condoms? If you expect these to break, you're in for a shock as you don't seem to understand why these are made.
With enough force they do.. Its happened before
It's 50% off the shipping price after the first. So $1 + 50c + 50c.
Ah cheers! That kinda made more sense than my own speculation of system glitch =P
what does it mean by purified condom? Is it just like a normal condom? like natural rubber latex condoms?
if you do use purified condoms your sexual parts are less likely to be possessed by demonic forces.
As seen in the safe-sex release version of 'Constantine'
Good for going solo, no mess.
yeah, my ceiling's pretty high up, quite a pain to clean.
No footy socks?
Top deal, should be more of this from COTD.
Agree +1
i wouldn't say it's "hidden from site"
.. the top banner is filled with "pyoubs (1st order) just bought the 10x Ansell Lifestyles Purified Condoms"
I predict that next year this site will be filled with Babys-R-Us bargains because it turns out that these bad boys were expired! :D
Suspecting The Same … :p Saving on Condoms … 9$
Expenditure for Rest of the LiFe :p
Awesome, got me some rubbers and Kinder Buenos.
They go so well together. For some reason.
Damn, I wanted some Kinder Buenos too, but couldn't seem to find it on the list… T_T
Pfft I don't need these. I just rinse and re-use!
Wow, talk about being sustainable
Lol. I guess it is some sort of apparel.
No but they come in "dreamin" and "tosser"
I guess you brought all the tosser one's ;)-
NOOOOO!!!!! its sold out :(
My son isnt even 18 - and when he saw this on the website, he asked me whether i was buying condoms
Love reading the comments on this site at times almost as much as the bargains ;-)
Couldn't agree more. Bargains like this bring along awesome entertainment in the form of the comments!
One size fits all?
Sold out. LOL. How many packs is everybody buying!
wow managed to get 3 before sold out :P
Any refunds if they don't fit? I have a mole on my pecker that does wonder for the female but seems to pierce every rubber i use.
it might be a genital wart. get it checked out mate.
In the 70's getting a moll on your tackle was a good thing.
damn it, sold out :(
The 18+ comment is pretty stupid.
Does COTD prefer 16 year old's having legal sexual intercourse use no protection?
Don't know why people negged you. You make a really, really good point.
That's right. We all know teenagers do not have sex before the age of 18. They're all virgins before 18 and only develop love and lust afterwards. Wait, what?
ah damn sold out.
ah well - whats the worst that can happen??..
You could get pregnant?
i don't think i can get pregnant.
Are you sure? ;)
Someone obviously hasn't watched Junior.
Money back garentee?
I don't know about skimping out on bargains for condoms. If they leak or break it's going to cost a lot of money to fix it or even maintain it.
Who needs these if you only engage in self loving??
these would make cleanup unnecessary…
Sold out Dang it!
And it our family reunion is next week and everything.
Oh weel more sister/cousin/uncles for Hobart.
Maybe up the pooper is another option?
ummmm WHAT!!!
Auntie Ian said he's right..
ahhh damn…sold out.
Theres always Glad Wrap+sticky tape
good god man…
U Mean Restaurant Grade Glad Wrap .. rite
LOL!! these comments are gold….
Caution : If you use this, you won't get baby bonus!
Damn I never considered that. All that baby bonus cash will keep me entertained at the local pokies venue for at least one night.
Gotta expand your horizons:
Narelle AND Shalene = pokies+Plasma
Factory seconds?
Or refurbished ones?
on first use they broke, so ansell patched them up and are selling with the tag 'as new'
Don't they give out condoms for free at family planning clinics, health centres, youth centres etc?
But I doubt those are "purified". These ones are magical.
Only used once ?
I love how it says
"Bite me" =P