Outstanding water bill after settlement

Hi guys

I'm having an issue at the moment with water company. I moved into my townhouse 12 months ago and only recieved my first water bill after 6 months.

I noticed on the bill there was a ~$250 outstanding water usage from before settlement. Upon contacting my conveyancer they assured me that was supposed to be paid by the previous vendor.

For the past 6 months they have been trying to get him to pay (unfortunately in a nursing home and his power of attorney isn't helpful)

All the while debt collectors are just about to knock my door down!

Where do I go from here?



  • +1

    You have a bad solicitor. It should have been built into your settlement price.

  • As above.

    Best to just pay it and move on or chase your conveyance for reimbursement

    • Yeah I'll do that, I think.

      How do I go about getting the money from my conveyancer? I feel like asking politely won't work!

      • Write him/her an email/letter stating it is part of the services you contracted for for them to have any outstanding utility bills in previous owner name to paid in full upon day of settlement and failure to do so has resulted in you having to pay the water bill for previous owner.

        If they belong to a industry body/accreditation body, advise them you will lodge a complaint if they do not correct this by reimbursing you.

        Don't send the bill to them cause if they do nothing with it you will have debt collectors still chasing you and probably a default on your credit file

  • Even if you were responsible for the debt, you have rights, you can ask the debt collectors to not come to your house, and stop calling you. Since you are not responsible for the debt, tell them not to contact you at all as its not your problem. Find out what company they work for, and start calling their boss or complaints, and complain about them. I think there is a government agency you can report this kind of harassment to as well.

  • That's what you are paying the solicitor for - all this should have been done prior to settlement.

    My advice is to tell the debt collectors to 1) Either go to your solicitor 2) Go to the power of attorney 3) Or the guy who is in the nursing home.

    My last word to the debt collector would be that it's not your bill, you aren't responsible for it, and if they call you again you'll be taking the matter up with the Ombudsman.

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