• expired

Pokemon Sun & Moon $46, Xbox One S 500GB Bundle $349, PS4 Pro 1TB Bundle $599 @ EB Games


Pokemon Sun & Moon $46 deal is apart of EB Games Mad Monday 30-minute deals. It is unknown when it will go live but it will be sometime between the hours of 9am to 7pm NSW time.

Xbox One S 500GB Bundle will be available all day, it includes;

  • Battlefield 1
  • FIFA 17

Plus your choice of the following three Ultra HD 4K Blu-Rays;

Plus your choice of the following four games;

  • Gears of War Ultimate Edition
  • Forza Motorsport 6
  • Rare Replay
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider

(All games are download tokens, Blu-Ray is the only physical disk)

PS4 Pro 1TB Bundle will also be available all day, it includes;

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Dishonored 2
  • Fallout 4

This is apart of the EB Games Mad Monday online only sale. starting 12:01am on Monday 12th December NSW time. 24 hours only.
Screen Cap of email - Thanks to silverrat23

Mod: See all EB Games Mad Monday deals

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Anything else in the email?

    • +1

      PS4 Pro
      Elder Scrolls Online Gold Edition
      Fallout 4
      Dishonoured 2

  • +1

    Pls show us more pls

  • Can we order this online when it's available?

    Edit: Got it >> online only sale. starting 12:01am on Monday 12th December NSW time. 24 hours only. And the console bundles are available all day

  • +1

    Wow gotta be the best deal yet. Minus the games and Blu-ray the console comes down to under $200!

    Three of the top games as well and with GOW 4 you get the whole GOW collection as well. All game downloads tho not physical discs.


    • +3

      in regards to the Xbox One S Bundle I'm guessing the Gears of War 4 artwork is a mistake and it is in fact Gears of War Ultimate Edition.

      • Fair point may well be. The pic on there is GOW 4 Ultimate edition. Maybe it's a mix up as you say. If not one heck of a deal hahaha.

      • They're not giving away a game currently selling for $70 in a choose your game pack, it's the original GOW.

        • No it's gears of war 4. EB confirmed it with me on the FB page.

        • @aussieude:

          I doubt it champ. Scroll through to the 4th page. Now shows GOW Ultimate Edition not GOW 4 Ultimate Edition as before (which is like $100+ btw).


        • -1

          @dins: at the time they had Gears of war 4 bud. They changed the pic to the remastered edition. They did confirm it with me on Facebook but then came back later in the day apologising that the ad was wrong and was not GOW4.

    • Gears of War 4 digital also lets you download it on your PC

  • PS4 1TB and 4 games $599 inc Skyrim, Fallout 4 and two others I can't seem to read (From twitter)
    Pokemon Sun and Moon for DS $46ea
    Add thes in the description if you like

    • way ahead of you mate

      • Haha yes, I see that now, my twitter was taking forever to load!

      • Ditto :)

  • Stupid question, because it does say 'online only sale', but has EB honoured any of these Mad Monday deals in store before?

    • +2

      Nah they won't. (I used to work there)

      • Will they allow pick up in store for the consoles though? Didnt see last years sale so just want to be sure if there gonna be a shipping charge tacked onto as well

  • +1

    seems like an awesome deal for x box s.

  • I want one S with forza and the actual Minecraft game. Any idea where I would find a deal with these?

    • +3

      Buy bundle, sell games you don't want, buy games you want and walk away with some spare $ for other games.

      • Any idea what is the game in PS4 Pro bundle worth? and how hard to sell them?

        • use ebay as your guide. search game>refine search to australia only>check mark 'sold listings'

          You can get away with selling them as brand new as they are factory sealed games.

        • +2

          @brandogs: I run one of adelaides largest swap groups, never trust ebay on this especially around sales.

          Gotta remember you and a ton of others will be trying to move the game at the same time and everyone looking to buy knows it.

          If you also get codes only, they are worth hardly anything on the private market.

          A good example was the black friday sales, say during that game x and y were going for 59 new each on special retail, you'd still find a fair few of them on gumtree sitting there for 40-50.

          Few days after the sale, gumtree and facebook bss groups are flooded with game x and y with tons of people asking 40-55 for them and people even struggling to move them at 30.

          To make things more fun you find that a lot of people trying to flog them have digital copies of them and are getting no hits at 30, or even getting people "buying them" then backing out as soon as they find out they are key only.

        • +2


          Thanks, not worth for the trouble since i am no rush.

        • @typhoonadventure: do you know where are the main places people list digital versions of games for sale? I want to get some more

        • @Agret: not many mate, as mentioned digital versions are extremely undesirable.

          M$ know it, thats why they love to include them, all the people that buy digital normally buy the keys of websites where they have been bought with stolen money to launder money and sold off dirt cheap.

          So to the mind of a digital gamer, why pay money for something that they wait on the key auction sites or stolen keys website and buy for $6 EU key code from russia?

    • +1


      Just 3 days ago, why didn't you buy?

  • +2

    XBOX One S 500GB $268 if one has not used their enrolled AMEX Harvey Norman -

    FIFA 17 Console Bundle
    Halo Collection Console Bundle
    Minecraft Edition

    • +3

      Be careful about the Melbourne QV Harvey store. They know about the Amex deals and the scumbags force people to pay a $50 surcharge if we want to use Amex.

      • +5

        I think by law a merchant is required to display a sign/ printed document stating the applicable surcharge on certain credit cards?

        It would instantly be offending if a staff suddenly quotes a $50 surcharge. Like, really?

      • +1

        They know about the Amex deals and the scumbags force people to pay a $50 surcharge if we want to use Amex.

        See you, have fun not having my X-50 dollars!

      • +2

        $50 surcharge!? Who the hell would agree to that scam?

      • +4

        Go to ACCC

  • -3

    should I wait next gen xbox one? or just ps 4 pro, luks like this one is not compatible with 4k

    • depends on what game you want to play.

    • +5

      You've already waited 3 years, why not just wait for death?

      • new version xbox is coming next year

  • Would have been nice if it were an in-store deal so I could trade in my old ps4.

    • +4

      trading anything to EB Games is never a good deal, better off selling it yourself.

      • while that's good advise, if you wait until they have trade in deals and trade towards a pre order you can get a good deal. I bought Teslagrad for $9, got $22 last week trading it in

      • Not sure if its still on but a while back it was $320 + ps4 for a ps4 pro which isn't that much worse off than selling it yourself.

        • Anyone know if this deal is still on?

        • @natedogg118: it ended November 30th. It seemed like good value initially but that's only because buying the console from EB is so expensive to begin with.

          I bought the PS4 pro from "the games men" ebay during a recent ebay sale and calculated that I'd have to sell my PS4 for $180 privately and I would come out ahead of the EB deal. PS4 is easy to sell for a bit over $200 privately so that's a much better option than the EB deal.

  • Any mario maker 3ds?

    • +2

      thats all they have revealed so far, they say there will be "thousands of deals" on the day.

  • Are the xbox games hard copies or digitals?

    • bf1 and choose 1 of 4 games are digital all others physical

      • So Fifa 17 is hard copy and not Battlefield 1? Where do you find that info?

        • click on the blue link in the deal description 'Xbox One S 500GB Bundle'

        • +1

          @brandogs: Oh I get it now. But under BF1 it's actually full game downloads, so that could be applicable to Fifa 17 too I reckon.

        • +2

          @sky blu: nice pick up didnt see the plural! and it was positioned directly under battlefield!

        • @brandogs: A noob question: can you/how to sell digital copies of the games?

        • +1

          @sky blu: facebook, gumtree, ebay. If you accept paypal you can message it to them so you can cut out postage costs.

        • @brandogs: Oh okei. So digital means a code that is linked to your Microsoft account once redeemed then? (I'm only looking to get my first gaming console so really noob lol)

        • +1

          @sky blu: you can also have family sharing and share with others. Not sure how it works as I've never tried it

        • +2

          @sky blu:

          Be careful tho there's no seller protection if things go wrong on eBay/PayPal when it comes to game codes etc. Also if you do decide to go for it best bet would be to post it out with tracking as opposed to just emailing the code.

        • +1

          @dins: Thanks for the tip!

        • +2

          @dins: definitely a good tip. I got a Gtx 1080 which came with gears of war 4 code. I got the code from the website and sold it on ebay for $60. Sweet, $60 off my video card I thought.

          2 weeks later got a message from PayPal saying the buyer did a charge back for "unauthorised". They instantly denied my claim saying intangible items are not covered despite me showing like 5 pics of the video card serial, receipt, the promo website, the email to the customer, everything.

          They then stung me with a $15 fee for processing the charge back and then ebay charged me the "final sale fee" too. Ended up having a -$80 PayPal balance for a few weeks and they sent me an email threatening to take me to collections, like wtf it's not my fault I dunno why they can't sort it out.

          Thought I was saving $60 ended up having to pay PayPal $80 =/

        • +2


          Sorry to hear that champ. Plenty of scammers around when it comes to gift cards and game codes etc. They know that they can get away with it scot-free. Sadly eBay/PayPal still lets it happen and the unsuspecting buyers/sellers only find out that they are not covered when it's too late.

  • +2

    Soooo - normal price then?

    (for Pokemon)

    • +1

      $59.95 RRP pokemon is one of those games that hardly drops in price even after a year on the market.

      • +4

        Target and Big W have both had it at that price. EB should have been matching.

        • +1

          They do match but you have to ask for it. Big W and Target sales both expired.

        • +7

          Target only went as low as $49. Big W had it for $46 in its first week, but it was difficult finding stores with stock, and EB is good at realising the store you want to price match is out of stock.

        • @gilbarc: Big W was like $42.

        • @Orpheus:
          Cheaper than a preowned copy!

        • @Orpheus: Only combining with other discounts

        • +1

          @Orpheus: Big W was $46 during the first week, then has been $48 since.

        • -1

          @mikey31: Yep. That was the cheapest at $42 and available in the first week. EbGames is too slow.

  • Wish Harvey would price match the ps4
    Going to use the Amex deal. Hohoo

  • +2

    Still no bundle with FFXV… Come on

    Whoever put that up I would be buy

  • Nice find

  • Damn. I want a good deal on PS VR.

    • PS VR is unreal I have to say. Sucks that the games cost an arm and a leg tho. I reckon your best bet might be to wait for an eBay 10/20% off. Target eBay have the PS VR listed for sale I think. Also another option might be JB/Big W using those 10% off gift cards offers. Other than that the price on the units themselves don't really look like dropping any time soon.

  • Is there any deal on the PS4 4 Pro without the bundle ?
    Otherweise not sure if this is allowed but if it is, any one wants to share the purchase of the PS4 Pro Bundle and take the 4 games for the PS4 Pro Bundle cause I am not interested in these 4 games. And I will only get Ps4 Pro Console not the games. You pay for the games, I pay for the PS4 Pro Console. Let me know if any one is interested.I am from Melbourne so prefer someone locally.

  • So gears is a digital copy? Does it mean it's eligible for play anywhere on PC?

  • Thanks, I'll keep a lookout. Do you have it?

  • online onli??

  • Shipping charges are going to suck on the 30 minute deals if you want a few things throughout the day. They should list deals at the price including standard shipping to anywhere in Aus so people aren't adding it to their cays 2 just to realise $46 becomes $52 and isn't a good deal.

    EB matched $46 from Big W at launch in-store anyway

  • Should get around $100 selling the PS4 games, which would mean the Pro is $500 plus postage…. so not really a big drop compared to buying locally at RRP. If you want the games on the flipside… it's great.

  • Oh no i bought skyrim ps4 from costco for 30….not sure if I can return it.

  • -1

    Sale live at 12:00, site crashes at 12:01, site offline for most if not all of the day. Lotsa angry customers fuming at EB. It's another Black Friday PR disaster in the making. Gunna be good.

  • +1

    EB website flops and dies every single year when they do Mad Monday. Enjoy.

    • I've got a feeling this year might not be as bad, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's still a complete shitstorm. The only reason I think they might have a chance this year is because they witnessed their site completely fail when the NES mini came out only a couple of weeks back, so maybe they've finally invested in better servers. We'll see!

      My money's on it crashing.

  • Interested in a PS4 pro in this deal but as it's online I can't trade a base PS4 towards it. What's the best way to sell a base PS4?

    • Your local buy, sell, swap Facebook group would be my bet.

      I have more luck selling electronics on there than I do on Gumtree.

      • I recently sold an Xbox One (original) 500GB with a download token for BF1 for $250 in 3 hours on my local one, when I bought the One S Black Friday bundle from JB. Upgraded for $70 in the end, and got Forza 6 out of it for free too. Haha.

        • Yeah I'm interested in a Xbox one s myself purely for its 4K blue ray player, But as the Scorpio comes out next year I'm torn on if it's worth it. $350 sounds a good deal though

        • +2

          @TheHornyLlamas: I upgraded purely for the 4K player too (and HDR). I'll probably also upgrade to the Scorpio when it releases. I don't see sense in waiting for things, I just sell the old one when the new one comes out.

          Did the same for PS4, bought the original on release day in 2013, enjoyed it for 3 years, then sold it and bought the Pro on release day and now am enjoying that.

          I still think it's crazy that people are still holding off on upgrading from previous gen consoles because they're waiting for the 'perfect time', and I'm just like "bro, the perfect time was 3 years ago, hey". They've effectively lost 3 years of enjoyment in my eyes.

  • Unfortunately I doubt the prices on games will compare to the big w sale. However is this the cheapest Xbox one s available?

  • Rats. Such a great deal but just bought fifa 17 yesterday!

    Still tempted to get this and sell off the BF1 and Fifa17 codes since have both already

  • What do you think the chances are of getting a price match at jb or somewhere else in store for the Xbox bundle??

    • Probably zilch, since stores generally don't match online-only prices.

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