This was posted 8 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Origin Games 30% off Storewide. BF1 Premium Pass down to $42


Just saw a post by a fellow whirlpoolian and went to check it out.
BF1 Premium Pass down to $42

*This offer is being issued to you for promotional purposes only and does not constitute a credit, charge, debit or gift card. Offer expires december 13, 2016 8:00 am pst. Valid for new purchases from the origin store at and the origin client software ( Value of discount will be deducted from product list price at time of purchase. Excludes the sims™ 4 vintage glamour stuff pack, star wars™ the old republic™, pre-orders, select partner titles distributed by origin, virtual currency, game time codes and subscriptions. Valid wherever products are sold. Subject to availability. May not be combined with any other promotional or discount offer, unless expressly authorized by ea; may not be combined with any prepaid card redeemable for the applicable content. Offer may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. Customers are responsible for applicable sales tax. retailers, distributors and employees of electronic arts inc. and their agencies/affiliates are not eligible. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. See applicable end user license agreements and disclosures on

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closed Comments

  • BF1 premium pass ! yes bought!

  • +1

    The wall of caps is pretty hard to read… I know you're just copying and pasting OP but ye

    • +3

      Lol sorry about that - Fixed

  • -2

    Bugger all games on Origin

    • +6

      Wait, you mean a title that says "Origin", a link to Origin and a mention of Battlefield 1 means it's through Origin?

      Well I for one, am shocked.

      • +1

        I think he meant "bugger all" as in "hardly any" games you can buy on Origin

        • +1

          Probably, but I'm just getting sick of people whining about Origin. It's a decent service and was a hell of a lot better than Steam on launch. It's improving all the time.

        • +1

          @WillRay92: yeah it's better than steam in a lot of ways. I'd say the new UI is a major step backwards though, it's all web based now and the layout is just confusing to me. The old layout was mostly application based and focused more on your library. Seemed a lot faster and easier to use to me. The download speeds are always faster on Origin than Steam though.

        • @Agret: I reckon give it some time. I hated when Steam changed over UI's too but that was proven to be a much better choice.

          And yeah, much faster downloads.

        • @WillRay92:

          Friends list appears over the content unless you're at full screen is super annoying.

        • @bxpressiv: I'm not a UI designer, if you dislike something about Origin's design then maybe contact the folks over there.

        • @WillRay92: the friends list and conversations are clunky that every time you restart Origin you must click to pop them out. the my library not being the default page when the app opens is annoying, it now defaults to the store and "my library" doesn't even appear until the store page fully loads. clicking 'my library' when the app first opens has a huge wait time before your games actually come up and you can launch them compared to the old UI which was instant.

        • @Agret: Origin > Application Settings > Default Screen > Game Library.

          Still a bit of a delay, but better than the store appearing first.

      • +1

        Origin it self is alright, but when it comes to game selection….it's trash

  • Guessing it doesn't stack with ea access?

    • It does

      • Damn, I bought it with EA access as I thought no way it'd go on sale until a few DLC were out. Sucks because no content has even come out for it yet but here we are with a discount.

    • +1

      Sure does - $37.79

  • +2

    If it were me I'd put BF1 premium pass ~$42 in the title.

    • +1

      Nice. By the rules someone can post anything which isn't in the title and I think that's probably worth highlighting for people who only read the headlines.

  • Hey can anyone tell me if the player base will likely move to the expansion when it comes out?
    If there aren't enough players who will make the switch I'm not sure it's worth it, this is the first BF I have played on pc. Maybe someone who has played previous versions can help me here. cheers

    • +2

      The expansion isnt really a seperate game. It just adds new maps and weapons to the original game. If you dont have the addon you wont have access to the servers that play those maps.

      • +1

        Yes I understand this, as I paid for one expansion pack for COD bo3 and there was a serious lack of people who transferred to the new maps which meant I stayed on the original version anyway. I want to avoid this happening again before paying for dlc

        • +1

          I think there will be a reasonably high percentage that will play the new material because as I understand it it's not due until March. Free content is coming 20 Dec. So I guess it's relatively old by the paid content time and the player base will be smaller but of those remaining they're probably more willing to pay for newer content.

          That's my hypothesis anyway.

        • From my experience with BF4 you need the DLC to enjoy a decent player base. I've been playing playing BF1 for a few weeks and am starting to get a little bored of the current maps.

  • +1

    Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Does this work with VPN?

    • +3

      Yes. $39.83 SG at Singapore store = $37.37 AU. It could be cheaper at the Korean store by a dollar or two but I don't have access to a Korean server via VPN at the moment.

  • +1

    Thanks. Just got BF1 premium.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Got the BF1 Premium :)

  • anyone got any problem with BF1 high ping these days? I have just got back from EU trip for 3 weeks. Really wanna play BF1 so bad. But when I played it, my ping was 130-200. Usually 1-30 in Aus servers. my FIFA is just fine. just BF1 and BF4. :/

    wanna buy the BF1 but if its still like this, then no point to buy the premium pass. :/

  • +6

    Instructions for purchase via VPN for Singapore store.
    Pay only $39.83 SG ~ $37.37 AU

    • Go to Origin EA My Account
    • Set PayPal as Primary payment method
    • Connect to Singapore via VPN (I use PIA)
    • Navigate to Battlefield 1 Premium on Singapore store
    • Ensure sgp is in url
    • Click Buy Now
    • Enter promo code GIFTOFPLAY
    • Price should display as $39.83
    • Click pay and accept re-direct to third party mayment method
    • Once PayPal loads turn VPN off
    • Pay using a 28 Degrees or BankWest Platinum Zero credit card to avoid foreign transaction fees
    • Ensure you are paying in SGD (Singaporean Dollars)
    • Complete payment
    • Browser will return to Origin, you may receive an error
    • Wait for PayPal and Origin confirmation emails
    • You can also check your Order History
    • +2

      Thank you for this post, I was trying to do this the other day but I didn't know the method.

      BF1 standard was around $40 SGD, now it's $70 SGD and goes for roughly $48 SGD using the code. I shall just wait :)

      • +1

        I got it for about $37 AU from the Korean store during Black Friday sales.

    • +1

      PayPal should work fine through a VPN, your credentials will be safe over HTTPS as PayPal use a good cert and use hsts

  • -3

    Is the BF1 premium pass for ps4

  • Ah shit, I knew $54 wasn't that great a deal in October, why'd I jump on that…

  • -2

    Why it's not for ps4…

  • +1

    Brought BF1 Premium Pass a day before the orgin sale
    EA refunded my order
    Brought BF1 Premium Pass for second time


  • OP, you might want to add sims 4 city living expansion pack to the deal. I found out that if you VPN'ed (I used tunnelbear) to brazil, the price of the expansion is 79.90 Brazillian real - (0.3 x 79.90 Brazillian real) = 55.93 brazillian real, which is equivalent to around ~ AU $22.22 according to google. That's significantly cheaper than other places or cd keys site.

    cheers mate,

    • Did you compare to Singapore or Korea?

      • +1

        yes sir, here's the price for the regions that I've checked so far:

        • Singapore (about $AU 32.78 )
        • Canada (about $AU 28.52)
        • Korea (about $AU 30.83)
        • India (about $AU 34.8)
        • Brazil (about $AU 22.22)
        • Hong Kong (about $AU 29)

        all conversions are done using google

        • Nice work! Does Brazil use PayPal?

        • Wow such variation across games for which region is cheapest. BF1 Premium is ~$55.61 AU at the Brazil store compared to ~$37.37 AU at the Singapore store.

        • +1


          about the paypaly thing in brazil, I'm checking it right now haha, give me a minute.

          And yeah, lots of variations in prices, which is why I had to open up notepad and list the prices of Battlefield 1 premium pass before buying it:


          Battlefield 1 premium pass:

          • Mexico= $AU 46.99
          • Singapore (about $AU 37.38)
          • Canada (about $AU 46.34)
          • Korea (about $AU 37)
          • India (about $AU 41.7)

          I also checked mass effect andromeda in some regions(it has no region lock, so it's fine):

          • India (about $AU 55.7) — deluxe edition
          • canada (about $AU 64.17) — deluxe edition
          • Singapore (about $AU 59.06) — deluxe edition
        • @sween64:

          okay so, about the sims 4 city living expansion from brazil. Your question was "Does Brazil use PayPal?". Yes it does, I confirmed it just now, I don't know if it really works or not however:

          Online wallet option includes paypal checkout:

          Final checkout dialogue:

          continue to payment provider dialogue box popped up:

          Chooose paypal in the final checkout page:

          Now I'm not planning to buy the expansion though, so I don't know if it really works or not.

          Cheers mate,

        • @blue2609: How can you tell if a game is region locked? Is it on the Origin page?

        • @sween64:

          yes mate, for example this is watch dogs 2 (scroll down the image to see the red rectangle that I drew, it's the disclaimer for region lock). Bloody ubisoft always has region lock on their games to prevent people using VPN method:

          Mass Effect Andromeda/Battlefield/The sims don't have this disclaimer on their origin page. I dont know if it'll change later on for Mass Effect though, it's not even released yet.

        • @blue2609: Thanks. You're a good man!

        • +1


          More like a cheap broke ass man, but I'll take the compliment good sir!

          Cheers mate,

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